< Exodus 28 >

1 And you bring near to yourself Aaron brother your and sons his with him from among [the] people of Israel to serve as priest he to me Aaron Nadab and Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar [the] sons of Aaron.
"Panggillah Harun abangmu beserta anak-anaknya Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar dan Itamar, dan khususkanlah mereka supaya dapat melayani Aku sebagai imam.
2 And you will make garments of holiness for Aaron brother your for glory and for beauty.
Buatlah pakaian imam untuk Harun, supaya ia kelihatan terhormat.
3 And you you will speak to all [people] skillful of heart which I have filled it a spirit of wisdom and they will make [the] garments of Aaron to consecrate him to serve as priest he to me.
Panggillah semua tukang jahit yang telah Kuberi keahlian. Suruhlah mereka membuat pakaian Harun supaya ia dapat dikhususkan untuk melayani Aku sebagai imam.
4 And these [are] the garments which they will make a breastpiece and an ephod and a robe and a tunic of checkered work a turban and a sash and they will make garments of holiness for Aaron brother your and for sons his to serve as priest he to me.
Suruhlah mereka juga membuat tutup dada, efod, jubah, kemeja bersulam, serban dan ikat pinggang. Pakaian imam itu harus mereka buat untuk Harun abangmu dan anak-anaknya supaya dapat melayani Aku sebagai imam.
5 And they they will take the gold and the violet stuff and the purple and [the] scarlet stuff of the scarlet and the fine linen.
Pakaian itu harus mereka buat dari wol biru, ungu dan merah, benang emas dan linen halus. Selain itu efod harus dihias dengan sulaman.
6 And they will make the ephod gold violet stuff and purple scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted [the] work of a skillful worker.
7 Two shoulder-pieces joined it will be[long] to it to [the] two ends its and it will be joined together.
Dua tali bahu pengikat efod harus dijahitkan pada sisinya.
8 And [the] girdle of ephod its which [will be] on it [will be] like workmanship its from it it will be gold violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted.
Sebuah ikat pinggang tenunan halus dari bahan yang sama harus dijahitkan pada efod itu supaya menjadi satu bagian.
9 And you will take two stones of onyx and you will engrave on them [the] names of [the] sons of Israel.
Ambillah dua batu delima. Carilah seorang pandai emas yang ahli untuk mengukir pada batu itu nama-nama kedua belas anak Yakub menurut urutan umurnya, enam nama pada setiap batu. Lalu kedua batu permata itu harus dipasang dalam bingkai emas dan ditaruh pada tali bahu efod sebagai tanda peringatan akan kedua belas suku Israel. Dengan cara itu Harun membawa nama mereka di bahunya, sehingga Aku, TUHAN, selalu ingat kepada mereka.
10 Six of names their [will be] on the stone one and [the] names of the six which remain over [will be] on the stone second according to genealogies their.
11 [the] work of An engraver of stone [the] engravings of a seal you will engrave [the] two the stones on [the] names of [the] sons of Israel surrounded filigree settings of gold you will make them.
12 And you will put [the] two the stones on [the] shoulder-pieces of the ephod stones of reminder for [the] sons of Israel and he will bear Aaron names their before Yahweh on [the] two shoulder-pieces his to a reminder.
13 And you will make filigree settings of gold.
Selain kedua bingkai emas itu
14 And two chains of gold pure twisted cords you will make them a work of cordage and you will put [the] chains of the cords on the filigree settings.
harus dibuat juga dua rantai dari emas murni yang dipilin seperti tali, untuk dipasang pada bingkai emas itu."
15 And you will make a breastpiece of judgment [the] work of a skillful worker like [the] work of [the] ephod you will make it gold violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted you will make it.
"Buatlah bagi Imam Agung sebuah tutup dada untuk dipakai pada waktu ia mau mengetahui kehendak Allah. Bahan dan sulaman tutup dada itu harus sama dengan bahan dan sulaman efod.
16 Square it will be folded double [will be] a span length its and [will be] a span breadth its.
Bentuknya persegi dan dilipat dua, panjang dan lebarnya masing-masing 22 sentimeter.
17 And you will fill in it a setting of stone[s] four rows stone [will be] a row of a ruby a topaz and a beryl the row one.
Pasanglah empat baris batu permata pada tutup dada itu. Di baris pertama batu delima, topas dan baiduri sepah.
18 And the row second [will be] a turquoise a sapphire and an emerald.
Di baris kedua batu zamrud, batu nilam dan intan.
19 And the row third [will be] a jacinth an agate and an amethyst.
Di baris ketiga batu lazuardi, batu akik dan batu kecubung.
20 And the row fourth [will be] a chrysolite and an onyx and a jasper set gold they will be in settings their.
Di baris keempat batu pirus, yakut dan ratna cempaka. Kedua belas permata itu harus diikat dengan emas.
21 And the stones they will be on [the] names of [the] sons of Israel two [plus] ten on names their [the] engravings of a seal each one on name its they will be for [the] two [plus] ten tribe[s].
Pada setiap permata harus diukir salah satu nama dari kedua belas anak Yakub sebagai tanda peringatan akan suku-suku Israel.
22 And you will make on the breastpiece chains of twisting a work of cordage gold pure.
Buatlah untuk tutup dada itu dua rantai dari emas murni yang dipilin seperti tali.
23 And you will make on the breastpiece two rings of gold and you will put [the] two the rings on [the] two [the] ends of the breastpiece.
Buatlah juga dua gelang emas dan pasanglah di kedua ujung atas tutup dada itu
24 And you will put [the] two [the] cords of gold on [the] two the rings to [the] ends of the breastpiece.
lalu masukkan kedua rantai emas itu ke dalam gelang-gelang tadi.
25 And [the] two [the] ends of [the] two the cords you will put on [the] two the filigree settings and you will put [them] on [the] shoulder-pieces of the ephod to [the] front of face its.
Kedua ujung lain dari rantai itu harus diikat pada kedua bingkai, supaya tutup dada itu dapat dihubungkan dengan bagian depan tali bahu efod.
26 And you will make two rings of gold and you will put them on [the] two [the] ends of the breastpiece on edge its which [is] to [the] side of the ephod [the] inside towards.
Buatlah dua gelang emas lagi, lalu pasanglah pada tutup dada itu di ujung bawah bagian dalamnya yang kena efod.
27 And you will make two rings of gold and you will put them on [the] two [the] shoulder-pieces of the ephod from to downwards from in front of face its close to joining its from above [the] girdle of the ephod.
Sesudah itu, buatlah dua gelang emas lagi dan pasanglah di bagian depan kedua tali bahu efod dekat sambungan jahitannya agak ke bawah, di sebelah atas ikat pinggang dari tenunan halus.
28 So they may bind the breastpiece (from rings its *Q(K)*) to [the] rings of the ephod with a cord of violet stuff to be on [the] girdle of the ephod and not it will be displaced the breastpiece from on the ephod.
Gelang tutup dada harus dihubungkan dengan tali biru pada gelang efod supaya tutup dada itu tetap ada di atas ikat pinggang dan tidak terlepas.
29 And he will bear Aaron [the] names of [the] sons of Israel on [the] breastpiece of judgment over heart his when goes he into the holy place to a memorial before Yahweh continually.
Pada waktu Harun masuk ke tempat suci, ia harus membawa nama-nama suku-suku Israel yang terukir pada tutup dadanya, supaya Aku, TUHAN, selalu ingat kepada umat-Ku.
30 And you will put into [the] breastpiece of judgment the Urim and the Thummim and they will be over [the] heart of Aaron when goes he before Yahweh and he will bear Aaron [the] judgment of [the] people of Israel over heart his before Yahweh continually.
Taruhlah Urim dan Tumim di dalam tutup dada itu untuk dipakai Harun kalau ia menghadap Aku. Pada saat-saat seperti itu ia harus selalu memakai tutup dada, supaya ia dapat mengetahui kehendak-Ku untuk umat Israel."
31 And you will make [the] robe of the ephod an entirety of violet stuff.
"Jubah yang dipakai di atas efod harus seluruhnya terbuat dari wol biru.
32 And it will be [the] opening of top its in [the] middle of it an edge it will be[long] to opening its all around [the] work a weaver like [the] opening of a collar it will be[long] to it not it will be torn.
Lubang lehernya diperkuat dengan pita tenunan supaya tidak mudah koyak.
33 And you will make on skirt its pomegranates of violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet on skirt its all around and bells of gold [will be] in between them all around.
Di sekeliling pinggir bawahnya harus dibuat hiasan berupa buah delima dari wol biru, ungu dan merah, diselang-seling dengan kelintingan dari emas.
34 A bell of gold and a pomegranate a bell of gold and a pomegranate [will be] on [the] skirts of the robe all around.
35 And it will be on Aaron to serve and it will be heard sound its when goes he into the holy place before Yahweh and when comes out he and not he will die.
Jubah itu harus dipakai Harun kalau ia bertugas sebagai imam. Pada waktu ia datang ke hadapan-Ku di Ruang Suci atau meninggalkan tempat itu, akan terdengar bunyi kelintingan itu, supaya ia jangan mati.
36 And you will make a plate of gold pure and you will engrave on it [the] engravings of a seal holiness to Yahweh.
Buatlah sebuah hiasan dari emas murni dan ukirkan kata-kata 'Dikhususkan untuk TUHAN'.
37 And you will put it on a cord of violet stuff and it will be on the turban to [the] front of [the] face of the turban it will be.
Ikatkan itu pada serban dengan tali biru.
38 And it will be on [the] forehead of Aaron and he will bear Aaron [the] guilt of the holy things which they will consecrate [the] people of Israel to all [the] gifts of holiness their and it will be on forehead his continually for acceptance to them before Yahweh.
Hiasan emas itu harus dipasang Harun pada dahinya supaya Aku, TUHAN, mau menerima semua persembahan yang dibawa orang Israel kepada-Ku, walaupun dalam membawa persembahan itu mereka telah berbuat kesalahan.
39 And you will weave the tunic fine linen and you will make a turban of fine linen and a sash you will make [the] work of a worker in colors.
Kemeja Harun harus ditenun dari linen halus. Buatlah juga sebuah serban dari linen halus dan ikat pinggang yang disulam.
40 And for [the] sons of Aaron you will make tunics and you will make for them sashes and headdresses you will make for them for glory and for beauty.
Buatlah kemeja, ikat pinggang dan serban untuk anak-anak Harun supaya mereka kelihatan terhormat.
41 And you will clothe them Aaron brother your and sons his with him and you will anoint them and you will fill hand their and you will consecrate them and they will serve as priests me.
Kenakanlah pakaian itu pada Harun saudaramu dan anak-anaknya. Minyakilah mereka dengan minyak zaitun; dengan itu mereka ditahbiskan dan dikhususkan untuk melayani Aku sebagai imam.
42 And make for them undergarments of linen to cover [the] flesh of nakedness from [the] hips and to [the] thighs they will be.
Lalu buatlah untuk mereka celana pendek dari kain linen, panjangnya dari pinggang sampai ke paha untuk menutupi bagian badan yang tidak pantas dilihat.
43 And they will be on Aaron and on sons his when go they - into [the] tent of meeting or when draw near they to the altar to serve in the holy place and not they will bear guilt and they will die [it will be] a statute of perpetuity for him and for offspring his after him.
Celana itu harus selalu mereka pakai pada waktu masuk ke dalam Kemah-Ku atau mendekati mezbah untuk melakukan ibadat sebagai imam di Ruang Suci, supaya mereka tidak mati karena terlihat bagian badan mereka yang kurang pantas dilihat. Peraturan itu tetap berlaku untuk Harun dan keturunannya."

< Exodus 28 >