< Ezekiel 10 >

1 And I saw and there! [was] to the expanse which [was] above [the] head of the cherubim like a stone of sapphire like [the] appearance of [the] likeness of a throne it appeared above them.
Katahi ahau ka titiro atu, nana, i te kikorangi, i runga ake i te mahunga o nga kerupima, ka kitea i runga i a ratou me te mea he kohatu hapaira, rite tonu ki te ahua o te torona ki te titiro.
2 And he said to the man - clothed of the linen and he said go to between the wheel to under the cherub and fill cupped hands your coals of fire from between the cherubim and sprinkle [them] on the city and he went to eyes my.
Na ka korero ia ki te tangata i te kakahu rinena, i mea ia, Tomo atu ki waenganui o nga wira e hurihuri na, ara ki raro i te kerupa, whakakiia ou ringa e rua ki nga waro ahi i waenganui i nga kerupima, ka rui ki runga ki te pa. Na haere ana ia me te titiro ano ahau.
3 And the cherubim [were] standing from [the] south of the house when went he the man and the cloud it filled the court inner.
Na i tu nga kerupima ki te taha ki matau o te whare, i te tomonga o taua tangata; ki tonu hoki to roto marae i te kapua.
4 And it rose [the] glory of Yahweh from on the cherub to [the] threshold of the house and it was filled the house the cloud and the court it was full [the] brightness of [the] glory of Yahweh.
Katahi ka kake te kororia o Ihowa i te kerupa, a ka tu i runga ake i te paepae o te whare; ki tonu iho te whare i te kapua, ki tonu hoki te marae i te kanapatanga o to Ihowa kororia.
5 And [the] sound of [the] wings of the cherubim it was heard to the court outer like [the] sound of God Almighty when speaks he.
Na, ko te haruru o nga parirau o nga kerupima, i rangona ki te marae ra ano o waho, me te mea ko te reo o te Atua Kaha Rawa ina korero.
6 And it was when commanded he the man clothed of the linen saying take fire from between the wheel from between the cherubim and he went and he stood beside the wheel.
Na, i tana whakahaunga i te tangata i te kakahu rinena, i tana meatanga, Tikina he ahi i waenganui o nga wira hurihuri, i waenganui o nga kerupima; katahi tera ka haere ki roto, ka tu ki te taha o tetahi wira.
7 And he stretched out the cherub hand his from between the cherubim into the fire which [was] between the cherubim and he lifted up [some] and he put [it] into [the] cupped hands of [the] [man] clothed of the linen and he took [it] and he went out.
Na ka totoro te ringa o te kerupa i waenganui o nga kerupima ki te ahi i waenganui o nga kerupima, hapainga ana e ia i reira, hoatu ana ki nga ringa o tera i te kakahu rinena. Na tangohia ana e tera, a puta atu ana.
8 And it was seen to the cherubim [the] form of [the] hand of a human under wings their.
I kitea ano te ahua o te ringa tangata i nga kerupima i raro i o ratou parirau.
9 And I saw and there! four wheels [were] beside the cherubim a wheel one beside the cherub one and a wheel one beside the cherub one and [the] appearance of the wheels [was] like [the] appearance of a stone of chrysolite.
A i kite ahau, na e wha nga wira i te taha o nga kerupima, kotahi te wira i te taha o te kerupa kotahi, ko tetahi wira i te taha o tetahi atu kerupa. Na, ko te ahua o nga wira koia ano kei te kara o te kohatu perira.
10 And appearance their a likeness one [belonged] to [the] four of them just as it was the wheel in [the] middle of the wheel.
Na ki te tirohia atu aua mea, kotahi ano te ahua o ratou e wha, me te mea kotahi te wira i roto i te wira.
11 When moved they to [the] four sides their they moved not they turned when moved they for the place which it turned the head after it they moved not they turned when moved they.
I to ratou haerenga i haere i o ratou taha e wha; kihai i tahuri i a ratou i haere ra, engari, ko te wahi i anga atu ai te matenga, whai tonu atu ratou ki reira; kihai i tahuri i a ratou i haere ra.
12 And all body their and backs their and hands their and wings their and the wheels [were] full eyes all around [belonged] to [the] four of them wheels their.
Na, ko to ratou tinana katoa, ko o ratou tuara, ko o ratou ringa, ko o ratou parirau, a ko nga wira hoki, kapi tonu i te kanohi a taka noa, ara nga wira i a ratou tokowha.
13 To the wheels to them it was called the wheel in ears my.
Na ko nga wira ra, i karangatia i ahau ano e whakarongo ana, ko nga wira hurihuri.
14 And four faces [belonged] to one [the] face of the one [was] [the] face of the cherub and [the] face of the second [was the] face of a human and the third [face] [was the] face of a lion and the fourth [face] [was the] face of an eagle.
Na e wha nga mata o tetahi, o tetahi; ko te mata tuatahi he mata kerupa, ko te mata tuarua he mata tangata, ko te tuatoru he mata raiona, ko te tuawha he mata ekara.
15 And they rose the cherubim that [was] the living creature which I had seen at [the] river of Kebar.
Na ka maiangi nga kerupima ki runga. Ko te mea ora tenei i kitea e ahau ki te awa, ki Kepara.
16 And when moved the cherubim they moved the wheels beside them and when lifted up the cherubim wings their to rise from on the earth not they turned the wheels also they from beside them.
Na, i te haerenga o nga kerupima, i haere ano nga wira i to ratou taha, a ka ara ake nga parirau o nga kerupima, he mea kia maiangi ake ai i te whenua, kihai aua wira i tahuri ke i to ratou taha.
17 When stood still they they stood still and when rose they they rose with them for [the] spirit of the living creature [was] in them.
Ka tu era, ka tu enei; ka maiangi era ki runga, ka maiangi ano enei ki runga; no te mea i roto i a ratou te wairua o te mea ora.
18 And it went out [the] glory of Yahweh from at [the] threshold of the house and it stood still above the cherubim.
Na kua riro atu te kororia o Ihowa i runga i te paepae o te whare, tau ana ki runga ki nga kerupima.
19 And they lifted up the cherubim wings their and they rose from the earth to eyes my when went out they and the wheels [were] close by them and it stood still [the] entrance of [the] gate of [the] house of Yahweh eastern and [the] glory of [the] God of Israel [was] above them from to above.
Na ka ara nga parirau o nga kerupima, maiangi ana i te whenua, i ahau e titiro atu ana i to ratou haerenga atu, me nga wira ano i to ratou taha: a tu ana ratou i te kuwaha o te keti ki te rawhiti o te whare o Ihowa; a i runga i a ratou te korori a o te Atua o Iharaira, i te taha ki runga.
20 That [was] the living creature which I had seen under [the] God of Israel at [the] river of Kebar and I knew that [were] cherubim they.
Ko te mea ora tenei i kitea e ahau i raro i te atua o Iharaira, i te awa, i Kepara; i mohio ano ahau he kerupima era.
21 Four four faces [belonged] to one and four wings [belonged] to one and [the] likeness of [the] hands of a human [were] under wings their.
E wha nga mata o tenei, o tenei, e wha ano nga parirau o tenei, o tenei; i raro ano i o ratou parirau ko te ahua o te ringa tangata.
22 And [the] likeness of faces their they [were] the faces which I had seen at [the] river of Kebar appearance their and them each to [the] side of face its they moved.
Na, ko te ahua o o ratou mata ko aua mata i kitea ra e ahau ki te awa, ki Kepara, o ratou ahua me ratou ano; i tika tonu atu ratou tetahi, tetahi.

< Ezekiel 10 >