< Exodus 39 >

1 And from the violet stuff and the purple and [the] scarlet stuff of the scarlet they made garments of woven material to serve in the holy place and they made [the] garments of the holiness which [belong] to Aaron just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Od ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva naprave lijepo izrađeno ruho za službu u Svetištu; naprave svetu odjeću Aronu, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
2 And he made the ephod gold violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted.
Oplećak naprave od zlata, ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana.
3 And they hammered out [the] thin plates of gold and he cut [them] up threads to work in among the violet stuff and in among the purple and in among [the] scarlet stuff of the scarlet and in among the fine linen [the] work of a skillful worker.
Skuju zlatne pločice, a onda ih na niti izrežu da ih vještački uvezu u ljubičasto, crveno i tamnocrveno predivo i prepredeni lan.
4 Shoulder-pieces they made for it joined on [the] two (ends its *Q(K)*) it was joined.
Za oplećak naprave poramenice koje su bile s njim sastavljene na svoja dva kraja;
5 And [the] girdle of ephod its which [was] on it [was] from it it [will be] like workmanship its gold violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
tkanica što je na njemu stajala bila je napravljena od zlata, ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana kao i on, i u jednome komadu s njim, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
6 And they prepared [the] stones of the onyx surrounded filigree settings of gold engraved [the] engravings of a seal on [the] names of [the] sons of Israel.
Kamenje oniksa optoče obrubom od zlata. Na njima su, kao što se režu pečati, bila urezana imena Izraelovih sinova.
7 And he put them on [the] shoulder-pieces of the ephod stones of remembrance for [the] sons of Israel just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Njih stave na poramenice oplećka da budu spomen-kamenje sinovima Izraelovim, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
8 And he made the breastpiece [the] work of a skillful worker like [the] work of [the] ephod gold violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted.
I naprsnik izrade radovima vještaka kao i oplećak: od zlata, ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana.
9 Square it was folded double they made the breastpiece [was] a span length its and [was] a span breadth its folded double.
Naprsnik načiniše četverouglast, dvostruk; bio je pedalj dug, pedalj širok, a predvostručen.
10 And they filled in it four rows of stone[s] [was] a row of a ruby a topaz and a beryl the row one.
Umetnu u nj četiri reda dragulja. Prvi red bijaše od rubina, topaza i alema;
11 And the row second [was] a turquoise a sapphire and an emerald.
drugi red od smaragda, safira i ametista;
12 And the row third [was] a jacinth an agate and an amethyst.
treći red od hijacinta, ahata i leca;
13 And the row fourth [was] a chrysolite an onyx and a jasper surrounded filigree settings of gold in settings their.
a četvrti red od krizolita, oniksa i jaspisa. Sve je bilo zlatom obrubljeno.
14 And the stones on [the] names of [the] sons of Israel they [were] two [plus] ten on names their [was the] engravings of a seal each one on name its for two [plus] ten tribe[s].
Na kamenima su bila imena Izraelovih sinova. Na broj ih je bilo dvanaest, kao i njihovih imena. Bila su urezana kao i pečati - svaki kamen s imenom jednoga od dvanaest plemena.
15 And they made on the breastpiece chains of twisting a work of cordage gold pure.
Za naprsnik naprave lančiće od čistoga zlata kao zasukane uzice.
16 And they made two filigree settings of gold and two rings of gold and they put [the] two the rings on [the] two [the] ends of the breastpiece.
Naprave zatim dva zlatna okvira i dva zlatna kolutića pa pričvrste oba kolutića za dva gornja ugla naprsnika.
17 And they put [the] two the cords the gold on [the] two the rings on [the] ends of the breastpiece.
Sad privežu ovdje zasukane uzice od zlata za dva kolutića što su bila pričvšćena za uglove naprsnika.
18 And [the] two [the] ends of [the] two the cords they put on [the] two the filigree settings and they put them on [the] shoulder-pieces of the ephod to [the] front of face its.
Druga dva kraja zasukanih uzica pričvrste za dva okvira. Tako ih povežu za poramenice oplećka sprijeda.
19 And they made two rings of gold and they put [them] on [the] two [the] ends of the breastpiece on edge its which [was] to [the] side of the ephod [the] inside towards.
Potom načine dva zlatna kolutića pa ih pričvrste za dva kraja naprsnika uz nutarnji rub, okrenut prema oplećku.
20 And they made two rings of gold and they put them on [the] two [the] shoulder-pieces of the ephod from to downwards from in front of face its close to joining its from above [the] girdle of the ephod.
Još naprave dva zlatna kolutića te ih pričvrste za donji, prednji kraj poramenice oplećka, pokraj mjesta gdje se veže, povrh tkanice oplećka.
21 And they bound the breastpiece from rings its to [the] rings of the ephod with a cord of violet stuff to be on [the] girdle of the ephod and not it was displaced the breastpiece from on the ephod just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Svežu kolutiće naprsnika s kolutićima oplećka modrom vrpcom, tako da naprsnik stoji nad tkanicom oplećka i da se s oplećka ne mogne odvojiti, kako je Jahve Mojsiju naredio.
22 And he made [the] robe of the ephod [the] work of a weaver an entirety of violet stuff.
Naprave i ogrtač za oplećak, sav satkan od ljubičastog prediva.
23 And [the] opening of the robe [was] in [the] middle of it like [the] opening of a collar an edge [belonged] to opening its all around not it was torn.
U sredini je ogrtača bio prorez kao otvor na oklopu, prorez naokolo opšiven, da se ogrtač ne podere.
24 And they made on [the] skirts of the robe pomegranates of violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet twisted.
O donjem rubu ogrtača načine šipke od ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana.
25 And they made bells of gold pure and they put the bells in between the pomegranates on [the] skirts of the robe all around in between the pomegranates.
A načine i zvonca od čistog zlata, pa zvonca privežu među šipke; sve naokolo donjeg ruba ogrtača između šipaka:
26 A bell and a pomegranate a bell and a pomegranate [were] on [the] skirts of the robe all around to serve just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
zvonce pa šipak, zvonce pa šipak okolo donjeg ruba ogrtača za vršenje službe, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
27 And they made the tunics fine linen [the] work of a weaver for Aaron and for sons his.
Zatim od otkanog lana načine košulje Aronu i njegovim sinovima;
28 And the turban fine linen and [the] head-wrap of the headdresses fine linen and [the] undergarments of linen fine linen twisted.
a naprave i mitru od lana i kape od lana; platnene gaće načine od prepredenog lana.
29 And the sash fine linen twisted and violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet [the] work of a worker in colors just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
I pasovi su bili od prepredenog lana i od ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva, iglama izvezeni, kako je Jahve Mojsiju naredio.
30 And they made [the] plate of [the] crown of holiness gold pure and they inscribed on it an inscription of [the] engravings of a seal holiness to Yahweh.
Načine i ploču, sveti vijenac, od čistoga zlata i na njoj urežu natpis kako se urezuje na pečatnome prstenu: “Posvećen Jahvi.”
31 And they put on it a cord of violet stuff to put [it] on the turban from to above just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Za nju privežu modru vrpcu da je mogu svezati na vrhu mitre, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
32 And it was finished all [the] service of [the] tabernacle of [the] tent of meeting and they did [the] people of Israel according to all that he had commanded Yahweh Moses so they did.
Tako su bili završeni svi radovi na Prebivalištu, Šatoru sastanka. Izraelci su sve načinili onako kako je Jahve Mojsiju naredio da načine.
33 And they brought the tabernacle to Moses the tent and all articles its hooks its frames its (bars its *Q(K)*) and pillars its and bases its.
Onda donesu Mojsiju Prebivalište, Šator i sav njegov pribor: njegove kuke, njegove trenice, njegove priječnice, njegove stupove i njegova podnožja;
34 And [the] covering of [the] skins of the rams that was dyed red and [the] covering of [the] skins of the dolphins and [the] curtain of the screen.
pokrov od učinjenih ovnujskih koža, pokrov od finih koža, zavjesu za zaklon;
35 [the] ark of The testimony and poles its and the atonement cover.
Kovčeg svjedočanstva s njegovim motkama i Pomirilištem;
36 The table all articles its and [the] bread of the presence.
stol i sav njegov pribor, prinesene hljebove,
37 The lampstand pure lamps its [the] lamps of the row and all articles its and [the] oil of the light.
svijećnjak od čistoga zlata s njegovim svijećama - svijeće već u red stavljene - i sav njegov pribor i ulje za svjetlo;
38 And [the] altar of gold and [the] oil of anointing and [the] incense of the perfume and [the] screen of [the] entrance of the tent.
zlatni žrtvenik, ulje za pomazanje, miomirisni tamjan i zavjesu za ulaz Šatora;
39 - [the] altar of Bronze and [the] grating of bronze which [belonged] to it poles its and all articles its the laver and base its.
žrtvenik od tuča s tučanom rešetkom; njegove motke i sav njegov pribor; umivaonik i njegov stalak;
40 [the] curtains of The courtyard pillars its and bases its and the screen for [the] gate of the courtyard ropes its and tent pegs its and all [the] articles of [the] service of the tabernacle for [the] tent of meeting.
zavjese za dvorište; njihove stupove i njihova podnožja, zavjesu za dvorišni ulaz, njegova užeta i njihove kočiće - sav pribor za službu u Prebivalištu, za Šator sastanka;
41 [the] garments of The woven material to serve in the holy place [the] garments of holiness for Aaron the priest and [the] garments of sons his to serve as priests.
lijepo izrađeno ruho za službu u Svetištu - svetu odjeću za svećenika Arona i odijela za svećeničku službu njegovih sinova.
42 According to all that he had commanded Yahweh Moses so they did [the] people of Israel all the labor.
Upravo kako je Jahve Mojsiju naredio, tako su Izraelci sav posao obavili.
43 And he saw Moses all the work and there! they had done it just as he had commanded Yahweh so they had done and he blessed them Moses.
Mojsije pregleda sve radove i utvrdi da su ih dovršili: kako je Jahve naredio, onako su ih i napravili. I Mojsije ih blagoslovi.

< Exodus 39 >