< Esther 2 >

1 After the things these when subsided [the] anger of the king Ahasuerus he remembered Vashti and [that] which she had done and [that] which it had been decreed on her.
I muri iho i enei mea, i te mea kua marie te riri o Kingi Ahahueruha, ka mahara ia ki a Wahati, ki tana i mea ai, ki te mea hoki i whakaritea mona.
2 And they said [the] young men of the king [who were] serving him let people seek for the king young women virgins good of appearance.
Na ka mea nga tangata a te kingi i mahi nei ki a ia, Kia rapua mai etahi kotiro ataahua ma te kingi.
3 And let him appoint the king appointees in all [the] provinces of kingdom his and let them gather every girl virgin good of appearance to Susa the citadel to [the] house of the women into [the] hand of Hegai [the] eunuch of the king [the] keeper of the women and let him give rubbings their.
Kia whakaritea hoki e te kingi etahi kaititiro puta noa i nga kawanatanga o tona kingitanga, a ma ratou e huihui mai nga kotiro ataahua, he wahine, ki Huhana, ki te whare kini, ki te whare wahine, ki a Hekai, ki ta te kingi rangatira ruma, ko ia nei te kaitiaki o nga wahine; a kia hoatu nga mea hei tahi mo to ratou poke;
4 And the young woman who she will be good in [the] eyes of the king she will reign in place of Vashti and it was good the word in [the] eyes of the king and he did thus.
Na, ko te kotiro e pai ki ta te kingi titiro, ko ia hei kuini i te wahi o Wahati. Na pai tonu taua mea ki te whakaaro o te kingi, a pera ana ano ia.
5 A man Jewish he was in Susa the citadel and name his [was] Mordecai [the] son of Jair [the] son of Shimei [the] son of Kish a man a Jaminite.
I Huhana, i te whare kingi tetahi tangata, he Hurai, ko tona ingoa ko Mororekai, he tama na Haira, tama a Himei, tama a Kihi, he tangata no Pineamine.
6 Who he had been taken into exile from Jerusalem with the exile[s] which it had been taken into exile with Jeconiah [the] king of Judah whom he had taken into exile Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon.
He mea whakaheke mai i Hiruharama i roto i te whakahekenga i whakahekea ai a Hekonia kingi o Hura, i tera i whakahekea ra e Nepukaneha kingi o Papurona.
7 And he was raising Hadassah that [is] Esther [the] daughter of uncle his for not [belonged] to her a father and a mother and the young woman [was] beautiful of shape and good of appearance and at [the] death of father her and mother her he took her Mordecai of him to a daughter.
Na he mea atawhai nana a Haraha, ara a Ehetere, te tamahine a tona matua keke; no te mea kahore ona papa, ona whaea, a he atanga taua kotiro, he ataahua; i te matenga hoki o tona papa, o tona whaea, ka tangohia ia e Mororekai hei tamahine mana.
8 And it was when were heard [the] edict of the king and orders his and when were gathered young women many to Susa the citadel into [the] hand of Hegai and she was taken Esther to [the] house of the king into [the] hand of Hegai [the] keeper of the women.
Heoi, ka rangona te kupu a te kingi, me tana ture, a ka tokomaha ano nga kotiro ka huihuia ki Huhana, ki te whare kingi, ki te ringa o Hekai, na ka mauria ano hoki a Ehetere ki te whare o te kingi, ki te ringa o Hekai kaitiaki wahine.
9 And she was good the young woman in view his and she bore favor before him and he hastened rubbings her and portions her to give to her and [the] seven the servant girls chosen to give to her from [the] house of the king and he moved her and servant girls her to [the] good [place] of [the] house of the women.
Na he pai taua kotiro ki tana titiro, ka atawhaitia hoki e ia; i hohoro hoki tana homai i nga mea hei tahi mo tona poke, me era atu mea ano mana, me nga kotiro tokowhitu i tika nei kia hoatu ki a ia, no roto i te whare o te kingi: i nekehia atu h oki ia, ratou ko ana kotiro ki te wahi pai rawa o te whare wahine.
10 Not she had told Esther people her and kindred her for Mordecai he had commanded to her that not she will tell.
Kihai i whakaaturia e Ehetere tona iwi me ona whanaunga; na Mororekai hoki i ako ki a ia kia kaua e whakaaturia.
11 And on every day and day Mordecai [was] walking back and forth to front of [the] court of [the] house of the women to know [the] welfare of Esther and what? was it done with her.
Na haere ai a Mororekai i tenei ra, i tenei ra, ki mua i te marae o te whare wahine, kia mohio ai ia kei te pehea a Ehetere, a ka peheatia ranei ia.
12 And when arrived [the] turn of a young woman and a young woman to go - to the king Ahasuerus from [the] end to be for her according to [the] regulation of the women two [plus] ten month[s] for thus they were completed [the] days of rubbings their six months with [the] oil of myrrh and six months with balsam oil and with [the] rubbings of women.
A, no ka rite te wa mo tenei kotiro, mo tenei kotiro, e haere ai ki a Kingi Ahahueruha, i te mea ka taka ona marama kotahi tekau ma rua, ko te ritenga hoki ia mo nga wahine, ko reira hoki rite ai nga ra mo te tahi o to ratou poke, ara e ono nga marama o te hinu maira, a e ono nga marama o nga mea kakara, o era atu mea ano e tahia ai te poke o nga wahine;
13 And in this [way] the young woman [was] going into the king all that she said it was given to her to go with her from [the] house of the women to [the] house of the king.
Ko te tikanga tenei mo te haerenga atu o tetahi kotiro ki te kingi; ko nga mea katoa i hiahia ai ia, i hoatu ki a ia, a ka riro i a ia i roto i te whare wahine ki te whare o te kingi.
14 In the evening - she [was] going and in the morning she [was] returning to [the] house of the women second in [the] hand of Shaashgaz [the] eunuch of the king [the] keeper of the concubines not she went again into the king that except he delighted in her the king and she was summoned by name.
I haere mai ia i te ahiahi, a i te ata ka hoki ki to nga wahine whare tuarua, ki te ringa o Haahakata, o ta te kingi rangatira ruma, ko ia nei te kaitiaki o nga wahine iti; heoi ano ona haerenga mai ki te kingi, kia hiahia ra ano te kingi ki a i a, kia whakahuatia ano hoki tona ingoa.
15 And when arrived [the] turn of Esther [the] daughter of Abihail [the] uncle of Mordecai whom he had taken of him to a daughter to go to the king not she requested anything that except [that] which he said Hegai [the] eunuch of the king [the] keeper of the women and she was Esther bearing favor in [the] eyes of all [those who] saw her.
A, ka rite te wa e haere ai ki te kingi a Ehetere tamahine a Apihaira, a te matua keke o Mororekai, he mea tango nei hoki ia na tenei hei tamahine mana, kihai tera i mea ki tetahi mea mana, heoi ano ko ta Hekai i whakarite ai, ko ia nei ta te ki ngi rangatira ruma, te kaitiaki o nga wahine. Na ahuareka rawa a Ehetere ki te titiro a te hunga katoa i kite i a ia.
16 And she was taken Esther to the king Ahasuerus into [the] house of royalty his in the month tenth that [is] [the] month of Tebeth in year seven of reign his.
Heoi ka mauria a Ehetere ki a Kingi Ahahueruha, ki tona whare kingi, i te tekau o nga marama, ko Tepete hoki taua marama, i te whitu o nga tau o tona kingitanga.
17 And he loved the king Esther more than all the women and she bore favor and favor before him more than all the virgins and he put a crown of royalty on head her and he made queen her in place of Vashti.
Na nui atu te aroha o te kingi ki a Ehetere i tona ki nga wahine katoa, ahuareka tonu ia, manakohia rawatia ana ia e ia i nga whaina katoa, potaea ana e ia te karauna kuini ki tona mahunga, meinga ana ia e ia hei kuini i te wahi o Wahati.
18 And he made the king a feast great for all officials his and servants his [the] feast of Esther and a holiday for the provinces he made and he gave tribute according to [the] hand of the king.
Katahi ka tukua e te kingi he hakari nui ma ana rangatira katoa ratou ko ana tangata, ara te hakari o Ehetere; whakangawaritia ano hoki e ia nga mea ki nga kawanatanga, a hoatu ana etahi hakari e ia, he mea i rite ki ta te kingi tikanga.
19 And when were gathered virgins a second [time] and Mordecai [was] sitting at [the] gate of the king.
Na i te rua o nga huihuinga o nga wahine, kei te noho a Mororekai i te kuwaha o te kingi.
20 Not Esther [was] telling kindred her and people her just as he had commanded to her Mordecai and [the] command of Mordecai Esther [was] doing just as she had done in guardianship with him.
Kihai ano i whakaaturia e Ehetere ona whanaunga me tona iwi; ko ta Mororekai hoki tera i ako ai ki a ia; i whakarite hoki a Ehetere i te kupu a Mororekai, i pera me ia e whakatupuria ake ana i tona whare.
21 In the days those and Mordecai [was] sitting at [the] gate of the king he was angry Bigthan and Teresh two of [the] eunuchs of the king from [the] guards of the threshold and they sought to stretch out a hand on the king Ahasuerus.
I aua ra, i te mea e noho ana a Mororekai i te kuwaha o te kingi, ka riri a Pikitana raua ko Terehe, tokorua o nga rangatira ruma a te kingi, he kaitiaki i te tatau, a ka whai kia pa te ringa ki a Kingi Ahahueruha.
22 And it was made known the matter to Mordecai and he told to Esther the queen and she spoke Esther to the king in [the] name of Mordecai.
Na kua mohiotia taua mea e Mororekai, a ka whakaaturia e ia ki a Ehetere, ki te kuini; korerotia ana e Ehetere ki te kingi i runga ano i te ingoa o Mororekai.
23 And it was sought the matter and it was found and they were hanged [the] two of them on a gallows and it was written in [the] book of [the] matters of the days before the king.
Na, ka oti taua mea te uiui, a ka kitea he tika, ka taronatia raua tokorua ki runga ki te rakau, a ka tuhituhia taua mea ki te pukapuka o nga meatanga o nga ra i te aroaro o te kingi.

< Esther 2 >