< Exodus 9 >

1 And he said Yahweh to Moses go to Pharaoh and you will say to him thus he says Yahweh [the] God of the Hebrews let go people my so they may serve me.
TUHAN berkata kepada Musa, "Pergilah menghadap raja, dan katakan kepadanya bahwa TUHAN, Allah orang Ibrani, berkata: 'Biarkanlah umat-Ku pergi supaya mereka dapat berbakti kepada-Ku.
2 That except [are] refusing you to let [them] go and still you [are] keeping hold on them.
Kalau engkau tak mau melepaskan mereka,
3 There! [the] hand of Yahweh [is] about to be on livestock your which [is] in the field on the horses on the donkeys on the camels on the cattle and on the sheep a pestilence heavy very.
Aku akan mendatangkan wabah yang dahsyat atas semua ternakmu, kuda, keledai, unta, sapi, domba dan kambingmu.
4 And he will separate Yahweh between [the] livestock of Israel and between [the] livestock of Egypt and not it will die of all [that belongs] to [the] people of Israel anything.
Aku akan membedakan ternak orang Israel dan ternak orang Mesir. Dari ternak orang Israel tak seekor pun yang akan mati.
5 And he set Yahweh an appointed time saying tomorrow he will do Yahweh the thing this in the land.
Aku, TUHAN, menetapkan hari esok untuk melaksanakan hal itu.'"
6 And he did Yahweh the thing this from [the] next day and it died all [the] livestock of Egypt and of [the] livestock of [the] people of Israel not it died one.
Keesokan harinya TUHAN berbuat seperti yang sudah dikatakan-Nya. Semua ternak bangsa Mesir mati, tetapi dari ternak bangsa Israel seekor pun tak ada yang mati.
7 And he sent Pharaoh and there! not it had died any of [the] livestock of Israel up to one and it was unresponsive [the] heart of Pharaoh and not he let go the people.
Raja menanyakan apa yang telah terjadi, lalu diceritakan kepadanya bahwa dari ternak orang Israel tak seekor pun yang mati. Tetapi raja berkeras kepala dan tidak mau melepaskan bangsa itu pergi.
8 And he said Yahweh to Moses and to Aaron take for yourselves [the] fullness of hands your soot of a furnace and he will sprinkle it Moses the heavens towards to [the] eyes of Pharaoh.
TUHAN berkata kepada Musa dan Harun, "Ambillah beberapa genggam abu dari tempat pembakaran. Di depan raja, Musa harus menghamburkan abu itu ke udara.
9 And it will become dust over all [the] land of Egypt and it will become on humankind and on the livestock boil[s] breaking out blisters in all [the] land of Egypt.
Maka abu itu akan tersebar ke seluruh tanah Mesir. Pada manusia dan binatang abu itu akan menimbulkan bisul-bisul yang pecah menjadi luka bernanah."
10 And they took [the] soot of the furnace and they stood before Pharaoh and he sprinkled it Moses the heavens towards and it became boil[s] blisters breaking out on humankind and on the livestock.
Lalu Musa dan Harun mengambil abu, dan menghadap raja. Musa menghamburkan abu itu ke udara. Pada manusia dan binatang timbullah bisul-bisul yang pecah menjadi luka bernanah.
11 And not they were able the magicians to stand before Moses because of the boil[s] for it was the boil[s] on the magicians and on all Egypt.
Para ahli sihir tidak bisa menghadap Musa karena seluruh badan mereka penuh bisul seperti orang-orang Mesir lainnya.
12 And he made strong Yahweh [the] heart of Pharaoh and not he listened to them just as he had said Yahweh to Moses.
Tetapi TUHAN menjadikan raja keras kepala, dan seperti yang sudah dikatakan TUHAN, raja tidak mau mempedulikan perkataan Musa dan Harun.
13 And he said Yahweh to Moses rise early in the morning and present yourself before Pharaoh and you will say to him thus he says Yahweh [the] God of the Hebrews let go people my so they may serve me.
TUHAN berkata kepada Musa, "Pergilah besok pagi-pagi sekali menghadap raja, dan sampaikan kepadanya bahwa TUHAN, Allah orang Ibrani berkata: 'Lepaskan umat-Ku supaya mereka dapat pergi beribadat kepada-Ku.
14 For - at the time this I [am] about to send all plagues my to heart your and on servants your and on people your in order that you may know that there not [is] like me in all the earth.
Kali ini Aku akan mendatangkan bencana tidak hanya kepada para pejabat dan rakyat saja, tetapi juga kepadamu, supaya engkau tahu bahwa tidak ada tandingan-Ku di seluruh dunia.
15 For now I stretched out hand my and I struck you and people your with pestilence and you were destroyed from the earth.
Sekiranya Aku mau menghukum engkau dan rakyatmu dengan penyakit, pasti kamu sudah binasa sama sekali.
16 And but for sake of this I have caused to stand you in order to see you power my and so as to recount name my in all the earth.
Tetapi kamu Kubiarkan hidup, supaya Aku dapat menunjukkan kekuasaan-Ku kepadamu, sehingga nama-Ku menjadi termasyhur di seluruh bumi.
17 Still you [are] exalting yourself on people my to not to let go them.
Meskipun begitu, engkau masih juga tinggi hati dan tidak mau mengizinkan umat-Ku pergi.
18 Here I [am] about to rain down about this time tomorrow hail heavy very which not it has been like it in Egypt from the day was founded it and until now.
Besok pagi, pada saat yang sama, Aku akan mendatangkan hujan es yang dahsyat, seperti yang belum pernah terjadi di Mesir dari dahulu sampai sekarang.
19 And therefore send bring to refuge livestock your and all that [belongs] to you in the field all the humankind and the livestock which it will be found in the field and not it will be gathered the house towards and it will come down on them the hail and they will die.
Maka perintahkanlah supaya semua ternak dan segala milikmu yang ada di luar dibawa ke tempat yang aman. Semua orang dan ternak yang ada di luar dan tak dapat berlindung akan mati ditimpa hujan es.'"
20 The [one] fearing [the] word of Yahweh of [the] servants of Pharaoh he made to flee servants his and livestock his into the houses.
Beberapa di antara para pejabat takut kepada perkataan TUHAN. Mereka membawa hamba-hamba dan ternak mereka masuk ke dalam rumah supaya terlindung.
21 And [the one] who not he set heart his to [the] word of Yahweh and he left servants his and livestock his in the field.
Tetapi yang lain tidak mengindahkan peringatan itu dan meninggalkan hamba-hamba dan ternak mereka di padang.
22 And he said Yahweh to Moses stretch out hand your to the heavens so may it be hail in all [the] land of Egypt on the humankind and on the livestock and on all [the] vegetation of the field in [the] land of Egypt.
Lalu TUHAN berkata kepada Musa, "Angkatlah tanganmu ke atas, dan hujan es akan turun di seluruh tanah Mesir. Hujan itu akan menimpa manusia, ternak dan segala tanaman di ladang."
23 And he stretched out Moses staff his to the heavens and Yahweh he gave thunder claps and hail and it went fire [the] ground towards and he rained down Yahweh hail on [the] land of Egypt.
Musa mengangkat tongkatnya ke atas, dan TUHAN menurunkan guruh dan hujan es, dan petir menyambar bumi. TUHAN mendatangkan
24 And it was hail and fire [was] flashing in [the] middle of the hail heavy very which not it had been like it in all [the] land of Egypt from then it had become a nation.
hujan es yang dahsyat disertai petir yang sambar-menyambar. Itulah hujan es yang paling dahsyat dalam sejarah Mesir.
25 And it struck the hail in all [the] land of Egypt all that [was] in the field from humankind and unto livestock and all [the] vegetation of the field it struck the hail and every tree of the field it shattered.
Di seluruh negeri hujan es itu membinasakan segala sesuatu di ladang, termasuk manusia dan ternak. Semua tanaman di ladang rusak dan pohon-pohon ditumbangkan.
26 Only in [the] land of Goshen where [were] there [the] people of Israel not it was hail.
Hanya daerah Gosyen, tempat kediaman orang-orang Israel, tidak ditimpa hujan es.
27 And he sent Pharaoh and he summoned Moses and Aaron and he said to them I have sinned this time Yahweh [is] the righteous [one] and I and people my [are] the guilty [ones].
Lalu raja memanggil Musa dan Harun, dan berkata, "Aku telah berdosa. Tuhanlah yang benar, aku dan rakyatku telah berbuat salah.
28 Pray to Yahweh and [is too] much for being [the] thunder claps of God and [the] hail and I will let go you and not you will increase! to stay.
Berdoalah kepada TUHAN; kami sudah cukup menderita karena guruh dan hujan es ini. Aku akan melepas kamu pergi. Kamu tak usah tinggal di sini lagi."
29 And he said to him Moses when have gone out I the city I will spread out hands my to Yahweh the thunder claps they will cease! and the hail not it will happen again so that you may know that [belongs] to Yahweh the earth.
Kata Musa kepada raja, "Segera sesudah saya sampai di luar kota, saya akan mengangkat tangan untuk berdoa kepada TUHAN. Guruh akan berhenti dan hujan es akan reda, supaya Tuanku tahu bahwa bumi ini milik TUHAN.
30 And you and servants your I know that not yet you fear! because of Yahweh God.
Tetapi saya tahu bahwa Tuanku dan para pejabat belum juga takut kepada TUHAN Allah."
31 And the flax and the barley it was struck for the barley [was] young barley ear[s] and the flax [was] bud.
Tanaman rami dan jelai musnah, karena rami sedang berbunga, dan jelai sedang berbulir.
32 And the wheat and the spelt not they were struck for [are] late [crops] they.
Tetapi gandum dan biji-bijian tidak rusak karena belum musimnya.
33 And he went out Moses from with Pharaoh the city and he spread out hands his to Yahweh and they ceased the thunder claps and the hail and rain not it was poured out [the] earth towards.
Lalu Musa meninggalkan raja dan pergi ke luar kota; di sana ia mengangkat tangannya untuk berdoa kepada TUHAN. Saat itu juga berhentilah guntur, hujan es dan hujan.
34 And he saw Pharaoh that it had ceased the rain and the hail and the thunder claps and he repeated to sin and he made heavy heart his he and servants his.
Ketika raja melihat apa yang terjadi, ia berdosa lagi. Dia dan para pejabatnya tetap berkeras kepala.
35 And it was strong [the] heart of Pharaoh and not he let go [the] people of Israel just as he had said Yahweh by [the] hand of Moses.
Seperti yang sudah dikatakan TUHAN melalui Musa, raja tidak mau mengizinkan orang Israel pergi.

< Exodus 9 >