< Ezekiel 12 >

1 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona kama:
2 O son of humankind in [the] midst of [the] house of rebellion you [are] dwelling whom eyes [belong] to them to see and not they see ears [belong] to them to hear and not they hear for [are] a house of rebellion they.
“Wuod dhano, idak e dier joma jongʼanyo. Gin gi wenge mondo ginen-go to ok ginen, kendo gin gi itgi mondo giwinjgo, to ok giwinj wach, nikech gin joma jongʼanyo.
3 And you O son of humankind prepare for yourself baggage of exile and go into exile by day to eyes their and you will go into exile from place your to a place another to eyes their perhaps they will see for [are] a house of rebellion they.
“Kuom mano, wuod dhano, kaw gigi midhigo e twech, mana godiechiengʼ ka gineni, wuogi ia kama intie idhi kamachielo. Dipo ka mano omiyo giwinjo tiend wach, kata obedo ni gin anywola ma jongʼanyo kamano.
4 And you will bring out baggage your like baggage of exile by day to eyes their and you you will go out in the evening to eyes their like goings out of exile.
Godiechiengʼ ka piny ler, kendo ka gineni, kaw gigi miseiko mar dhi e twech. To kochopo odhiambo e kinde ma chiengʼ podho, to we mondo gineni mana ka ngʼama itero twech.
5 To eyes their dig yourself in the wall and you will bring out in it.
Ka gineni kamano, pow kor ot kendo gol misiki midhigo e twech gi kama ipowono.
6 To eyes their on a shoulder you will lift [it] up in the darkness you will bring [it] out face your you will cover and not you will see the land for a sign I have made you to [the] house of Israel.
Ketgi e goki mana ka gineni kendo itingʼ-gi ia kodgi ka piny yuso. Um lela wangʼi, mondo kik ine piny giwangʼi, nikech aseketi ranyisi ne dhood Israel.”
7 And I did so just as I was commanded baggage my I brought out like baggage of exile by day and in the evening I dug myself in the wall by hand in the darkness I brought [it] out on a shoulder I lifted [it] up to eyes their.
Omiyo ne atimo kaka ne ochika. Ne agolo misika mane aseiko ne wuodh dhi e twech godiechiengʼ. Eka godhiambo ka chiengʼ dhi podho ne akunyo kor ot gi lwetena. Ne akawo giga awuokgo ka piny oyuso, ka atingʼogi e gokena koni gi koni ka gineno.
8 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me in the morning saying.
To kinyne gokinyi wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona kama:
9 O son of humankind ¿ not have they said to you [the] house of Israel [the] house of rebellion what? [are] you doing.
Wuod dhano, donge dhood jo-Israel ma jongʼanyogo nopenji niya, En angʼo mitimoni?
10 Say to them thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh [is] the prince the oracle this in Jerusalem and all [the] house of Israel who they [are] in midst of them.
“Nyisgi ni ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho kama: ‘Oteni oor ne wuod ruoth man Jerusalem kod oganda mar dhood Israel duto man kanyo.’
11 Say I [am] sign your just as I have done so it will be done to them in exile in captivity they will go.
Wachnegi ni, ‘An ranyisi ni un!’ “Mana kaka asetimono e kaka ibiro timo nigi. Gibiro dhi e twech kaka joma omaki.
12 And the prince who [is] in midst of them to a shoulder he will lift up in the darkness so he may go out in the wall they will dig to bring out in it face his he will cover because that not he will see to the eye he the land.
“Wuod ruoth manie diergi biro tingʼo misikene e goke ka piny imore mi oa, kendo ibiro powone kor ot mondo okalie. Obiro umo wangʼe mondo kik one piny kuma odhiye.
13 And I will spread net my over him and he will be caught in hunting net my and I will bring him Babylon towards [the] land of [the] Chaldeans and it not he will see and there he will die.
Abiro rieyone tonda mondo amakego mi kawe komoko e obadhona. Abiro tere nyaka Babulon, piny jo-Kaldea, to kata kamano ok none pinyno gi wangʼe, kendo kuno ema nothoe.
14 And all [those] who [are] around him (help his *Q(K)*) and all troops his I will disperse to every wind and a sword I will draw after them.
Abiro keyo jodonge, joma ngʼadone rieko, kod joma rite ne yembe, kendo ji nodwar mondo oneg-gi to ok noyudgi.
15 And they will know that I [am] Yahweh when scatter I them among the nations and I will disperse them among the lands.
“Gibiro ngʼeyo ni An e Jehova Nyasaye, e kinde ma anabolgi e dier ogendini kendo akegi e dier pinje.
16 And I will leave over some of them people of number from [the] sword from [the] famine and from [the] pestilence so that they may recount all abominations their among the nations where they have gone there and they will know that I [am] Yahweh.
To abiro reso jomoko manok kuomgi e dho ligangla gi kech, kod masiche, mondo e pinje ma gidhiyego ginyis jogo timbegi duto mamono. Eka giningʼe ni An e Jehova Nyasaye.”
17 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona ni:
18 O son of humankind food your in quaking you will eat and water your in trembling and in anxiety you will drink.
“Wuod dhano, sa ma ichiemo kata imodho pigi to tetni ka gima kibaji ogoyi.
19 And you will say to [the] people of the land thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh of [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem concerning [the] land of Israel food their in anxiety they will eat and water their in horror they will drink so that it may be desolate land its from fullness its from [the] violence of all the inhabitants in it.
Nyis jo-Juda ni ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho kuom joma odak Jerusalem kod piny Israel: Gibiro chamo chiembgi gi kibaji kendo gibiro modho pigegi ka chunygi parore, nikech ibiro lony pinygi mi we nono li nikech timbe mahundu mag ji duto modak kanyo.
20 And the cities inhabited they will be waste and the land a desolation it will become and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Mier matindo duto ma ji odakie biro dongʼ nono li kendo piny biro dongʼ gunda. Eka unungʼe ni An e Jehova Nyasaye.”
21 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona kama:
22 O son of humankind what? [is] the proverb this to you on [the] land of Israel saying they are long the days and it perishes every vision.
“Wuod dhano, ma en ngero manade ma ugoyo e piny Israel ni, ‘Ndalo dhi adhiya, to pok wasenene fweny moro amora kotimore?’
23 Therefore say to them thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh I will make to cease the proverb this and not people will use as a proverb it again in Israel that except speak to them they have drawn near the days and [the] matter of every vision.
Nyisgi ni ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Abiro tieko ngeroni, kendo ji ok nochak ogoe kendo e piny Israel. Wachnegi ni, ‘Ndalo okayo machiegni ma fweny duto biro timoree.’
24 For not it will be again any vision of worthlessness and divination of flattery in [the] midst of [the] house of Israel.
Nimar fweny mag miriambo kod weche mikoro miwuondogo ji ok nochak obedi e dier jo-Israel.
25 For - I Yahweh I will speak which I will speak a word so it may be done not it will be postponed again for in days your O house of rebellion I will speak a word and I will do it [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
To an Jehova Nyasaye anawach gima adwaro kendo gino notimre ma ok orem. Nimar e ndalou, un dhood mohero ngʼanyo, abiro timo gimoro amora ma asewacho, Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto owacho.”
26 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona kama:
27 O son of humankind there! [the] house of Israel [are] saying the vision which he [is] seeing [is] of days many and of times distant he [is] prophesying.
Wuod dhano, dhood Israel wacho ni, Fweny moneno gin mag higni mathoth ma pod biro nyime, kendo okoro weche mag higni manyime.
28 Therefore say to them thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh not it will be postponed again all words my [that] which I will speak a word so it may be done [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
“Kuom mano wachnegi ni ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Onge weche masewacho makoro biro deko, Gimoro amora ma awacho biro chopo kare, Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto osewacho.”

< Ezekiel 12 >