< Ezekiel 34 >

1 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Kisha neno la Yahwe likanijia, kusema,
2 O son of humankind prophesy on [the] shepherds of Israel prophesy and you will say to them to the shepherds thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh woe to! [the] shepherds of Israel who they have been shepherding themselves ¿ not the flock will they shepherd the shepherds.
“Mwanadamu, tabiri dhidi ya wachungaji wa Israeli. Toa unabii na waambie, 'Bwana Yahwe asema hivi kwa wachungaji: Ole kwa wachungaji wa Israeli wanaojilisha wenyewe. Je! wachungaji hawapaswi kulilinda kundi?
3 The fat you eat and the wool you clothe yourselves the fat [sheep] you slaughter the flock not you shepherd.
Mnakula mafungu yaliyonona na mnavaa sufu. Mnawachinja walionona. Hamkuwalisha siku zote.
4 The weak [ones] not you have strengthened and the sick [one] not you have healed and the broken [one] not you have bound up and the strayed [one] not you have brought back and the lost [one] not you have sought and with force you have ruled them and with harshness.
Hamkuwatia nguvu wagonjwa, wala hamkuwaponya wenye maradhi. Hamkuwafungua wale waliovunjika, hamkuwarudisha waliofukuzwa au kuwatafuta waliopotea. Badala yake, mmetawala juu yao kwa nguvu na vurugu.
5 And they have been scattered because not a shepherd and they have become food for every animal of the field and they have been scattered.
Kisha walikuwa wametawanyika bila mchungaji, na wakawa chakula kwa wanyama wote waishio katika mashamba, walipokuwa wametawanyika.
6 They wander flock my on all the mountains and on every hill high and over all [the] surface of the earth they have been scattered flock my and there not [is one who] searches and there not [is one who] seeks.
Kundi langu limetawanyika juu ya milima yote na juu ya kilima kirefu, na limetawanyika juu ya uso wote wa dunia. Wala hakuna anayewatafua.
7 Therefore O shepherds hear [the] word of Yahweh.
Kwa hiyo, wachungaji, sikilizeni neno la Yahwe:
8 [by] [the] life Of me [the] utterance of - [the] Lord Yahweh if not because has become flock my - prey and they have become flock my food for every animal of the field from not shepherd and not they have searched for shepherds my flock my and they have shepherded the shepherds themselves and flock my not they have shepherded.
Kama niishivyo-hivi ndivyo Bwana Yahwe asemavyo-kwa sababu kundi langu limekuwa mateka na chakula kwa ajili ya wanyama katika mashamba, kwa sababu hapakuwa na mchungaji yeyote, lakini wachungaji walijilisha wenyewe na hawakulisha kundi langu.
9 Therefore O shepherds hear [the] word of Yahweh.
Kwa hiyo, wachungaji, lisikilizeni neno la Yahwe:
10 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh here I [am] against the shepherds and I will seek flock my from hand their and I will cause to cease them from shepherding a flock and not they will shepherd again the shepherds themselves and I will deliver flock my from mouth their and not they will become for them food.
Bwana Yahwe asema hivi: Tazama! Niko juu ya wachungaji, na nitalitaka kundi langu kutoka mkononi mwake. Kisha nitawaachisha kutoka kulichunga kundi; wala wachungaji hawatajilisha wenyewe tena kwa kuwa nitaliondoa kundi langu kutoka midomoni mwao, ili kwamba kundi langu lisiwe chakula kwa ajili yao tena.
11 For thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh here [am] I I and I will search for flock my and I will seek them.
Kwa kuwa Bwana Yahwe asema hivi: Tazama! mimi mwenyewe nitawatafuta kondoo wangu na kuwaulizia,
12 Like [the] seeking of a shepherd flock his on [the] day is he in among flock his separated so I will seek flock my and I will deliver them from all the places where they were scattered there on a day of cloud and thick darkness.
kama mchungaji atafutaye kundi lake juu ya siku hiyo yupo ndani ya kundi lake lililotawanyika. Hivyo nitalitafuta kundi langu, na nitalichunga kutoka sehemu lilipokuwa limetawanyika siku ya mawingu na giza.
13 And I will bring out them from the peoples and I will gather them from the lands and I will bring them to own land their and I will shepherd them to [the] mountains of Israel in the ravines and in all [the] habitable places of the land.
Kisha nitalileta kutoka miongoni mwa watu; nitalikusanya kutoka nchi mbali mbali na kulileta kwenye nchi yao. Nitaliweka kwenye malisho juu ya pande za milima ya Israeli, karibu na vijito, na katika kila makazi katika nchi.
14 In pasture good I will shepherd them and on [the] mountains of [the] height of Israel it will be pastureland their there they will lie down in pastureland good and pasture rich they will graze to [the] mountains of Israel.
Nitawaweka kwenye malisho mema; juu ya milima ya Israeli itakuwa sehemu za malisho yao. Watalala chini huko katika sehemu nzuri kwa ajili ya malisho, katika malisho mengi, na watalisha juu ya milima ya Israeli.
15 I I will shepherd flock my and I I will make lie down them [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Mimi mwenyewe nitachunga kondoo wangu, na mimi mwenyewe nitawalaza chini-hivi ndivyo Bwana Yahwe
16 The lost [one] I will seek and the strayed [one] I will bring back and the broken [one] I will bind up and the sick [one] I will make strong and the fat [one] and the strong [one] I will destroy I will shepherd it with justice.
asemavyo-Nitawatafuta waliopotea nitawarudisha waliofukuzwa. Nitawafunga waliovunjika na kuwaponya kondoo waliougua lakini wanene na wenye nguvu nitawaharibu. Nitawalisha kwa haki.
17 And you O flock my thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh here I [am] about to judge between a sheep and a sheep and rams and male goats.
Hivyo sasa ninyi, kundi langu-hivi ndivyo Bwana Yahwe asemavyo-tazama, nitakuwa hakimu kati ya kondoo na kondoo na kati ya kondoo dume na mbuzi dume.
18 ¿ [too] little For you [is] the pasture good [which] you are grazing and [the] rest of pasture your you are trampling with feet your and clearness of waters [which] you are drinking and those [which] are left with feet your you are fouling!
Je! haitoshi kulisha juu ya malisho mazuri, ambayo mtayakanyaga chini kwa miguu yenu kile kilichobakia kwenye malisho; na kunywa kutoka maji masafi, ambayo hakuna budi kuikanyaga mito kwa miguu yenu?
19 And flock my [the] trampling place of feet your they will graze and [the] befouled thing of feet your they will drink.
Kondoo zangu zitakula kile mlichokanyagwa kwa miguu yenu, na kunywa maji yale mliyoyakanyaga kwa miguu yenu?
20 Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh to them here [am] I I and I will judge between a sheep fat and between a sheep lean.
Kwa hiyo Bwana Yahwe anawaambia hivi; Tazama! Mimi mwenyewe nitahukumu kati ya wanene na waliokonda,
21 Because with side and with shoulder you push and with horns your you thrust at all the weak [ones] until that you have scattered them to the outside.
Kwa kuwa mmewasukuma kwa ubavu wenu na mabega, na kuwapiga kwa pembe wadhaifu wote kwa pembe zenu hadi mtakapowatawanya mbali kutoka kwenye nchi.
22 And I will save flock my and not they will become again prey and I will judge between a sheep and a sheep.
Nitaliokoa kundi langu na hawatakuwa mateka tena, na nitahukumu kati ya kondoo mmoja na mwingine!
23 And I will raise up over them a shepherd one and he will shepherd them servant my David he he will shepherd them and he he will become for them a shepherd.
Nitaweka juu yao mchungaji mmoja, mtumishi wangu Daudi. Atawachunga, atawalisha, na atakuwa mchungaji wao.
24 And I Yahweh I will become for them God and servant my David [will be] prince in midst of them I Yahweh I have spoken.
Kwa kuwa mimi, Yahwe, nitakuwa Mungu wao, na mtumishi wangu Daudi atakuwa mkuu kati yao-mimi, Yahwe, nimesema hivi.
25 And I will make to them a covenant of peace and I will cause to cease animal[s] wild from the land and they will dwell in the wilderness to security and they will sleep in the forests.
Kisha nitafanya agano la amani pamoja nao na kuwaondoa wanyama waovu kutoka kwenye nchi, ili kwamba waishi salama katika jangwa na walale salama katika misitu.
26 And I will make them and around hill my a blessing and I will bring down the rain at appropriate time its rains of blessing they will be.
Pia nitaleta baraka juu yao na juu ya maeneo yazungukao kilima changu, kwa kuwa nitaleta manyunyu kwa wakati wake. Haya yatakuwa manyunyu ya baraka.
27 And it will give [the] tree[s] of the field fruit its and the land it will give produce its and they will be on own land their to security and they will know that I [am] Yahweh when break I [the] bars of yoke their and I will deliver them from [the] hand of those [who] labored by them.
Kisha miti ya shambani itazaa matunda yake, na dunia itashindwa kuzaa matunda yake. Kondoo wangu watakuwa salama katika nchi yao; kisha watajua ya kwamba mimi ni Yahwe, wakati nitakazipovunja fito za kongwa zao, na wakati nitakapowalinda kutoka kwenye mkono wa wale walio watumikisha.
28 And not they will be again spoil for the nations and [the] animal[s] of the land not it will devour them and they will dwell to security and there not [will be one who] terrifies.
Hawatakuwa mateka tena kwa mataifa, na wanyama pori juu ya dunia hawatawameza tena. Kwa kuwa wataishi salama na wala hakuna mtu atakayewatia hofu.
29 And I will establish for them a planting place for name and not they will be again [those] gathered of famine in the land and not they will bear again [the] insult of the nations.
Kwa kuwa nitatengeneza sehemu ya kulimia nzuri kwa ajili yao hivyo hawataangamia kwa njaa katika nchi, na mataifa hayataleta matukano juu ya yao.
30 And they will know that I Yahweh God their [am] with them and they [are] people my [the] house of Israel [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Kisha watajua kwamba mimi, Yahwe Mungu wao, niko pamoja nao. Ni watu wangu, nyumba ya Israeli-hivi ndivyo Bwana Mungu asemavyo.
31 And you [are] flock my [the] flock of pasture my human[s] you I [am] God your [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Kwa kuwa ninyi ni kondoo wangu, kundi la malisho yangu, na watu wangu, na mimi ni Mungu wenu-hivi ndivyo Bwana Mungu asemavyo.”

< Ezekiel 34 >