< Exodus 20 >

1 And he spoke God all the words these saying.
Uye Mwari akataura mashoko aya ose akati:
2 (I *L(p)*) [am] Yahweh (God your *L(p)*) who I brought out you from [the] land of Egypt (from a house of *L(p)*) (slaves. *L(b+p)*)
“Ndini Jehovha Mwari wako, akakubudisa kubva muIjipiti, munyika youranda.
3 Not it will be[long] (to you gods other *L(p)*) on (face my. *L(p)*)
“Usava navamwe vamwari kunze kwangu.
4 Not you must make (for yourself *L(p)*) an image - and any (form *L(p)*) (which *L(b+p)*) [is] in the heavens - (above *L(p)*) (and which *L(b+p)*) ([is] on the earth beneath and which [is] in the waters - from under to the earth. *L(p)*)
Usazviitira mufananidzo wechinhu chipi zvacho chiri kudenga kumusoro kana wechiri panyika pasi kana wechiri mumvura.
5 Not (you must bow down to them *L(p)*) and not (you must be enticed to serve them *L(p)*) for I Yahweh God your [am] a God jealous visiting iniquity of fathers on children on a third generation and on a fourth generation (of [those who] hate me. *L(p)*)
Usazvipfugamira kana kuzvinamata, nokuti ini Jehovha Mwari wako, ndiri Mwari ane godo, ndinoranga vana nokuda kwechivi chamadzibaba kusvikira kuchizvarwa chechitatu nechechina cheavo vanondivenga,
6 (And doing covenant loyalty to thousands *L(p)*) to [those who] love me and to [those who] keep commandments my.
asi ndicharatidza rudo kuzvizvarwa zvine chiuru, avo vanondida uye vanochengeta mirayiro yangu.
7 Not you must take [the] name of Yahweh God your for emptiness for not he will leave unpunished Yahweh [the one] who he will take name his for emptiness.
Usareva zita raJehovha Mwari wako pasina nokuti Jehovha haazoregi kupa mhosva munhu upi zvake anoreva zita rake pasina.
8 (Remember *L(p)*) ([the] day of the sabbath to set apart as holy it. *L(p)*)
Rangarira zuva reSabata kuti urichengete riri dzvene.
9 (Six days you will labor and you will do *L(p)*) all (work your. *L(p)*)
Uchashanda mazuva matanhatu nokuita basa rako rose,
10 And [the] day (seventh [is] a sabbath - *L(p)*) to Yahweh (God your *L(p)*) not (you must do *L(p)*) any (work *L(p)*) you - and son your (and daughter your [male] servant your and female servant your and livestock your and sojourner your who [is] in gates your. *L(p)*)
asi zuva rechinomwe iSabata kuna Jehovha Mwari wako. Pazuva iroro hamufaniri kuita basa ripi zvaro, iwe kana mwanakomana wako, kana mwanasikana wako, murandarume wako kana murandakadzi wako, uye zvipfuwo zvako kana mutorwa ari mukati mamasuo ako.
11 For six days he made Yahweh the heavens and the earth the sea and all that [is] in them and he rested on the day seventh there-fore he blessed Yahweh [the] day of the sabbath and he set apart as holy it.
Nokuti mumazuva matanhatu Jehovha akaita matenga nenyika, gungwa, nezvose zviri mariri, asi akazorora nomusi wechinomwe. Naizvozvo Jehovha akaropafadza zuva reSabata akariita dzvene.
12 Honor father your and mother your so that they may be long! days your on the land which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you.
Kudza baba vako namai vako, kuti ugorarama mazuva mazhinji munyika yaunopiwa naJehovha Mwari wako.
13 (Not you must murder. *L(p)*)
14 (Not you must commit adultery. *L(p)*)
Usaita upombwe.
15 (Not you must steal. *L(p)*)
16 Not you must testify against neighbor your testimony of falsehood.
Usapupurira muvakidzani wako nhema.
17 Not you must covet [the] house of neighbor your not you must covet [the] wife of neighbor your and [male] servant his and female servant his and ox his and donkey his and all that [belongs] to neighbor your.
Usachiva imba yomuvakidzani wako. Usachiva mukadzi womuvakidzani wako, kana murandarume wake, kana murandakadzi wake, kana nzombe yake, kana mbongoro yake, kana chinhu chipi zvacho chomuvakidzani wako.”
18 And all the people [were] seeing the thunder claps and the lightning and [the] sound of the ram's horn and the mountain smoking and it saw the people and they trembled and they stood from a distance.
Vanhu vakati vaona mheni nokutinhira uye vanzwa hwamanda, uye vaona gomo richipfungaira utsi, vakadedera nokutya. Vakagara vari chinhambwe
19 And they said to Moses speak you with us so let us listen and may not he speak with us God lest we should die.
vakati kuna Mozisi, “Taura iwe kwatiri uye tichakuteerera. Asi usarega Mwari achitaura nesu, kuti tirege kufa.”
20 And he said Moses to the people may not you be afraid for in order to put to [the] test you he has come God and in order that may be fear his on faces your to not you will sin.
Mozisi akati kuvanhu, “Musatya. Mwari auya kuzokuedzai, kuitira kuti kutya Mwari kugova nemi, kuti murege kutadza.”
21 And it stood the people from a distance and Moses he drew near to the thick darkness where [was] there God.
Vanhu vakaramba vari chinhambwe, Mozisi paakanga achiswedera kurima gobvu kwakanga kuna Mwari.
22 And he said Yahweh to Moses thus you will say to [the] people of Israel you you have seen that from the heavens I have spoken with you.
Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Taurira vaIsraeri kuti, ‘Mazvionera pachenyu kuti ndataura kwamuri ndiri kudenga ndikati:
23 Not you must make! with me gods of silver and gods of gold not you must make for yourselves.
Musaita vamwari vapi zvavo kunze kwangu; musazviitira vamwari vesirivha kana vamwari vegoridhe.
24 An altar of earth you will make for me and you will sacrifice on it burnt offerings your and peace offerings your sheep your and cattle your in every place where I will cause to be remembered name my I will come to you and I will bless you.
“‘Mundiitire aritari yevhu mugobayira pamusoro payo zvipiriso zvinopiswa uye zvipiriso zvokuwadzana, makwai enyu, mbudzi dzenyu nemombe dzenyu. Pose pandichaita kuti zita rangu rikudzwe, ndichauya kwamuri ndigokuropafadzai.
25 And if an altar of stones you will make for me not you must build them hewn [stone] for tool your you have wielded on it and you have profaned it.
Kana muchindiitira aritari yamabwe, musaivaka namabwe akavezwa, nokuti mungazoisvibisa kana mukashandisa mbezo pairi.
26 And not you must go up on steps to altar my that not it will be uncovered nakedness your on it.
Uye musakwira kuaritari yangu namatanho, kuti kusasimira kwenyu kurege kuonekwa muri pairi.’

< Exodus 20 >