< Exodus 21 >
1 And these [are] the judgments which you will set before them.
De Lovbud, du skal forelægge dem, er følgende:
2 For you will buy a slave Hebrew six years he will serve and in the seventh [year] he will go out to free [person] without paying.
Naar du køber dig en hebræisk Træl, skal han trælle i seks Aar, men i det syvende skal han frigives uden Vederlag.
3 If with body his he will come with body his he will go out if [is the] husband of a wife he and she will go out wife his with him.
Er han ugift, naar han kommer til dig, skal han frigives alene; er han gift, skal hans Hustru frigives sammen med ham.
4 If master his he will give to him a wife and she will bear to him sons or daughters the woman and children her she will belong to master her and he he will go out with body his.
Hvis hans Herre giver ham en Hustru og hun føder ham Sønner eller Døtre, da skal Hustruen og hendes Børn tilhøre hendes Herre, og Trællen frigives alene.
5 And if carefully he will say the slave I love master my wife my and children my not I will go out a free [person].
Hvis han imidlertid erklærer: »Jeg har faaet Kærlighed til min Herre, min Hustru og mine Børn, jeg vil ikke have min Frihed!«
6 And he will bring near him master his to God and he will bring near him to the door or to the doorpost and he will pierce master his ear his with the awl and he will serve him for ever.
da skal hans Herre føre ham hen til Gud og stille ham op ad Døren eller Dørstolpen, og hans Herre skal gennembore hans Øre med en Syl, og saa skal han være hans Træl for Livstid.
7 And if he will sell a man daughter his to a female slave not she will go out when go out the [male] slaves.
Naar en Mand sælger sin Datter som Trælkvinde, skal hun ikke frigives som Trællene.
8 If she is bad in [the] eyes of master her who (for himself *Q(K)*) he designated her and he will let be ransomed her to a people foreign not he will have dominion to sell her because has dealt treacherously he with her.
Dersom hun paadrager sig sin Herres Mishag, efter at han har haft Omgang med hende, skal han tillade, at hun købes fri; han har ikke Lov at sælge hende til fremmede Folk, naar han har gjort Uret imod hende;
9 And if for son his he will designate her according to [the] custom of daughters he will do to her.
hvis han derimod bestemmer, at hun skal være hans Søns Hustru, skal han behandle hende, som det tilkommer Døtre.
10 If another [woman] he will take for himself food her covering her and right to intercourse her not he will reduce.
Hvis han tager sig en anden, har han ikke Lov at forholde den første den Kødspise, Klædning og ægteskabelige Ret, der tilkommer hende.
11 And if three [things] these not he will do for her and she will go out without paying not money.
Forholder han hende nogen af disse tre Ting, skal hun frigives uden Vederlag og Betaling.
12 [one who] will strike anyone And he will die certainly he will be put to death.
Den, der slaar en Mand ihjel, skal lide Døden.
13 And that not he was lying in wait and God he allowed to happen to hand his and I will designate for you a place where he will flee there.
Gør han det imidlertid ikke med Forsæt, men styres hans Haand af Gud, vil jeg anvise dig et Sted, hvor han kan ty hen.
14 And if he will act presumptuously anyone on neighbor his to kill him with cunning from with altar my you will take him to die.
Naar derimod en handler med Overlæg, saa han med List slaar sin Næste ihjel, da skal du rive ham bort fra mit Alter, for at han kan lide Døden.
15 And [one who] will strike father his and mother his certainly he will be put to death.
Den, der slaar sin Fader eller Moder, skal lide Døden.
16 And [one who] will steal anyone and he will sell him and he will be found in hand his certainly he will be put to death.
Den, der stjæler et Menneske, skal lide Døden, hvad enten han har solgt det, eller det endnu findes hos ham.
17 And [one who] will curse father his and mother his certainly he will be put to death.
Den, der forbander sin Fader eller Moder, skal lide Døden.
18 And if they will quarrel! men and he will strike anyone neighbor his with a stone or with a fist and not he will die and he will fall to a bed.
Naar der opstaar Strid mellem Mænd, og den ene slaar den anden med en Sten eller med Næven, saa at han vel ikke dør deraf, men dog maa holde Sengen,
19 If he will arise and he will walk about on the outside on staff his and he will be free from guilt the [one who] struck only sitting still his he will pay for and certainly he will have [him] healed.
saa skal Gerningsmanden være sagesløs, hvis han kan staa op og gaa ud støttet til sin Stok; kun skal han godtgøre ham hans Tidsspilde og sørge for hans Helbredelse.
20 And if he will strike anyone [male] slave his or female slave his with the rod and he will die under hand his certainly he will be avenged.
Naar en Mand slaar sin Træl eller Trælkvinde med sin Stok, saa de dør paa Stedet, skal han straffes derfor;
21 Nevertheless if a day or two days he will remain not he will be avenged for [is] money his he.
men hvis de bliver i Live en Dag eller to, skal han ikke straffes; det er jo hans egne Penge.
22 And if they will struggle together men and they will strike a woman pregnant and they will come out children her and not it will be harm certainly he will be fined just as he will impose on him [the] husband of the woman and he will give for [the] estimate.
Naar Mænd kommer i Slagsmaal og støder til en frugtsommelig Kvinde, saa hun nedkommer i Utide, men der ellers ingen Ulykke sker, da skal han bøde, hvad Kvindens Mand paalægger ham, og give Erstatning for det dødfødte Barn.
23 And if harm it will be and you will give a life in place of a life.
Men hvis der sker en Ulykke, skal du bøde Liv for Liv,
24 An eye in place of an eye a tooth in place of a tooth a hand in place of a hand a foot in place of a foot.
Øje for Øje, Tand for Tand, Haand for Haand, Fod for Fod,
25 Burning in place of burning bruise in place of bruise wound in place of wound.
Brandsaar for Brandsaar, Saar for Saar, Skramme for Skramme.
26 And if he will strike anyone [the] eye of [male] slave his or [the] eye of female slave his and he will destroy it to free [person] he will set free him in place of eye his.
Naar en Mand slaar sin Træl eller sin Trælkvinde i Øjet og ødelægger det, skal han give dem fri til Erstatning for Øjet;
27 And if [the] tooth of [male] slave his or [the] tooth of female slave his he will knock out to free [person] he will set free him in place of tooth his.
og hvis han slaar en Tand ud paa sin Træl eller Trælkvinde, skal han give dem fri til Erstatning for Tanden.
28 And if it will gore an ox a man or a woman and he will die certainly it will be stoned to death the ox and not it will be eaten meat its and [the] owner of the ox [will be] free from guilt.
Naar en Okse stanger en Mand eller Kvinde ihjel, skal Oksen stenes, og dens Kød maa ikke spises, men Ejeren er sagesløs;
29 And if [will be] an ox prone to gore it from yesterday three days ago and it has been protested on owner its and not he will guard it and it will kill a man or a woman the ox it will be stoned to death and also owner its he will be put to death.
men hvis Oksen allerede tidligere har villet stange, og dens Ejer er advaret, men alligevel ikke passer paa den, og den saa dræber en Mand eller Kvinde, da skal Oksen stenes, og dens Ejer skal ogsaa lide Døden;
30 If a ransom it will be imposed on him and he will give [the] ransom of life his according to all that it will be imposed on him.
men hvis der paalægges ham Sonepenge, skal han betale saa stor en Løsesum for sit Liv, som der kræves af ham.
31 Or a son it will gore or a daughter it will gore according to the judgment this it will be done to him.
Ogsaa hvis den stanger en Dreng eller en Pige, skal han behandles efter samme Lovbud.
32 If a [male] slave it will gore the ox or a female slave silver - thirty shekels he will give to master his and the ox it will be stoned to death.
Men hvis Oksen stanger en Træl eller Trælkvinde, skal han betale deres Herre tredive Sekel Sølv, og Oksen skal stenes.
33 And if he will open anyone a pit or for he will dig anyone a pit and not he will cover it and it will fall there an ox or a donkey.
Naar en Mand tager Dækket af en Cisterne eller graver en Cisterne uden at dække den til, og en Okse eller et Æsel saa falder deri,
34 [the] owner of The pit he will make compensation silver he will repay to owner its and the dead [animal] it will be[long] to him.
da skal Brøndens Ejer erstatte det; han skal give Dyrets Ejer Erstatning i Penge, men det døde Dyr skal tilfalde ham,
35 And if it will strike [the] ox of anyone [the] ox of neighbor his and it will die and they will sell the ox living and they will divide silver its and also the dead [animal] they will divide!
Naar en Mands Okse stanger en andens Okse ihjel, skal de sælge den levende Okse og dele Pengene, og ligeledes skal de dele det døde Dyr.
36 Or it is known that [is] an ox prone to gore it from yesterday three days ago and not he guarded it owner its certainly he will make compensation an ox in place of the ox and the dead [animal] it will be[long] to him.
Men hvis det er vitterligt, at Oksen tidligere har villet stange, og dens Ejer ikke har passet paa den, da skal han erstatte Okse med Okse, men det døde Dyr skal tilfalde ham.