< Ezekiel 36 >

1 And you O son of humankind prophesy to [the] mountains of Israel and you will say O mountains of Israel hear [the] word of Yahweh.
Og du Menneskesøn! spaa imod Israels Bjerge og sig: I Israels Bjerge! hører Herrens Ord!
2 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh because he has said the enemy on you aha! and [the] high places of antiquity a possession it has become of us.
Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Fordi Fjenden sagde: Ha, ha! over eder, og: De evige Høje ere blevne os til Ejendom!
3 Therefore prophesy and you will say thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh because by cause to desolate and to crush you from round about to be you a possession of [the] rest of the nations and you have been taken up on a lip of a tongue and [the] whispering of [the] people.
derfor spaa, og sig: Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Fordi, ja, fordi man ødelægger og søger at opsluge eder trindt omkring fra, for at I kunne vorde en Ejendom for Levningen af Hedningerne, og fordi I ere komne paa Læber og Tunger og i ondt Rygte iblandt Folk,
4 Therefore O mountains of Israel hear [the] word of [the] Lord Yahweh thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh to the mountains and to the hills to the ravines and to the valleys and to the waste places desolate and to the cities forsaken which they have become spoil and mockery to [the] rest of the nations which [are] from round about.
derfor, Israels Bjerge, hører den Herres, Herrens Ord: Saa siger den Herre, Herre til Bjergene og til Højene, til Strømmene og til Dalene, til de ødelagte Ørkener og til de forladte Stæder, som ere blevne Levningerne af de omkringboende Hedninger til Rov og til Spot.
5 Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh if not in [the] fire of jealousy my I have spoken on [the] rest of the nations and on Edom all of it which they made land my - for themselves into a possession with joy of every heart with scorn of self so that pastureland its [becomes] spoil.
Derfor, saa siger den Herre, Herre: Sandelig, jeg har talt i min brændende Nidkærhed imod Levningen af Hedningerne og imod det ganske Edom, hvilke selv have givet sig mit Land til Ejendom med Glæde af fuldt Hjerte, med Haan ud af Sjælen, for at rane det som et Bytte.
6 Therefore prophesy on [the] land of Israel and you will say to the mountains and to the hills to the ravines and to the valleys thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh here I in jealousy my and in rage my I have spoken because [the] insult[s] of nations you have borne.
Derfor spaa om Israels Land og sig til Bjergene og til Højene, til Strømmene og til Dalene: Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Se, i min Nidkærhed og min Harme har jeg talt, efterdi I have baaret Hedningernes Forhaanelse,
7 Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh I I lift up hand my if not the nations which to you [are] from round about they insult[s] their they will bear.
derfor, saa siger den Herre, Herre: Jeg har opløftet min Haand paa, at Hedningerne, som ere trindt omkring eder, selv skulle bære deres Forhaanelse.
8 And you O mountains of Israel branch[es] your you will extend and fruit your you will bear for people my Israel for they have brought near to come.
Men I, Israels Bjerge! skulle udskyde eders Grene og bære eders Frugt for mit Folk Israel; thi de ere nær ved at komme frem.
9 For here I [am] with you and I will turn to you and you will be tilled and you will be sown.
Thi se, jeg kommer til eder og vender mit Ansigt til eder, og I skulle dyrkes og besaas.
10 And I will multiply on you human[s] all [the] house of Israel all of it and they will be inhabited the cities and the waste places they will be rebuilt.
Og jeg vil gøre Menneskene paa eder mangfoldige, hele Israels Hus alt sammen, og Stæderne skulle blive beboede, og de ødelagte Stæder skulle opbygges.
11 And I will multiply on you human[s] and animal[s] and they will increase and they will be fruitful and I will cause to dwell you like former state your and I will do good more than beginnings your and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Ja, jeg vil gøre Mennesker og Kvæg paa eder mangfoldige, og de skulle formere sig og være frugtbare; og jeg vil lade eder blive beboede som i eders gamle Tider og gøre eder mere godt end i eders første Tider; og I skulle fornemme, at jeg er Herren.
12 And I will cause to walk on you human[s] people my Israel and they will dispossess you and you will become of them an inheritance and not you will repeat again to bereave them.
Og jeg vil lade Mennesker, mit Folk Israel, vandre paa eder, og de skulle eje dig, og du skal være dem til Arv, og du skal ikke blive ved at gøre dem barnløse.
13 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh because [people are] saying to you [are] devouring human[s] (you *Q(K)*) and bereaving (nations your *Q(K)*) you have been.
Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Efterdi de sige til eder: Du har fortæret Mennesker, og du har gjort dine Folk Ramløse,
14 Therefore human[s] not you will devour again (and nations your *Q(K)*) not (you will bereave *Q(K)*) again [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
derfor skal du ikke ydermere fortære Mennesker og ej ydermere bringe dit Folk til at falde, siger den Herre, Herre.
15 And not I will make heard to you again [the] insult[s] of the nations and [the] reproach of peoples not you will bear again (and nations your *Q(K)*) not you will cause to stumble again [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Og jeg vil ikke ydermere lade dig høre Hedningernes Bespottelse, og du skal ikke ydermere bære Folkenes Forhaanelse og ikke ydermere bringe dine Folk til at falde, siger den Herre, Herre.
16 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Og Herrens Ord kom til mig saaledes:
17 O son of humankind [the] house of Israel [were] dwelling on own land their and they made unclean it by conduct their and by practices their like [the] uncleanness of menstruation it was conduct their before me.
Du Menneskesøn! Israels Hus boede i deres Land, og de besmittede det ved deres Vej og ved deres Gerninger; som Urenheds Besmittelse var deres Vej for mit Ansigt.
18 And I poured out rage my on them on the blood which they had poured out on the land and by idols their they made unclean it.
Og jeg udøste min Vrede over dem for det Blods Skyld, som de havde udøst i Landet, og fordi de havde besmittet det ved deres Afguder.
19 And I scattered them among the nations and they were dispersed among the lands according to conduct their and according to practices their I judged them.
Og jeg adspredte dem iblandt Hedningerne, og de bleve udstrøede i Landene; jeg dømte dem efter deres Vej og efter deres Gerninger.
20 And it came to the nations where they went there and they profaned [the] name of holiness my when said of them [are] [the] people of Yahweh these and from land his they have come out.
Og der de vare komne til Hedningerne, hvorhen de kom, da vanhelligede de mit hellige Navn, at man sagde om dem: Disse ere Herrens Folk, og de ere uddragne af hans Land.
21 And I showed pity on [the] name of holiness my which they had profaned it [the] house of Israel among the nations where they had gone there towards.
Men det gjorde mig ondt for mit hellige Navns Skyld, hvilket Israels Hus vanhelligede iblandt Hedningerne, hvor de kom hen.
22 Therefore say to [the] house of Israel thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh not for sake your I [am] about to act O house of Israel that except for [the] name of holiness my which you have profaned among the nations where you have gone there.
Derfor sig til Israels Hus: Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Jeg gør det ikke for eders Skyld, Israels Hus! men for mit hellige Navns Skyld, hvilket I have vanhelliget iblandt Hedningerne, hvor I kom hen.
23 And I will show holy name my great that has been] profaned among the nations which you have profaned in midst of them and they will know the nations that I [am] Yahweh [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh when I show holy myself by you to eyes their.
Og jeg vil helliggøre mit store Navn, som er vanhelliget iblandt Hedningerne, hvilket I have vanhelliget midt iblandt dem; og Hedningerne skulle fornemme, at jeg er Herren, siger den Herre, Herre, naar jeg helliggør mig paa eder for deres Øjne.
24 And I will take you from the nations and I will gather you from all the lands and I will bring you into own land your.
Og jeg vil tage eder fra Hedningerne og samle eder ud fra alle Landene og lade eder komme til eders Land.
25 And I will sprinkle on you water pure and you will be pure from all uncleanness your and from all idols your I will purify you.
Og jeg vil stænke rent Vand over eder, og I skulle blive rene; fra alle eders Urenheder og fra alle eders Afguder vil jeg rense eder.
26 And I will give to you a heart new and a spirit new I will put in inner being your and I will remove [the] heart of stone from flesh your and I will give to you a heart of flesh.
Og jeg vil give eder et nyt Hjerte og give en ny Aand inden i eder, og jeg vil borttage Stenhjertet af eders Kød og give eder et Kødhjerte.
27 And spirit my I will put in inner being your and I will bring about this: in statutes my you will walk and judgments my you will keep and you will do [them].
Og jeg vil sende min Aand inden i eder og gøre, at I skulle vandre efter mine Skikke og holde mine Bud og gøre hefter dem.
28 And you will dwell in the land which I gave to ancestors your and you will become for me a people and I I will become for you God.
Og I skulle bo i Landet, som jeg har givet eders Fædre, og I skulle være mit Folk, og jeg vil være eders Gud.
29 And I will save you from all uncleanness your and I will summon the grain and I will increase it and not I will give to you famine.
Og jeg vil holde eder fri fra alle eders Urenheder, og jeg vil kalde paa Kornet og gøre det mangfoldigt og ikke sende Hunger over eder.
30 And I will increase [the] fruit of the tree and [the] produce of the field so that that not you may receive again [the] reproach of famine among the nations.
Og jeg vil gøre Frugten paa Træerne og Grøden paa Marken mangfoldig, paa det I ikke ydermere skulle tage imod Forhaanelse for Hungers Skyld iblandt Hedningerne.
31 And you will remember ways your evil and deeds your which not [were] good and you will loathe faces your on iniquities your and on abominations your.
Da skulle I komme eders onde Veje i Hu og eders Idrætter, som ikke vare gode, og I skulle væmmes over eder selv for eders Misgerninger og for eders Vederstyggeligheder,
32 Not for sake your I [am] about to act [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh let it be known to you be ashamed and be humiliated from ways your O house of Israel.
At jeg ikke gør dette for eders Skyld, siger den Herre, Herre, det være eder kundgjort; blues og skammer eder over eders Veje, I af Israels Hus!
33 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh on [the] day cleanse I you from all iniquities your and I will cause to be inhabited the cities and they will be rebuilt the waste places.
Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Paa den Dag jeg renser eder fra alle eders Misgerninger, da vil jeg lade Stæderne blive beboede og de øde Steder blive bebyggede.
34 And the land desolated it will be tilled in place of that it was a desolation to [the] eyes of every [one who] passes by.
Og Landet, som var lagt øde, skal dyrkes, i Stedet for at det laa øde for hvers Øjne, som gik igennem det.
35 And people will say the land this desolated it has become like [the] garden of Eden and the cities wasted and desolated and broken down [are] fortified they have remained.
Og man skal sige: Dette Land, som var ødelagt, er blevet som Edens Have, og de øde og de ødelagte og de nedbrudte Stæder ere blevne befæstede og beboede.
36 And they will know the nations which they will be left around you that - I Yahweh I have rebuilt the broken down [cities] I have planted the desolated [places] I Yahweh I have spoken and I will act.
Og Hedningerne, som blive tilovers trindt omkring eder, skulle fornemme, at jeg Herren, jeg har bygget det nedbrudte, beplantet det ødelagte, jeg Herren, jeg har talt og gjort det.
37 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh again this I will let myself be sought by [the] house of Israel to act for them I will increase them like flock human[s].
Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Jeg vil endnu i dette Stykke lade mig søges af Israels Hus, at jeg gør dette ved dem: Jeg vil gøre dem mangfoldige med Mennesker, som var det en Faarehjord.
38 Like sheep of holiness like [the] sheep of Jerusalem at appointed times its so they will be the cities wasted full of flock[s] of human[s] and they will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Som en hellig Hjord, som en Hjord i Jerusalem paa dens Højtider, saaledes skulle de øde Stæder blive fulde af Menneskehjorde, og de skulle fornemme, at jeg er Herren.

< Ezekiel 36 >