< Esther 6 >

1 In the night that it fled [the] sleep of the king and he said to bring [the] book of the reminders [the] words of the days and they were read aloud before the king.
N'aquella mesma noite fugiu o somno do rei: então mandou trazer o livro das memorias das chronicas, e se leram diante do rei.
2 And it was found recorded that he had told Mordecai on Bigthana and Teresh two of [the] eunuchs of the king from [the] guards of the threshold who they had sought to stretch out a hand on the king Ahasuerus.
E achou-se escripto que Mardoqueo tinha dado noticia de Bigthan e de Teres, dois eunuchos do rei, dos da guarda da porta, que procuraram pôr as mãos no rei Assuero.
3 And he said the king what? has it been done honor and greatness for Mordecai on this and they said [the] young men of the king servants his not it was done with him anything.
Então disse o rei: Que honra e magnificencia se fez por isto a Mardoqueo? E os mancebos do rei, seus servos, disseram: Coisa nenhuma se lhe fez.
4 And he said the king who? [is] in the court and Haman he had come to [the] court of [the] house of the king outer to speak to the king to hang Mordecai on the gallows which he had prepared for him.
Então disse o rei: Quem está no pateo? E Haman tinha entrado no pateo exterior do rei, para dizer ao rei que enforcassem a Mardoqueo na forca que lhe tinha preparado.
5 And they said [the] servants of the king to him there! Haman [is] standing in the court and he said the king let him come.
E os mancebos do rei lhe disseram: Eis que Haman está no pateo. E disse o rei que entrasse.
6 And he came Haman and he said to him the king what? [is] to do for the man whom the king he delights in honor his and he said Haman in heart his to whom? will he delight the king to do honor excess more than me.
E, entrando Haman, o rei lhe disse: Que se fará ao homem de cuja honra o rei se agrada? Então Haman disse no seu coração: De quem se agradará o rei para lhe fazer honra mais do que a mim?
7 And he said Haman to the king a man whom the king he delights in honor his.
Pelo que disse Haman ao rei: O homem de cuja honra o rei se agrada,
8 Let people bring clothing of royalty which he has worn on him the king and a horse which he has ridden on it the king and which it has been put a head-dress of royalty on head its.
Traga o vestido real de que o rei se costuma vestir, como tambem o cavallo em que o rei costuma andar montado, e ponha-se-lhe a corôa real na sua cabeça;
9 And let them put the clothing and the horse on [the] hand of a man one of [the] officials of the king the nobles and they will clothe the man whom the king he delights in honor his and they will make ride him on the horse in [the] open place of the city and they will proclaim before him thus it will be done for the man whom the king he delights in honor his.
E entregue-se o vestido e o cavallo, á mão d'um dos principes do rei, dos maiores senhores, e vistam d'elle aquelle homem de cuja honra se agrada: e levem-n'o a cavallo pelas ruas da cidade, e apregôe-se diante d'elle: Assim se fará ao homem de cuja honra o rei se agrada!
10 And he said the king to Haman hurry take the clothing and the horse just as you have said and do so for Mordecai the Jew who sits at [the] gate of the king may not you make fall a word from all that you have said.
Então disse o rei a Haman: Apressa-te, toma o vestido e o cavallo, como disseste, e faze assim para com o judeo Mardoqueo, que está assentado á porta do rei; e coisa nenhuma deixes cair de tudo quanto disseste.
11 And he took Haman the clothing and the horse and he clothed Mordecai and he made ride him in [the] open place of the city and he proclaimed before him thus it will be done for the man whom the king he delights in honor his.
E Haman tomou o vestido e o cavallo, e vestiu a Mardoqueo, e o levou a cavallo pelas ruas da cidade, e apregoou diante d'elle: Assim se fará ao homem de cuja honra o rei se agrada!
12 And he returned Mordecai to [the] gate of the king and Haman he hurried himself to house his mourning and covered of head.
Depois d'isto Mardoqueo voltou para a porta do rei: porém Haman se retirou correndo a sua casa, anojado, e coberta a cabeça.
13 And he recounted Haman to Zeresh wife his and to all friends his all that it had happened to him and they said to him wise [men] his and Zeresh wife his if [is] one of [the] offspring of the Jews Mordecai whom you have begun to fall before him not you will prevail to him for certainly you will fall before him.
E contou Haman a Zeres, sua mulher, e a todos os seus amigos, tudo quanto lhe tinha succedido. Então os seus sabios, e Zeres, sua mulher, lhe disseram: Se Mardoqueo, diante de quem já começaste a cair, é da semente dos judeos, não prevalecerás contra elle, antes certamente cairás perante elle.
14 Still they [were] speaking with him and [the] eunuchs of the king they arrived and they made haste to bring Haman to the feast which she had prepared Esther.
Estando elles ainda fallando com elle, chegaram os eunuchos do rei, e se apressaram a levar Haman ao banquete que Esther preparara.

< Esther 6 >