< Exodus 23 >

1 Not you must bear a report of falsehood may not you put hand your with a wicked [person] to be a witness of injustice.
“Kik iland wach ma ok adiera. Kik ikony ngʼat marach kidoko janeno mar miriambo.
2 Not you must be after many [people] to wicked deeds and not you must testify on a case at law by turning aside after many [people] to thrust aside.
“Kik itim gima rach nikech ji mangʼeny time. Ka in janeno e bura, to kik iketh bura mana nikech idwaro chwako koma ji ngʼenyie,
3 And a poor [person] not you must show partiality in case at law his.
kendo kik ichwak ngʼato e bura nikech odhier.
4 If you will meet [the] ox of enemy your or donkey his wandering off certainly you will return it to him.
“Ka irodhno gi rwadh jasiki kata pundane ka bayo abaya molal, nyaka idwoke ne wuon-gi.
5 If you will see [the] donkey of [one who] hates you lying down under load its and you will refrain from leaving it certainly you will let [it] loose with him.
Ka ineno punda jasiki ka lodi motingʼo ogoye piny, to kik iweye kanyo; nyaka ine ni ikonye.
6 Not you must turn aside [the] justice of needy [person] your in case at law his.
“Kik iketh buch jou modhier.
7 From a word of falsehood you will be distant and an innocent [person] and a righteous [person] may not you kill for not I will declare righteous a wicked [person].
Kik ibed gi wach e bura mar miriambo kendo kik umi ngʼat maonge ketho ngʼadne buch tho, nimar ok anangʼwon ne ngʼat ma bura oloyo.
8 And a bribe not you must take for bribe it makes blind clear-sighted [people] so it may pervert [the] words of righteous [people].
“Kik iyie kawo asoya, nikech asoya dino wenge jogo maneno kendo omiyo ngʼat makare bedo ngʼama rach.
9 And a sojourner not you must oppress and you you have known [the] life of the sojourner for sojourners you were in [the] land of Egypt.
“Kik usand japiny moro modak e dieru; un uwegi ungʼeyo kaka bedo jadak chalo, nikech ne un jodak e piny Misri.
10 And six years you will sow land your and you will gather produce its.
“Kuom higni auchiel unupur puotheu kendo unuka cham monyakie,
11 And the seventh [year] you will let rest it and you will leave fallow it and they will eat [the] needy [people] of people your and excess their it will eat [the] animal[s] of the field thus you will do to vineyard your to olive grove your.
to e higa mar abiriyo weuru puothe onind ma ok opur kendo ma ok okomie cham. Eka joma odhier mantie e kind jou nyalo yudo chiemo, kendo le mag thim nyalo chamo gima giweyo. Timuru kamano bende ne puotheu mag mzabibu kod zeituni.
12 Six days you will do work your and on the day seventh you will rest so that it may rest ox your and donkey your so he may refresh himself [the] child of female slave your and the sojourner.
“Tiuru tijeu kuom ndalo auchiel, to e odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo kik uti tich moro amora mondo omi rwethu kod pundeu oyud yweyo kendo misumba monywol e uteu kaachiel gi jodak bende nyalo yudo yweyo.
13 And to all that I have said to you you will take heed and [the] name of gods other not you will bring to remembrance not it will be heard on mouth your.
“Nyaka une ni utimo gik moko duto ma asenyisou. Kik uluong nying nyiseche mamoko; bende kik uwe winjgi kata mana e dhou.
14 Three feet you will celebrate a festival to me in the year.
“Unutimna nyasi mar sawo nyadidek e higa.
15 [the] festival of The unleavened bread you will keep seven days you will eat unleavened bread just as I commanded you to [the] appointed time of [the] month of Abib for in it you came out from Egypt and not they will present themselves face my empty.
“Timuru nyasi mar sawo mar makati ma ok oketie thowi; kuom ndalo abiriyo chamuru Makati ma ok oketie thowi, kaka nachikou. Timuru ma e kinde moketi e dwe mar Abib, nimar mano e dwe mane uwuokgo e piny Misri. “Kik ngʼato bi e nyima gi lwete nono.
16 And [the] festival of the harvest [the] first-fruits of work your which you will sow in the field and [the] festival of the ingathering when goes out the year when gathering you work your from the field.
“Timuru nyasi mar Sawo mar Keyo mar cham mane ukwongo komo e puotheu. “Timuru nyasi mar Sawo mar Keyo e giko higa, ka uchoko chambu koa e puotheu.
17 Three times in the year he will present himself every male your to [the] presence of the lord - Yahweh.
“Joma chwo duto nobi e nyim Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto nyadidek e higa.
18 Not you must sacrifice with leaven [the] blood of sacrifice my and not it will remain overnight [the] fat of festival sacrifice my until morning.
“Kik uchiwna remo motimgo misango kaachiel gi gimoro amora moketie thowi. “Bor chiayo modongʼ motimnago misango kik chop nyaka okinyi.
19 [the] beginning of [the] first-fruits of Ground your you will bring [the] house of Yahweh God your not you must boil a kid in [the] milk of mother its.
“Keluru cham mabeyo mokwongo nyaknu e lowo e od Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu. “Kik uted nyadiel ma pod dhodho cha min.
20 Here! I [am] about to send an angel before you to guard you on the journey and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.
“Neuru, aoro malaika nyimu mondo oritu e yo kendo mondo okelu kama aseikonu.
21 Take care from before him and listen to voice his may not you cause bitterness in him for not he will forgive to transgression your for name my [is] within him.
Chikuru itu kendo winjuru gima owacho. Kik ungʼanyne; nimar Nyinga ni kuome, nikech ka utimo kamano to ok enowenu.
22 That except carefully you will listen to voice his and you will do all that I will say and I will be an enemy to enemies your and I will be a foe to opposers your.
Ka uwinjo maber gima owacho kendo utimo gik moko duto mawacho, to abiro bedo jasik jowasiku kendo anakwed jogo makwedou.
23 For he will go angel my before you and he will bring you to the Amorite[s] and the Hittite[s] and the Perizzite[s] and the Canaanite[s] the Hivite[s] and the Jebusite[s] and I will annihilate it.
Malaikana biro telonu materu e piny jo-Amor, jo-Hiti, jo-Perizi, jo-Kanaan, jo-Hivi kod jo-Jebus kendo anatiekgi duto.
24 Not you must bow down to gods their and not you must be enticed to serve them and not you must make like works their for completely you will tear down them and totally you will shatter into pieces sacred pillars their.
Kik ukulru e nyim nyisechegi kata lamogi kata luwo timbegi. Nyaka une ni umukogi kendo utoyo kite ma gilamo matindo tindo.
25 And you will serve Yahweh God your and he will bless food your and water your and I will remove sickness from midst your.
Lamuru Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu, kendo anagwedhu gi chiemo kod pi. Anatiek tuoche kuomu,
26 Not anyone will be miscarrying and barren in land your [the] number of days your I will complete.
kendo onge dhako ma iye no-oo piny, kata manobed migumba e pinyu. Abiro miyou ngima moromo chuth.
27 Terror my I will send before you and I will confuse every people which you will go among them and I will give all enemies your to you neck.
“Abiro oro kihondkona otel nyimu kendo anami piny ka piny ma uromogo bagni. Anami wasiku duto ringu.
28 And I will send the hornet before you and it will drive out the Hivite[s] the Canaanite[s] and the Hittite[s] from to before you.
Abiro oro masiche mondo otel nyimu kendo masichego noriemb jo-Hivi, jo-Kanaan kod jo-Hiti.
29 Not I will drive out it from before you in a year one lest it should become the land a waste and it will become many on you [the] animal[s] of the field.
To ok anariembgi oko dichiel e higa, nikech piny nyalo bedo gunda kendo le mag thim nyalo bedonu mathoth mokalo akwana.
30 Little little I will drive out it from before you until that you will be fruitful and you will possess the land.
Abiro bedo kagologi matin tin e nyimu, nyaka chop umedru moromo kawo pinyno.
31 And I will fix border your from [the] sea of reed[s] and to [the] sea of [the] Philistines and from [the] wilderness to the River for - I will give in hand your [the] inhabitants of the land and you will drive out them from before you.
“Abiro keto tongʼ mar pinyu kochakore Nam Makwar nyaka e tongʼ Nam mar Mediterania, kendo chakre e thim nyaka e Aora mar Yufrate.
32 Not you must make to them and to gods their a covenant.
Kik utim winjruok kodgi kata kod nyisechegi.
33 Not they will dwell in land your lest they should cause to sin you to me for you will serve gods their for it will become for you a snare.
Kik uwegi gidagi e pinyu, ka ok kamano to ginimi utim richo e nyima, nikech lamo nyisechegi nobednu obadho.”

< Exodus 23 >