< Exodus 18 >

1 And he heard Jethro [the] priest of Midian [the] father-in-law of Moses all that he had done God for Moses and for Israel people his that he had brought out Yahweh Israel from Egypt.
Yitro, mertua Musa, imam di Midian, mendengar tentang segala sesuatu yang dikerjakan Allah untuk Musa dan bangsa Israel, pada waktu ia memimpin mereka keluar dari Mesir.
2 And he had taken Jethro [the] father-in-law of Moses Zipporah [the] wife of Moses after dismissal her.
Maka pergilah Yitro mengunjungi Musa, membawa Zipora, istri Musa yang masih tinggal di Midian,
3 And [the] two sons her who [the] name of the one [was] Gershom for he had said a sojourner I have become in a land foreign.
bersama Gersom dan Eliezer, kedua anaknya laki-laki. Anak yang pertama dinamakan Gersom karena Musa berkata, "Aku seorang pendatang di negeri asing";
4 And [the] name of the one [was] Eliezer for [the] God of father my [has been] help my and he has delivered me from [the] sword of Pharaoh.
anak yang kedua dinamakan Eliezer karena Musa berkata, "Allah pujaan nenek moyangku telah menolong dan menyelamatkan aku sehingga aku tidak dibunuh oleh raja Mesir".
5 And he came Jethro [the] father-in-law of Moses and sons his and wife his to Moses into the wilderness where he [was] encamped there [the] mountain of God.
Yitro datang bersama istri Musa dan kedua anaknya ke padang gurun tempat Musa berkemah dekat gunung suci.
6 And he said to Moses I father-in-law your Jethro [am] coming to you and wife your and [the] two sons her with her.
Musa diberi kabar bahwa mereka datang,
7 And he went out Moses to meet father-in-law his and he bowed down and he kissed him and they asked each of neighbor his to welfare and they went the tent towards.
maka keluarlah ia menyambut mereka. Ia sujud di depan Yitro dan menciumnya. Mereka saling menanyakan kesehatan masing-masing, lalu masuk ke dalam kemah Musa.
8 And he recounted Moses to father-in-law his all that he had done Yahweh to Pharaoh and to Egypt on [the] causes of Israel all the hardship which it had come upon them on the journey and he had delivered them Yahweh.
Musa menceritakan kepada mertuanya segala sesuatu yang diperbuat TUHAN terhadap raja dan bangsa Mesir untuk menyelamatkan orang Israel. Ia juga menceritakan kepadanya tentang kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi bangsa Israel di tengah jalan, dan bagaimana TUHAN menyelamatkan mereka.
9 And he rejoiced Jethro on all the good which he had done Yahweh to Israel whom he had delivered it from [the] hand of Egypt.
Mendengar semua itu, Yitro merasa gembira
10 And he said Jethro [be] blessed Yahweh who he has delivered you from [the] hand of Egypt and from [the] hand of Pharaoh who he has delivered the people from under [the] hand of Egypt.
dan berkata, "Terpujilah TUHAN yang menyelamatkan kamu dari tangan raja dan bangsa Mesir! Terpujilah TUHAN yang membebaskan bangsa Israel dari perbudakan!
11 Now I know that [is] great Yahweh more than all the gods for in the matter which they have acted presumptuously on them.
Sekarang saya tahu bahwa TUHAN lebih besar dari semua ilah, karena semua itu dilakukan-Nya ketika orang Mesir bertindak dengan amat sombong terhadap orang Israel."
12 And he took Jethro [the] father-in-law of Moses a burnt offering and sacrifices to God and he came Aaron and all - [the] elders of Israel to eat food with [the] father-in-law of Moses before God.
Kemudian Yitro membawa beberapa kurban bakaran dan kurban sembelihan sebagai persembahan kepada Allah. Harun dan semua pemimpin bangsa Israel datang dan makan bersama-sama dengan Yitro dalam kehadiran Allah.
13 And it was from [the] next day and he sat Moses to judge the people and it stood the people at Moses from the morning until the evening.
Keesokan harinya Musa mengadili perselisihan-perselisihan antara orang-orang Israel. Pekerjaan itu makan waktu dari pagi sampai malam.
14 And he saw [the] father-in-law of Moses all that he [was] doing for the people and he said what? [is] the thing this which you [are] doing for the people why? [are] you sitting to alone you and all the people [is] standing at you from morning until evening.
Ketika Yitro melihat semua yang harus dikerjakan Musa, ia bertanya, "Apa saja yang harus kaukerjakan untuk bangsa ini? Haruskah semua ini kaukerjakan sendirian, sehingga untuk minta nasihatmu saja, orang-orang itu mesti berdiri di sini dari pagi sampai malam?"
15 And he said Moses to father-in-law his thatr it comes to me the people to consult God.
Jawab Musa, "Orang-orang itu datang kepada saya untuk mengetahui kehendak Allah.
16 For it will be[long] to them a matter [it is] coming to me and I judge between each and between neighbor his and I make known [the] statutes of God and laws his.
Kalau mereka berselisih, mereka menghadap saya supaya memutuskan perkara mereka, dan saya sampaikan kepada mereka perintah-perintah dan hukum-hukum Allah."
17 And he said [the] father-in-law of Moses to him not [is] good the thing which you [are] doing.
Kata Yitro, "Tidak baik begitu.
18 Certainly you will wear yourself out both you as well as the people this which [is] with you for [is too] heavy for you the thing not you are able to do it to alone you.
Dengan cara itu engkau melelahkan dirimu sendiri, dan juga orang-orang itu. Pekerjaan itu terlalu banyak untuk satu orang.
19 Now listen to voice my let me advise you and may he be God with you be you for the people in front of God and you will bring you the matters to God.
Dengarlah nasihat saya, dan Allah akan menolongmu. Memang baik engkau mewakili bangsa ini di hadapan Allah dan membawa persoalan mereka kepada-Nya.
20 And you will warn them the statutes and the laws and you will make known to them the way [which] they will walk in it and the work which they will do!
Engkau harus mengajarkan kepada mereka perintah-perintah Allah dan menerangkan cara hidup yang baik dan apa yang harus mereka lakukan.
21 And you you will provide from all the people men of ability [those] fearing God men of faithfulness [who] hate unjust gain and you will appoint over them officials of thousands officials of hundreds officials of fifties and officials of tens.
Tetapi di samping itu engkau harus memilih beberapa orang laki-laki yang bijaksana, dan menunjuk mereka menjadi pemimpin atas seribu orang, seratus orang, lima puluh orang, dan sepuluh orang. Mereka hendaknya orang-orang yang takut dan taat kepada Allah, dapat dipercaya dan tak mau menerima uang suap.
22 And they will judge the people at every time and it will be every matter great they will bring to you and every matter small they will judge they and lighten from on yourself and they will bear with you.
Suruhlah mereka bertindak sebagai hakim bangsa ini, masing-masing bagi kelompoknya. Tugas itu harus mereka lakukan secara teratur. Perkara-perkara yang penting boleh mereka ajukan kepadamu, tetapi perselisihan yang kecil-kecil dapat mereka bereskan sendiri. Hal itu akan meringankan engkau karena mereka ikut bertanggung jawab.
23 If the thing this you will do and he will command you God and you will be able to endure and also all the people this to place its it will go in peace.
Jika engkau berbuat begitu, dan hal itu diperintahkan Allah kepadamu, engkau akan mampu melakukan tugasmu, dan semua orang akan pulang dengan puas karena persoalan mereka cepat dibereskan."
24 And he listened Moses to [the] voice father-in-law his and he did all that he had said.
Musa mengikuti nasihat Yitro,
25 And he chose Moses men of ability from all Israel and he appointed them chiefs over the people of icials of thousands officials of hundreds officials of fifties and officials of tens.
dan memilih orang-orang yang bijaksana di antara bangsa Israel. Ia menunjuk mereka menjadi pemimpin atas seribu orang, seratus orang, lima puluh orang, dan sepuluh orang.
26 And they judged the people at every time the matter difficult they brought! to Moses and every matter small they judged they.
Mereka menjalankan tugasnya sebagai hakim-hakim atas bangsa Israel. Perkara-perkara penting mereka ajukan kepada Musa, sedangkan perselisihan kecil-kecil mereka bereskan sendiri.
27 And he sent off Moses father-in-law his and he went himself to land his.
Kemudian Musa melepas Yitro pergi dan pulanglah Yitro ke negerinya.

< Exodus 18 >