< Ezekiel 30 >

1 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
E veiu a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
2 O son of humankind prophesy and you will say thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh wail alas! for the day.
Filho do homem, prophetiza, e dize: Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Uivae: Ah! aquelle dia!
3 For [is] near a day and [is] near a day of Yahweh a day of cloud[s] a time of nations it will be.
Porque já está perto o dia, já está perto, digo, o dia do Senhor: dia nublado: o tempo dos gentios será.
4 And it will come a sword on Egypt and it will be anguish on Cush when fall [the] slain in Egypt and people will take away wealth its and they will be torn down foundations its.
E espada virá ao Egypto, e haverá grande dôr na Ethiopia, quando cairem os traspassados no Egypto; e tomarão a sua multidão, e quebrar-se-hão os seus fundamentos.
5 Cush and Put and Lud and every foreigner and Libya and [the] sons of [the] land of the covenant with them by the sword they will fall.
Ethiopia, e Put, e Lud, e toda a mistura de gente, e Cub, e os filhos da terra do concerto, com elles cairão á espada.
6 Thus he says Yahweh and they will fall [the] supporters of Egypt and it will come down [the] pride of strength its from Migdol Syene by the sword they will fall in it [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Assim diz o Senhor: Tambem cairão os que o Egypto sustem, e descerá a soberba de seu poder: desde a torre de Sevene n'elle cairão á espada, diz o Senhor Jehovah.
7 And they will be desolate in midst of lands made desolate and cities its in midst of cities made waste they will be.
E serão assolados no meio das terras assoladas; e as suas cidades estarão no meio das cidades desertas.
8 And they will know that I [am] Yahweh when put I fire in Egypt and they will be broken all helpers its.
E saberão que eu sou o Senhor, quando eu puzer fogo ao Egypto, e forem quebrados todos os que lhe davam auxilio.
9 On the day that they will go out messengers from to before me in the ships to make tremble Cush security and it will be anguish on them on [the] day of Egypt for there! [it is] coming.
N'aquelle dia sairão mensageiros de diante de mim em navios, para espantarem a Ethiopia descuidada; e haverá n'elles grandes dôres, como no dia do Egypto; porque, eis que já vem
10 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh and I will put an end to [the] multitude of Egypt by [the] hand of Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon.
Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Eu pois farei cessar a multidão do Egypto, por mão de Nabucodonozor, rei de Babylonia.
11 He and people his with him ruthless [ones] of nations [will be] brought to destroy the land and they will draw swords their on Egypt and they will fill the land [the] slain.
Elle e o seu povo com elle, os mais formidaveis das nações, serão levados para destruirem a terra; e desembainharão as suas espadas contra o Egypto, e encherão a terra de traspassados.
12 And I will make canals dry ground and I will sell the land in [the] hand of wicked [people] and I will devastate [the] land and what fills it by [the] hand of strangers I Yahweh I have spoken.
E os rios farei seccos, e venderei a terra á mão dos maus, e assolarei a terra e a sua plenitude pela mão dos estranhos; eu, o Senhor, o fallei.
13 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh and I will destroy idols and I will cause to cease worthless idols from Memphis and a prince from [the] land of Egypt not he will be again and I will put fear in [the] land of Egypt.
Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Tambem destruirei os idolos, e farei cessar as imagens de Noph: e não haverá mais um principe da terra do Egypto; e porei o temor na terra do Egypto.
14 And I will devastate Pathros and I will put fire in Zoan and I will bring about judgments on Thebes.
E assolarei a Pathros, e porei fogo a Zoan, e executarei juizos em No.
15 And I will pour out rage my on Sin [the] stronghold of Egypt and I will cut off [the] multitude of Thebes.
E derramarei o meu furor sobre Sin, a força do Egypto, e exterminarei a multidão de No.
16 And I will put fire in Egypt surely (it will writhe in agony *Q(k)*) Sin and Thebes it is [about] to be broken into and Memphis distress of daytime.
E porei fogo no Egypto; Sin terá grande dôr, e No será fendida, e Noph terá angustias quotidianas.
17 [the] young men of On and Pi-beseth by the sword they will fall and they [fem] in captivity they will go.
Os mancebos de Aven e Pibeseth cairão á espada, e as moças irão em captiveiro.
18 And in Tahpanhes it will withhold the day when break I there [the] yoke-bars of Egypt and it will cease in it [the] pride of strength its it a cloud it will cover it and daughters its in captivity they will go.
E em Tahpanes se escurecerá o dia, quando eu quebrar ali os jugos do Egypto, e n'ella cessar a soberba da sua força: uma nuvem a cobrirá, e suas filhas irão em captiveiro.
19 And I will bring about judgments on Egypt and they will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Assim executarei juizos no Egypto, e saberão que eu sou o Senhor.
20 And it was in one [plus] ten year in the first [month] on [day] seven of the month it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
E succedeu que, no anno undecimo, no mez primeiro, aos sete do mez, veiu a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
21 O son of humankind [the] arm of Pharaoh [the] king of Egypt I have broken and there! not it has been bound up to give healing to put a bandage to bind up it to be strong it to wield the sword.
Filho do homem, eu quebrei o braço de Pharaó, rei do Egypto, e eis que não será atado com emplastos, nem lhe porão uma ligadura para o atar, para o esforçar, para que pegue na espada.
22 Therefore thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh here I [am] against Pharaoh [the] king of Egypt and I will break arms his the strong [one] and the broken [one] and I will make fall the sword from hand his.
Portanto assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Eis que eu estou contra Pharaó, rei do Egypto, e quebrarei os seus braços, assim o forte como o quebrado, e farei cair da sua mão a espada.
23 And I will scatter Egypt among the nations and I will disperse them among the lands.
E espalharei os egypcios entre as nações, e os espalharei pelas terras.
24 And I will make strong [the] arms of [the] king of Babylon and I will put sword my in hand his and I will break [the] arms of Pharaoh and he will groan [the] groans of [one] fatally wounded before him.
E esforçarei os braços do rei de Babylonia, e darei a minha espada na sua mão; porém quebrarei os braços de Pharaó, e diante d'elle gemerá como geme o traspassado.
25 And I will strengthen [the] arms of [the] king of Babylon and [the] arms of Pharaoh they will fall and they will know that I [am] Yahweh when put I sword my in [the] hand of [the] king of Babylon and he will stretch out it against [the] land of Egypt.
Esforçarei, digo, os braços do rei de Babylonia, mas os braços de Pharaó cairão; e saberão que eu sou o Senhor, quando eu metter a minha espada na mão do rei de Babylonia, e elle a estender sobre a terra do Egypto
26 And I will scatter Egypt among the nations and I will disperse them among the lands and they will know that I [am] Yahweh.
E espalharei os egypcios entre as nações, e os espalharei pelas terras: assim saberão que eu sou o Senhor.

< Ezekiel 30 >