< Ezekiel 14 >

1 And he came to me men from [the] elders of Israel and they sat down before me.
Beberapa orang dari pemimpin bangsa Israel datang kepadaku untuk menanyakan kehendak TUHAN.
2 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Lalu berkatalah TUHAN kepadaku,
3 O son of humankind the men these they have brought up idols their on heart their and [the] stumbling block of iniquity their they have put before faces their ¿ really will I let myself be consulted by them.
"Hai manusia fana, orang-orang ini telah mempercayakan dirinya kepada berhala sehingga mereka terjerumus ke dalam dosa. Masakan Aku mau ditanyai oleh mereka?
4 Therefore speak with them and you will say to them thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh a person a person from [the] house of Israel who he will bring up idols his to heart his and [the] stumbling block of iniquity his he will put before face his and he will go to the prophet I Yahweh I will let myself give an answer to him (he came *Q(K)*) by [the] multitude of idols his.
Sebab itu, katakanlah kepada mereka bahwa Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berpesan begini, 'Setiap orang Israel yang telah mempercayakan dirinya kepada berhala dan membiarkan dirinya terjerumus ke dalam dosa, lalu datang untuk minta nasihat kepada seorang nabi, akan Kujawab sendiri dengan jawaban yang selayaknya bagi berhala-berhalanya yang banyak itu!
5 So as to capture [the] house of Israel by heart their who they have become estranged from with me by idols their all of them.
Semua berhala itu telah menjauhkan umat-Ku daripada-Ku, tetapi mudah-mudahan dengan jawaban-Ku itu umat-Ku akan kembali kepada-Ku.'
6 Therefore say - to [the] house of Israel thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh turn back and turn away from with idols your and from with all abominations your turn away faces your.
Beritahukanlah juga kepada orang Israel bahwa Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata kepada mereka, 'Bertobatlah dari dosa-dosamu, dan tinggalkanlah berhala-berhalamu yang memuakkan itu.'
7 For a person a person from [the] house of Israel and from the sojourner who he sojourns in Israel so he may separate himself from after me and he will bring up idols his to heart his and [the] stumbling block of iniquity his he will put before face his and he will go to the prophet to consult to him me I Yahweh [will] let myself give an answer to him by myself.
Setiap orang Israel atau orang asing yang tinggal di antara bangsa Israel, yang menjauhi Aku dan mempercayakan dirinya kepada berhala, lalu minta nasihat kepada seorang nabi, akan Kujawab sendiri.
8 And I will set face my on the person that and I will make him into a sign and into bywords and I will cut off him from among people my and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Aku akan melawan dia dan menjadikan dia contoh bagi yang lain. Aku akan mengucilkan dia dari masyarakat umat-Ku, maka tahulah umat-Ku bahwa Akulah TUHAN.
9 And the prophet if he will be deceived and he will speak a word I Yahweh I have deceived the prophet that and I will stretch out hand my on him and I will destroy him from among people my Israel.
Kalau seorang nabi telah ditipu sehingga memberi jawaban yang salah, Akulah yang telah menipunya. Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi akan mengucilkan dia dari orang-orang Israel.
10 And they will bear iniquity their as [the] iniquity of the enquirer as [the] iniquity of the prophet it will be.
Baik nabi itu maupun mereka yang minta nasihatnya, akan mendapat hukuman yang sama.
11 So that not they will wander again [the] house of Israel from after me and not they will make themselves unclean again by all transgressions their and they will become for me a people and I I will become for them God [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Semua itu Kulakukan supaya orang Israel jangan lagi menjauhi Aku dan jangan pula menajiskan diri dengan dosa. Dengan demikian mereka akan menjadi umat-Ku, dan Aku menjadi Allah mereka." Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara.
12 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
TUHAN berkata kepadaku, "Hai manusia fana,
13 O son of humankind a land if it will sin to me by acting unfaithfully unfaithfulness and I will stretch out hand my on it and I will break of it staff of bread and I will send on it famine and I will cut off from it humankind and animal[s].
bila suatu negeri berdosa dan tak setia kepada-Ku, Aku akan menghukum negeri itu. Aku akan menghancurkan persediaan makanannya, mendatangkan bencana kelaparan dan membunuh baik manusia maupun binatang.
14 And they will be [the] three the men these in [the] midst of it Noah (Daniel *Q(K)*) and Job they by righteousness their they will deliver own life their [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Sekalipun Nuh, Danel dan Ayub tinggal di tempat itu, maka kebaikan mereka bertiga hanya dapat menyelamatkan nyawa mereka sendiri saja. Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara.
15 If animal[s] wild I will cause to pass in the land and it will make childless it and it will be a desolation because not [one who] passes by because of the animal[s].
Boleh jadi Aku mendatangkan binatang-binatang buas untuk menerkam penduduk negeri itu, sehingga daerah itu menjadi sangat berbahaya dan tak seorang pun berani melewatinya.
16 [the] three The men these [will be] in [the] midst of it [by] [the] life of me [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh if sons and if daughters they will deliver they to alone them they will be delivered and the land it will be a desolation.
Sekalipun Nuh, Danel dan Ayub tinggal disitu, maka demi Aku, Allah yang hidup, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi, mereka tidak akan dapat menyelamatkan siapa saja, bahkan anak mereka sendiri pun tidak. Hanya mereka sendiri saja yang selamat, sedangkan negeri itu akan menjadi gurun.
17 Or a sword I will bring on the land that and I will say a sword let it pass in the land and I will cut off from it humankind and animal[s].
Boleh jadi Aku mendatangkan perang ke negeri itu, dan Kukirimkan senjata-senjata ampuh untuk membinasakan baik manusia maupun binatang.
18 And [the] three the men these [will be] in [the] midst of it [by] [the] life of me [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh not they will deliver sons and daughters for they to alone them they will be delivered.
Dan sekalipun ketiga orang tadi tinggal di situ, maka demi Aku, Allah yang hidup, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi, mereka tidak akan dapat menyelamatkan siapa saja, bahkan anak mereka sendiri pun tidak. Hanya mereka sendiri saja yang selamat.
19 Or pestilence I will send against the land that and I will pour out rage my on it by blood to cut off from it humankind and animal[s].
Boleh jadi Aku mendatangkan wabah penyakit ke negeri itu, dan Kuluapkan amarah-Ku terhadapnya sehingga baik manusia maupun binatang akan binasa.
20 And Noah (Daniel *Q(K)*) and Job [will be] in [the] midst of it [by] [the] life of me [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh if a son if a daughter they will deliver they by righteousness their they will deliver own life their.
Dan sekalipun Nuh, Danel dan Ayub tinggal di situ, maka demi Aku, Allah yang hidup, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi, mereka tak akan dapat menyelamatkan siapa saja, bahkan anak mereka sendiri pun tidak. Hanya mereka sendiri saja yang selamat karena kebaikan mereka."
21 For thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh indeed? if [the] four judgments my - harmful sword and famine and animal[s] wild and pestilence I will send against Jerusalem to cut off from it humankind and animal[s].
TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Aku akan menjatuhkan keempat hukuman-Ku yang paling dahsyat ke atas Yerusalem untuk memusnahkan baik manusia maupun binatang. Hukuman itu ialah: perang, bala kelaparan, binatang buas dan wabah penyakit.
22 And there! it will be left in it an escaped remnant about to be led out sons and daughters there they [are] about to come out to you and you will see conduct their and practices their and you will be comforted on the calamity which I have brought on Jerusalem all that I have brought on it.
Seandainya ada yang berhasil lolos dan menyelamatkan anak-anaknya, perhatikanlah mereka apabila mereka datang kepadamu. Lihat bagaimana jahatnya mereka, maka kamu akan sadar bahwa tepatlah tindakan-Ku untuk menghukum Yerusalem.
23 And they will comfort you if you will see conduct their and practices their and you will know that not without cause I have done all that I have done in it [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Lalu kamu pun akan mengerti bahwa segala tindakan-Ku itu mempunyai alasan. Aku TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara."

< Ezekiel 14 >