< Ezekiel 35 >

1 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
त्‍यसपछि परमप्रभुको वचन यसो भनेर मकहाँ आयो,
2 O son of humankind set face your on [the] mountain of Seir and prophesy on it.
“ए मानिसको छोरो, सेइर पर्वतको विरुद्धमा आफ्‍नो मुख फर्का र त्यसको विरुद्धमा अगमवाणी गर् ।
3 And you will say to it thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh here I [am] against you O mountain of Seir and I will stretch out hand my on you and I will make you a desolation and a waste.
त्यसलाई भन्, ‘परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ: हेर्, सेइर पर्वत, म तेरो विरुद्धमा छु, र तँलाई म आफ्‍नो हातले प्रहार गर्नेछु र तँलाई निर्जन र उजाड बनाउनेछु ।
4 Cities your a ruin I will make and you a desolation you will be and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
तेरा सहरहरूलाई म भग्‍नावशेष बनाउनेछु, र तँ आफैचाहिं उजाड हुनेछस् । तब म नै परमप्रभु हुँ भनी तैंले जान्‍नेछस् ।
5 Because belonged to you enmity of antiquity and you poured [the] people of Israel over [the] hands of [the] sword at [the] time of disaster their at a time of punishment of [the] end.
किनभने तैंले सधैं इस्राएलका मानिसहरूसँग शत्रुतापूर्ण व्यवहार गरिस्, र किनभने तिनीहरूका निराशाको समयमा, र तिनीहरूका ठुलो दण्‍डको समयमा तैंले तिनीहरूलाई तरवारको हातहरूमा सुम्पिस् ।
6 Therefore [by] [the] life of me [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh that to blood I will appoint you and blood it will pursue you if not blood you have hated and blood it will pursue you.
यसकारण, यो परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरको घोषणा हो, जस्‍तो म जीवित छु, म तँलाई रक्तपातको निम्ति तयार गर्नेछु, र रक्तपातले तँलाई खेद्‍नेछ । तैंले रक्तपातलाई घृणा नगरेको कारणले रक्तपात तँलाई खेद्‍नेछ ।
7 And I will make [the] mountain of Seir into a desolation and a desolation and I will cut off from it [one who] passes through and [one who] returns.
सेइर पर्वतको नजिकबाट जाने र फेरि फर्किने कुनै पनि व्‍यक्‍तिलाई जब म हटाउँछु तब म त्यसलाई पूरा उजाड बनाउनेछु ।
8 And I will fill mountains its slain [ones] its hills your and valleys your and all ravines your [those] slain of a sword they will fall in them.
मारिएकाहरूले म त्यसका पर्वतहरूलाई भरिदिनेछु । तरवारद्वारा मारिएकाहरूचाहिं तेरा अग्ला पहाडहरू र बेसीहरू र तेरा सबै खोलाहरूमा ढल्‍नेछन् ।
9 Desolations of perpetuity I will make you and cities your not (they will return *Q(K)*) and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
तँलाई म सधैंको निम्ति उजाड बनाउनेछु । तेरा सहरहरूमा कोही बास गर्नेछैनन्, तर म नै परमप्रभु हुँ भनी तैंले जान्‍नेछस् ।
10 Because saying you [the] two the nations and [the] two the lands to me they will belong and we will take possession of it and Yahweh there he was.
तैंले यसो भनेको छस्, “यी दुई जाति र यी दुई देश मेरा हुनेछन्, र हामी तीमाथि अधिकार गर्नेछौं ।” तापनि परमप्रभु तिनीहरूसँग हुनुभयो ।
11 Therefore [by] [the] life of me [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh and I will act according to anger your and according to jealousy your which you did from hatred your with them and I will make myself known among them when I will judge you.
यसकारण यो परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरको घोषणा हो, जस्‍तो म जीवित छु, इस्राएलको बारेमा तेरो घृणामा भएको तेरो डाहअनुसार र तेरो रिसअनुसार म व्यवहार गर्नेछु, र मैले तेरो न्याय गर्दा म आफैलाई तिनीहरूकहाँ प्रकट गर्नेछु ।
12 And you will know that I Yahweh I have heard - all insults your which you have said on [the] mountains of Israel saying - (they have been desolated *Q(K)*) to us they have been given for devouring.
यसरी म परमप्रभु हुँ भनी तैंले जान्‍नेछस् । तैंले इस्राएलका पर्वतहरूको विरुद्धमा सबै अपमान्‌साथ यसो भन्‍दा, “तिनीहरू नष्‍ट भएका छन्, र तिनीहरूलाई सखाप पार्न हामीलाई सुम्पिएको छ,” मैले सुनेको छु ।
13 And you have magnified yourselves on me with mouth your and you have multiplied on me words your I I have heard.
तैंले जे भनिस् त्‍यसले तैंले आफैलाई मेरो विरुद्ध उचालिस्, र मेरो विरुद्धमा तैंले भनेका कुरामा तैंले धेरै बढाइस् । अनि मैले ती सबै सुनें ।
14 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh when rejoices all the earth desolation I will make for you.
परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ: सारा पृथ्वीले खुशी मनाइरहँदा म तँलाई उजाड बनाउनेछु ।
15 According to rejoicing your to [the] inheritance of [the] house of Israel on that it had been desolated so I will do to you a desolation you will be O mountain of Seir and all Edom all of it and they will know that I [am] Yahweh.
इस्राएलका मानिसको उत्तराधिकार उजाड भएको हुनाले जसरी तँ आनन्‍दित भइस्, तँलाई म त्यस्तै गर्नेछु । ए सेइर पर्वत, र सारा एदोम, तिमीहरू उजाड हुनेछस् । तब म परमप्रभु हुँ भनी तिनीहरूले जान्‍नेछन् ।’”

< Ezekiel 35 >