< Exodus 5 >

1 And after they went Moses and Aaron and they said to Pharaoh thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel let go people my so they may celebrate a festival to me in the wilderness.
Potem sta Mojzes in Aron vstopila in faraonu rekla: »Tako govori Gospod, Izraelov Bog: ›Pusti moje ljudstvo oditi, da bodo v divjini lahko imeli praznovanje meni.‹«
2 And he said Pharaoh who? [is] Yahweh that I will listen to voice his by letting go Israel not I know Yahweh and also Israel not I will let go.
Faraon je rekel: »Kdo je Gospod, da bi ubogal njegov glas, da bi pustil Izraela oditi? Ne poznam Gospoda niti Izraelu ne bom pustil oditi.«
3 And they said [the] God of the Hebrews he has met with us let us go please a journey of three days in the wilderness and let us sacrifice to Yahweh God our lest he should fall on us with pestilence or with the sword.
Rekel je: »Bog Hebrejcev se je srečal z nami. Pusti nas oditi, prosimo te, tri dni potovanja v puščavo in žrtvujemo Gospodu, našemu Bogu, da on ne pade na nas s kužno boleznijo ali z mečem.«
4 And he said to them [the] king of Egypt why? O Moses and Aaron are you causing to refrain the people from work its go to forced labor your.
Egiptovski kralj pa jima je rekel: »Zakaj vidva, Mojzes in Aron, pustita ljudstvo od njihovih del? Odidita k svojim bremenom.«
5 And he said Pharaoh here! [is] many now [the] people of the land and you have caused to cease them from forced labor their.
Faraon je rekel: »Glejta, ljudstva dežele je torej mnogo, vidva pa jim delata počitek pred njihovimi bremeni.«
6 And he commanded Pharaoh on the day that the taskmasters over the people and foremen its saying.
Faraon je istega dne zapovedal preddelavcem ljudstva in njihovim nadzornikom, rekoč:
7 Not you will repeat! to give straw to the people to make bricks the bricks as yesterday three days ago they let them go and they may gather for themselves straw.
»Ljudstvu ne boste več dajali slame, da delajo opeko, kakor poprej. Naj gredo in sami nabirajo slamo.
8 And [the] measurement of the bricks which they [were] making yesterday three days ago you will place on them not you will diminish from it for [are] idle they there-fore they [are] crying out saying let us go let us sacrifice to God our.
Število opek, ki so jih naredili poprej, boste položili nanje. Ne boste zmanjšali od tega dolga, kajti brezdelni so, zato vpijejo, rekoč: ›Pojdimo in žrtvujmo našemu Bogu.‹
9 Let it be heavy the labor on the men so they may work in it and may not them pay attention to words of falsehood.
Več dela naj bo položenega na ljudi, da se bodo lahko trudili s tem in naj se ne ozirajo na prazne besede.«
10 And they went out [the] taskmasters of the people and foremen its and they said to the people saying thus he says Pharaoh not I [am] giving to you straw.
Preddelavci ljudstva so odšli ven in njihovi nadzorniki in ljudstvu spregovorili, rekoč: »Tako govori faraon: ›Ne bom vam dajal slame.
11 You go acquire for yourselves straw from where you will find [it] for not [is] diminished from labor your anything.
Pojdite, dobite slamo kjer jo lahko najdete, vendar dolg vašega dela ne bo zmanjšan.‹«
12 And it scattered the people in all [the] land of Egypt to gather stubble for the straw.
Tako je bilo ljudstvo razkropljeno naokoli po vsej egiptovski deželi, da zbira strnišče namesto slame.
13 And the taskmasters [were] pressing [them] saying complete work your a matter of a day in day its just as when was the straw.
Preddelavci so jih priganjali, rekoč: »Izpolnjujte svoja dela, svoje dnevne naloge, kakor ko je bila slama.«
14 And they were struck [the] foremen of [the] people of Israel whom they had appointed over them [the] taskmasters of Pharaoh saying why? not have you completed prescribed portion your by making bricks as yesterday three days ago neither yesterday nor this day.
Nadzorniki Izraelovih otrok, ki so jih faraonovi preddelavci postavili nadnje, so bili pretepeni in zahtevali: »Zakaj niste izpolnili svoje naloge v izdelavi opek, tako včeraj in danes, kakor poprej?«
15 And they went [the] foremen of [the] people of Israel and they cried out to Pharaoh saying why? are you doing thus to servants your.
Potem so nadzorniki Izraelovih otrok prišli in vpili k faraonu, rekoč: »Zakaj tako postopaš s svojimi služabniki?
16 Straw not [is being] given to servants your and bricks [people are] saying to us make and there! servants your [are] being struck and you have sinned people your.
Nobena slama ni dana tvojim služabnikom, oni pa nam pravijo: ›Delajte opeko.‹ Glej, tvoji služabniki so pretepeni, toda krivda je na tvojem lastnem ljudstvu.«
17 And he said [are] idle you idle there-fore you [are] saying let us go let us sacrifice to Yahweh.
Toda rekel jim je: »Vi ste brezdelni, vi ste brezdelni, zato pravite: ›Pojdimo in naredimo žrtvovanje Gospodu.‹
18 And now go work and straw not it will be given to you and [the] measurement of bricks you will give.
Pojdite torej sedaj in delajte, kajti slama vam ne bo dana, vendar boste izročili število opek.«
19 And they saw [the] foremen of [the] people of Israel themselves in trouble saying not you will diminish from bricks your a matter of a day in day its.
Nadzorniki Izraelovih otrok so videli, da so bili v zlem primeru, potem ko je bilo rečeno: »Ne boste zmanjšali dolga od opek svoje dnevne naloge.«
20 And they met Moses and Aaron standing to meet them when came out they from with Pharaoh.
Srečali so Mojzesa in Arona, ki sta stala na poti, ko so prišli od faraona
21 And they said to them may he look Yahweh on you and may he judge that you have made stink odor our in [the] eyes of Pharaoh and in [the] eyes of servants his to put a sword in hand their to kill us.
in jima rekli: » Gospod naj pogleda na vaju in sodi, ker sta storila našemu okusu, da je preziran v faraonovih očeh in v očeh njegovih služabnikov, da položi meč v njihovo roko, da nas ubijejo.«
22 And he returned Moses to Yahweh and he said O Lord why? have you done harm to the people this why? this did you send me.
Mojzes se je vrnil h Gospodu ter rekel: »Gospod, zakaj si tako zlo ravnal s tem ljudstvom? Zakaj je to, da si me poslal?
23 And from then I went to Pharaoh to speak in name your he has done harm to the people this and certainly not you have delivered people your.
Kajti odkar sem prišel k faraonu, da govorim v tvojem imenu, je temu ljudstvu storil zlo niti sploh nisi osvobodil svojega ljudstva.«

< Exodus 5 >