< Exodus 35 >

1 And he assembled Moses all [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel and he said to them these [are] the words which he has commanded Yahweh to do them.
Mojzes je zbral skupaj vso skupnost Izraelovih otrok ter jim rekel: »To so besede, ki jih je Gospod zapovedal, da naj bi jih vi delali.
2 Six days it will be done work and on the day seventh it will be to you a holy thing a sabbath of sabbath observance to Yahweh every [one who] does on it work he will be put to death.
Šest dni naj bo delo opravljano, toda na sedmi dan naj vam bo sveti dan, šabatni počitek Gospodu. Kdorkoli v njem opravlja delo, bo usmrčen.
3 Not you must kindle fire in all dwelling places your on [the] day of the sabbath.
Vsepovsod po svojih prebivališčih na šabatni dan ne boste prižigali nobenega ognja.«
4 And he said Moses to all [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel saying this [is] the word which he has commanded Yahweh saying.
Mojzes je spregovoril vsej skupnosti Izraelovih otrok, rekoč: »To je stvar, ki jo je zapovedal Gospod, rekoč:
5 Take from with you a contribution to Yahweh every [person] willing of heart his let him bring it [the] contribution of Yahweh gold and silver and bronze.
›Vzemite izmed vas daritev Gospodu. Kdorkoli je voljnega srca, naj jo prinese, daritev Gospodu: zlato, srebro, bron,
6 And violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen and goat hair.
modro, vijolično, škrlatno in tanko laneno platno, kozjo dlako,
7 And hides of rams dyed red and hides of dolphins and wood of acacia.
rdeče barvane ovnove kože, jazbečeve kože, akacijev les,
8 And oil for the light and spices for [the] oil of anointing and for [the] incense of the perfume.
olje za svetlobo, dišave za mazilno olje in za dišeče kadilo,
9 And stones of onyx and stones of setting for the ephod and for the breastpiece.
oniksove kamne in kamne, da se pripravijo za efód in za naprsnik.
10 And every [person] skillful of heart among you let them come and they may make all that he has commanded Yahweh.
Vsak, ki je izmed vas modrega srca, bo prišel in storil vse, kar je Gospod zapovedal:
11 The tabernacle tent its and covering its hooks its and frames its (bars its *Q(K)*) pillars its and bases its.
šotorsko svetišče, njegov šotor in njegovo pokrivalo, njegove zaponke in njegove deske, njegove zapahe, njegove stebre in njegove podstavke,
12 The ark and poles its the atonement cover and [the] curtain of the screen.
skrinjo in njena drogova s sedežem milosti in zagrinjalo pokrivala,
13 The table and poles its and all articles its and [the] bread of the presence.
mizo in njena drogova, vse njene posode in hlebe navzočnosti,
14 And [the] lampstand of the light and equipment its and lamps its and [the] oil of the light.
tudi svečnik za svetlobo in njegovo opremo in njegove svetilke z oljem za svetlobo
15 And [the] altar of incense and poles its and [the] oil of anointing and [the] incense of the perfume and [the] screen of the entrance for [the] entrance of the tabernacle.
in kadilni oltar in njegova drogova, mazilno olje in dišeče kadilo, tanko preprogo za vrata pri šotorskem vhodu šotorskega svetišča,
16 - [the] altar of The burnt offering and [the] grating of bronze which [belongs] to it poles its and all articles its the laver and base its.
oltar žgalne daritve z njegovo bronasto rešetko, njegova drogova in vse njegove posode, [okrogel] umivalnik in njegovo vznožje,
17 [the] curtains of The courtyard pillars its and bases its and [the] screen of [the] gate of the courtyard.
tanke preproge dvora, njegove stebre in njihove podstavke in tanko preprogo za vrata dvora,
18 [the] tent pegs of The tabernacle and [the] tent pegs of the courtyard and ropes their.
količke šotorskega svetišča, količke dvora in njihove vrvice,
19 [the] garments of The woven material to serve in the holy place [the] garments of holiness for Aaron the priest and [the] garments of sons his to serve as priests.
službene obleke, da opravljajo službo na svetem kraju, sveta oblačila za duhovnika Arona in oblačila njegovih sinov, za služenje v duhovniški službi.‹«
20 And they went out all [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel from to before Moses.
Vsa skupnost Izraelovih otrok je odšla iz Mojzesove prisotnosti.
21 And they came every person whom it lifted him heart his and every [one] whom it impelled spirit his him they brought [the] contribution of Yahweh for [the] work of [the] tent of meeting and for all service its and for [the] garments of holiness.
Prišli so, vsakdo, čigar srce ga je razvnelo in vsakdo, čigar duh ga je storil voljnega in prinesli so Gospodovo daritev h gradnji šotorskega svetišča skupnosti in za vso njegovo službo in za sveta oblačila.
22 And they came the men with the women every - [person] willing of heart they brought nose ring[s] and earring[s] and finger ring[s] and ornament[s] every article of gold and every person who he waved a wave-offering of gold to Yahweh.
Prišli so, tako moški kakor ženske, tako veliko kot jih je bilo voljnega srca in prinesli zapestnice, uhane, prstane, ogrlice, vse dragocenosti iz zlata. Vsak človek, ki je daroval, je daroval daritev zlata Gospodu.
23 And every person whom it was found with him violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen and goat hair and hides of rams dyed red and hides of dolphins they brought [them].
Vsak človek, pri katerem je bilo najdeno modro, vijolično, škrlatno in tanko laneno platno, kozja dlaka, rdeča koža ovnov in jazbečeve kože, jih je prinesel.
24 All [those who] contributed a contribution of silver and bronze they brought [the] contribution of Yahweh and every [one] whom it was found with him wood of acacia for all [the] work of the service they brought [it].
Vsak, kdor je daroval daritev srebra in brona, je prinesel Gospodovo daritev. Vsak človek, pri komer se je našel akacijev les za katerokoli delo službe, ga je prinesel.
25 And every woman skillful of heart with hands her they spun and they brought that which was spun the violet stuff and the purple [the] scarlet stuff of the scarlet and the fine linen.
Vse ženske, ki so bile modrega srca, so predle s svojimi rokami in prinesle to, kar so napredle, tako iz modrega, iz vijoličnega in iz škrlata in iz tankega lanenega platna.
26 And all the women whom it lifted heart their them with skill they spun the goat hair.
Vse ženske, ki jih je srce razvnelo v modrosti, so predle kozjo dlako.
27 And the leaders they brought [the] stones of the onyx and [the] stones of the setting for the ephod and for the breastpiece.
Voditelji so prinesli oniksove kamne in kamne, da se pripravijo za efód in za naprsnik,
28 And the spice and the oil for light and for [the] oil of anointing and for [the] incense of the perfume.
dišavo in olje za svetlobo in za mazilno olje in za dišeče kadilo.
29 Every man and woman whom it impelled heart their them to bring [it] for all the work which he had commanded Yahweh to do by [the] hand of Moses they brought [the] people of Israel a freewill offering to Yahweh.
Izraelovi otroci so prinesli voljno daritev Gospodu, vsak moški in ženska, katerega srce jih je storilo voljne, da prinesejo za vse vrste dela, ki ga je Gospod zapovedal, da bo storjeno po Mojzesovi roki.
30 And he said Moses to [the] people of Israel see he has called Yahweh by name Bezalel [the] son of Uri [the] son of Hur of [the] tribe of Judah.
Mojzes je Izraelovim otrokom rekel: »Glejte, Gospod je po imenu poklical Becaléla, Urijájevega sina, Hurovega sina, iz Judovega rodu
31 And he has filled him [the] spirit of God with skill with understanding and with knowledge and with all workmanship.
in ga napolnil z Božjim duhom, v modrosti, v razumevanju, v znanju in v vseh vrstah rokodelstva
32 And to design designs to work in gold and in silver and in bronze.
in da snuje nenavadna dela, da dela v zlatu, v srebru, v bronu,
33 And in carving of stone to fill and in carving of wood to work in all workmanship of design.
v rezanju kamnov, da se jih vdela in v rezbarjenju lesa, da naredi vsake vrste spretno delo.
34 And to teach he has put in heart his he and Oholiab [the] son of Ahisamach of [the] tribe of Dan.
V njegovo srce je položil, da lahko poučuje, tako on in Oholiáb, Ahisamáhov sin, iz Danovega rodu.
35 He has filled them wisdom of heart to do all [the] work of an engraver - and a skillful worker and a worker in colors in the violet stuff and in the purple in [the] scarlet stuff of the scarlet and in the fine linen and a weaver doers of all workmanship and designers of designs.
Napolnil ju je s srčno modrostjo, da opravljata vse vrste dela, od graverja do spretnega delavca in od tistega, ki izveze v modri, v vijolični, v škrlatni in v tankem lanenem platnu do tkalca, celó izmed teh, ki opravljajo katerokoli delo in izmed teh, ki snujejo spretno delo.«

< Exodus 35 >