< Exodus 32 >

1 And it saw the people that he delayed Moses to come down from the mountain and it assembled the people to Aaron and they said to him arise - make for us gods which they will go before us for this - Moses the man who he brought up us from [the] land of Egypt not we know what? has it happened to him.
Vanhu vakati vaona kuti Mozisi akanga anonoka kwazvo kuburuka kubva mugomo, vakaungana pana Aroni vakati, “Uya, tiitire vamwari vachatitungamirira. Kana ari munhu uyu Mozisi akatibudisa muIjipiti, hatizivi zvakaitika kwaari.”
2 And he said to them Aaron tear off [the] rings of gold which [are] on [the] ears of wives your sons your and daughters your and bring [them] to me.
Aroni akavapindura akati, “Bvisai mhete dzegoridhe dzakapfekwa navakadzi venyu, vanakomana venyu navanasikana venyu mugouya nadzo kwandiri.”
3 And they tore off from themselves all the people [the] rings of gold which [were] on ears their and they brought [them] to Aaron.
Saka vanhu vose vakabvisa mhete dzavo vakauya nadzo kuna Aroni.
4 And he took [them] from hand their and he fashioned it with tool and he made it a calf of molten metal and they said these [are] gods your O Israel who they brought up you from [the] land of Egypt.
Akatora zvavakamupa akaita nazvo chifananidzo chakaumbwa muchimiro chemhuru, achichiveza nembezo. Ipapo vakati, “Ava ndivo vamwari venyu, imi Israeri, vakakubudisai kubva muIjipiti.”
5 And he saw Aaron and he built an altar before it and he called Aaron and he said a festival of Yahweh [will be] tomorrow.
Aroni akati aona izvi, akavaka aritari pamberi pemhuru iya akazivisa vanhu kuti, “Mangwana kuchava nomutambo kuna Jehovha.”
6 And they rose early from [the] next day and they offered up burnt offerings and they brought near peace offerings and it sat down the people to eat and to drink and they arose to play.
Saka zuva rakatevera vanhu vakamuka mangwanani vakabayira zvipiriso zvinopiswa uye vakapa zvipiriso zvokuwadzana. Shure kwaizvozvo vakagara pasi vakadya, vakanwa uye vakasimuka kuti vatambe.
7 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses go go down for it has behaved corruptly people your which you brought up from [the] land of Egypt.
Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Buruka, nokuti vanhu vako, vawakabudisa muIjipiti, vaora.
8 They have turned aside quickly from the way which I commanded them they have made for themselves a calf of molten metal and they have bowed down to it and they have sacrificed to it and they have said these [are] gods your O Israel who they brought up you from [the] land of Egypt.
Vakurumidza kutsauka pane zvandakavarayira uye vakazviitira chifananidzo chakavezwa muchimiro chemhuru. Vapfugamira pachiri uye vakabayira kwachiri uye vakati, ‘Ava ndivo vamwari venyu, imi vaIsraeri, vakakubudisai kubva muIjipiti.’”
9 And he said Yahweh to Moses I have seen the people this and there! [is] a people stiff of neck it.
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Ndaona vanhu ava, uye vanhu vane mitsipa mikukutu.
10 And therefore leave alone! me so may it burn anger my on them so I may make an end of them and I may make you into a nation great.
Zvino ndirege hangu kuti kutsamwa kwangu kupfute pamusoro pavo ndivaparadze. Ipapo iwe ndichakuita rudzi rukuru.”
11 And he entreated Moses [the] face of Yahweh God his and he said why? O Yahweh does it burn anger your on people your which you brought out from [the] land of Egypt with power great and by a hand strong.
Asi Mozisi akatsvaka nyasha dzaJehovha Mwari wake, akati, “Haiwa Jehovha, kutsamwa kwenyu kungapfuta seiko pamusoro pavanhu venyu, vamakabudisa kubva muIjipiti nesimba guru uye noruoko rune simba?
12 Why? will they say Egypt saying with evil he brought out them to kill them in the mountains and to make an end of them from on [the] surface of the ground turn from [the] burning of anger your and relent on the harm to people your.
VaIjipita vachataurireiko vachiti, ‘Akavabudisa muIjipiti nomurangariro wakaipa, kuti avauraye mumakomo uye nokuvaparadza panyika’? Dzokai henyu pakutsamwa kwenyu kunotyisa; dzokai murege kuuyisa njodzi pamusoro pavanhu venyu.
13 Remember Abraham Isaac and Israel servants your whom you swore to them by yourself and you said to them I will increase offspring your like [the] stars of the heavens and all the land this which I have promised I will give to offspring your and they will possess [it] for ever.
Rangarirai varanda venyu vanaAbhurahama, Isaka naIsraeri, vamakapika kwavari nemi pachenyu muchiti, ‘Ndichaita kuti zvizvarwa zvenyu zviwande senyeredzi dzokudenga, uye ndichapa zvizvarwa zvenyu nyika iyi yose yandakavavimbisa, uye ichava nhaka yavo nokusingaperi.’”
14 And he relented Yahweh on the harm which he had spoken to do to people his.
Ipapo Jehovha akazvidemba uye akarega kuuyisa njodzi yaakanga oda kuisa pamusoro pavanhu vake.
15 And he turned and he went down Moses from the mountain and [the] two [the] tablets of the testimony [were] in hand his tablets written from [the] two sides their from this and from this they [were] written.
Mozisi akadzoka akaburuka mugomo ane mahwendefa maviri eChipupuriro mumaoko ake. Akanga akanyorwa kumativi ose ari maviri, mberi neshure.
16 And the tablets [were] [the] work of God they and the writing [was] [the] writing of God it engraved on the tablets.
Mahwendefa aya rakanga riri basa raMwari; runyoro rwakanga rwuri runyoro rwaMwari, rwakatemwa pamahwendefa.
17 And he heard Joshua [the] sound of the people (in shouting its *Q(K)*) and he said to Moses a sound of battle [is] in the camp.
Joshua akati anzwa mheremhere yavanhu vaidanidzira, akati kuna Mozisi, “Mune ruzha rwehondo mumusasa.”
18 And he said there not [is] a sound of singing of strength and there not [is] a sound of singing of weakness a sound of singing I [am] hearing.
Mozisi akapindura akati, “Harusi ruzha rwokukunda, harusi ruzha rwokukundwa; ruzha rwokuimba rwandinonzwa.”
19 And it was just when he drew near to the camp and he saw the calf and dancing and it burned [the] anger of Moses and he threw down (from hands his *Q(K)*) the tablets and he broke in pieces them under the mountain.
Mozisi akati aswedera pamusasa akaona mhuru uye nokutamba, kutsamwa kwake kukavira uye akakanda mahwendefa achibva mumaoko ake, akaaputsa kuita zvidimbu zvidimbu pajinga regomo.
20 And he took the calf which they had made and he burned [it] with fire and he ground [it] until that it was fine and he scattered [it] on [the] surface of the water and he made drink [it] [the] people of Israel.
Uye akatora mhuru yavakanga vagadzira ndokuipisa nomoto; ipapo akaikuya kuita upfu, akahuparadzira pamusoro pemvura uye akaita kuti vaIsraeri vainwe.
21 And he said Moses to Aaron what? did it do to you the people this that you have brought on it a sin great.
Akati kuna Aroni, “Ko vanhu ava vakaiteiko kwauri, zvawakavatungamirira muchivi chikuru zvakadai?”
22 And he said Aaron may not it burn [the] anger of lord my you you know the people that [is] on evil it.
Aroni akapindura akati, “Regai kutsamwa, ishe wangu. Munoziva kuti vanhu ava vanorerekera sei pakutadza.
23 And they said to me make for us gods which they will go before us for this - Moses the man who he brought up us from [the] land of Egypt not we know what? has it happened to him.
Vakati kwandiri, ‘Tiitire vamwari vachatitungamirira. Kana ari munhu uyu Mozisi akatibudisa kubva muIjipiti, hatizivi zvakaitika kwaari.’
24 And I said to them [belongs] to whom? gold tear [it] off from yourselves and they gave [it] to me and I threw it in the fire and it came out the calf this.
Saka ndakati kwavari, ‘Ani naani ane zvishongo zvegoridhe, ngaabvise.’ Ipapo vakandipa goridhe ndikarikanda mumoto, uye ndipo pakabuda mhuru iyi!”
25 And he saw Moses the people for [was] running wild it for had let [it] run wild he Aaron for derision among [those who] rise against them.
Mozisi akaona kuti vanhu vakanga vatopenga zvavo uye kuti Aroni akanga avarega vasisazvidzori uye kuti vakanga vava chiseko kuvavengi vavo.
26 And he stood Moses at [the] gate of the camp and he said who? [belongs] to Yahweh to me and they gathered themselves to him all [the] descendants of Levi.
Saka akamira pamukova wokupinda nawo mumusasa akati, “Ani naani ari kurutivi rwaJehovha, ngaauye kwandiri.” Uye vaRevhi vose vakaenda kwaari.
27 And he said to them thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel put everyone sword his on thigh his pass and return from gate to gate in the camp and kill everyone brother his and everyone friend his and everyone neighbor his.
Ipapo akati kwavari, “Zvanzi naJehovha Mwari waIsraeri, ‘Murume mumwe nomumwe ngaapakate munondo parutivi rwake. Mufambe mumusasa kubva kuno rumwe rutivi kusvika kuno rumwe, mumwe nomumwe achiuraya hama yake neshamwari yake nomuvakidzani wake.’”
28 And they did [the] descendants of Levi according to [the] word of Moses and it fell of the people on the day that about three thousand person[s].
VaRevhi vakaita sezvavakarayirwa naMozisi, uye nomusi uyo vanhu zviuru zvitatu vakafa.
29 And he said Moses fill hand your this day to Yahweh for everyone [was] on son his and on brother his and to put on yourselves this day a blessing.
Ipapo Mozisi akati, “Imi matsaurirwa Jehovha nhasi, nokuti makanga muchirwa navanakomana venyu uye nehama dzenyu, uye akuropafadzai nhasi.”
30 And it was from [the] next day and he said Moses to the people you you have sinned a sin great and now I will go up to Yahweh perhaps I will atone for sin your.
Fume mangwana Mozisi akati kuvanhu, “Maita chitadzo chikuru. Asi zvino ndichaenda kuna Jehovha; zvimwe ndingagona kukuitirai yananiso nokuda kwechivi chenyu.”
31 And he returned Moses to Yahweh and he said I beg you it has sinned the people this a sin great and they have made for themselves gods of gold.
Saka Mozisi akadzokera kuna Jehovha akati, “Haiwa vanhu ava vaita chivi chikuru sei! Vazviitira vamwari vegoridhe.
32 And therefore if you will forgive sin their and if not wipe out me please from book your which you have written.
Asi zvino, ndapota hangu varegererei chivi chavo, asi kana zvisina kudaro, ipapo ndidzimei henyu mubhuku ramakanyora.”
33 And he said Yahweh to Moses who? [is [the] one] who he has sinned to me I will wipe out him from book my.
Jehovha akapindura Mozisi akati, “Ani naani anenge atadzirana neni ndichamudzima mubhuku rangu.
34 And now go - lead the people to where I have spoken to you there! angel my he will go before you and on [the] day visit I and I will visit on them sin their.
Zvino chienda, tungamirira vanhu kunzvimbo yandakataura nezvayo, uye mutumwa wangu achakutungamirirai. Kunyange zvakadaro, nguva yokuti ndirange painosvika, ndichavaranga nokuda kwechivi chavo.”
35 And he struck Yahweh the people on that they had made the calf which he had made Aaron.
Uye Jehovha akarova vanhu nedenda nokuda kwezvavakaita nemhuru yakaitwa naAroni.

< Exodus 32 >