< Esther 8 >

1 On the day that he gave the king Ahasuerus to Esther the queen [the] house of Haman [the] opposer (of the Jews *Q(k)*) and Mordecai he came before the king for she had told Esther what? [was] he to her.
Paa den samme Dag gav Kong Ahasverus Dronning Esther Hamans, Jødernes Fjendes, Hus; og Mardokaj kom for Kongens Ansigt, thi Esther havde givet til Kende, hvad han var for hende.
2 And he removed the king signet-ring his which he had taken away from Haman and he gave it to Mordecai and she appointed Esther Mordecai over [the] house of Haman.
Og Kongen tog sin Ring af, som han havde taget fra Haman, og gav Mardokaj den; og Esther satte Mardokaj over Hamans Hus.
3 And she repeated Esther and she spoke before the king and she fell before feet his and she wept and she sought favor to him to take away [the] evil of Haman the Agagite and plan his which he had planned on the Jews.
Og Esther blev ved og talte for Kongens Ansigt og faldt ned for hans Fødder, og hun græd og bad ham om den Naade, at han vilde afværge Hamans, Agagitens, Ondskab og hans Anslag, som han havde optænkt imod Jøderne.
4 And he extended the king to Esther [the] scepter of gold and she arose Esther and she stood before the king.
Saa udrakte Kongen Guldspiret til Esther, og Esther rejste sig og stod for Kongens Ansigt.
5 And she said if [is] on the king good and if I have found favor before him and it is proper the matter before the king and [am] good I in view his let it be written to revoke the letters [the] plan of Haman [the] son of Hammedatha the Agagite which he wrote to destroy the Jews who [are] in all [the] provinces of the king.
Og hun sagde: Dersom det saa synes Kongen godt, og dersom jeg har fundet Naade for hans Ansigt, og den Sag er ret for Kongens Ansigt, og jeg er behagelig for hans Øjne: Saa lad der skrives, for at tilbagekalde Brevene, det Anslag af Agagiten Haman, Ham-Medathas Søn, hvilke han har skrevet om at udrydde Jøderne, som ere i alle Kongens Landskaber;
6 For how? will I be able and I will look on the evil which it will find people my and how? will I be able and I will look on [the] destruction of kindred my.
thi hvorledes formaar jeg at se paa det onde, som vil ramme mit Folk? og hvorledes formaar jeg at se paa min Slægts Undergang?
7 And he said the king Ahasuerus to Esther the queen and to Mordecai the Jew here! [the] house of Haman I have given to Esther and him they have hanged on the gallows on that he stretched out hand his (on the Jews. *Q(k)*)
Da sagde Kong Ahasverus til Dronning Esther og til Jøden Mardokaj: Se, jeg har givet Esther Hamans Hus, og ham have de hængt paa Træet, fordi han udrakte sin Haand imod Jøderne.
8 And you write on the Jews according to the good in view your in [the] name of the king and seal [it] with [the] signet-ring of the king for a writing which [is] written in [the] name of the king and it is sealed with [the] signet-ring of the king not to revoke.
Saa skriver nu I om Jøderne, saasom eder godt synes, i Kongens Navn, og forsegler det med Kongens Ring; thi den Skrift, som er skreven i Kongens Navn og er bleven forseglet med Kongens Ring, er ikke til at tilbagekalde.
9 And they were summoned [the] scribes of the king at the time that in the month third that [is] [the] month of Sivan on [day] three and twenty in it and it was written according to all that he commanded Mordecai to the Jews and to the satraps and the governors and [the] officials of the provinces which - [were] from India and to Cush seven and twenty and a hundred province[s] province and province according to writing its and people and people according to language its and to the Jews according to writing their and according to language their.
Saa bleve Kongens Skrivere kaldte paa den Tid, i den tredje Maaned, det er Sivan Maaned, paa den tre og tyvende Dag i samme, og der blev skrevet aldeles, som Mardokaj befalede, til Jøderne og til Statholderne og Fyrsterne og de Øverste i Landskaberne fra Indien og indtil Morland, hundrede og syv og tyve Landskaber, hvert Landskab efter dets Skrift og hvert Folk efter dets Tungemaal; og til Jøderne efter deres Skrift og efter deres Tungemaal.
10 And he wrote in [the] name of the king Ahasuerus and he sealed [it] with [the] signet-ring of the king and he sent letters by [the] hand of couriers on horses [the] riders of the steed[s] royal [the] sons of the mares.
Og han skrev i Kong Ahasverus's Navn og forseglede det med Kongens Ring, og sendte Brevene ved Ilbud til Hest, som rede paa Travere, Muler, faldne efter Hingste:
11 That he had permitted the king to the Jews - who [were] in every city and city to assemble and to make a stand on life their to annihilate and to kill and to destroy every army of people and province which attacks them little one[s] and women and spoil their to take as plunder.
At Kongen gav Jøderne, som vare i hver Stad, Lov til at samles og at værge for deres Liv, at ødelægge, at ihjelslaa og at udrydde alt Folkets og Landskabernes Magt, som trængte dem, smaa Børn og Kvinder, og at røve Bytte fra dem,
12 On a day one in all [the] provinces of the king Ahasuerus on [day] thir-teen of month two [plus] ten that [is] [the] month of Adar.
paa een Dag i alle Kong Ahasverus's Landskaber, paa den trettende Dag i den tolvte Maaned, det er Adar Maaned.
13 copy of The writing [was] to be given law in every province and province being disclosed to all the peoples and to be (the Jews *Q(k)*) (ready *Q(K)*) for the day this to avenge themselves from enemies their.
En Genpart af Brevet var, at en Lov skulde gives i hvert Landskab, at det skal være vitterligt for alle Folk, at Jøderne skulde være rede paa denne Dag at hævne sig paa deres Fjender.
14 The couriers [the] riders of the steed[s] royal they went out hastened and hurried at [the] word of the king and the law it was given in Susa the citadel.
Ilbudene, som rede paa Travere, paa Muler, droge ud og hastede og skyndte sig efter Kongens Ord; og den Lov blev given i Borgen Susan.
15 And Mordecai he went out - from to before the king in clothing of royalty of violet and white cloth and a crown of gold great and a robe of fine linen and purple and the city of Susa it shouted for joy and it rejoiced.
Og Mardokaj gik ud fra Kongens Ansigt i et kongeligt Klædebon, blaat og hvidt, og med en stor Guldkrone og en kostelig Kappe af Linned og Purpur, og Staden Susan jublede og glædede sig.
16 To the Jews it belonged light and gladness and joy and honor.
Der var kommet Lys og Glæde for Jøderne og Fryd og Ære.
17 And in every province and province and in every city and city [the] place where [the] word of the king and law his [was] reaching gladness and joy [belonged] to the Jews a feast and a day good and many of [the] peoples of the land [were] becoming Jews for it had fallen dread of the Jews on them.
Og i ethvert Landskab og i enhver Stad, til hvilket Sted Kongens Ord og hans Lov ankom, var Glæde og Fryd iblandt Jøderne, Gæstebud og gode Dage; og mange af Folkene i Landet bleve Jøder, thi Frygt for Jøderne var falden paa dem.

< Esther 8 >