< Ephesians 3 >

1 Of this Because I myself Paul the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles;
For this reason I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles--
2 If indeed you have heard of the administration of the grace of God which having been given to me toward you
if, that is, you have heard of the work which God has graciously entrusted to me for your benefit,
3 for by revelation (He made known *N(k)O*) to me the mystery even as I have written before in brief,
and that by a revelation the truth hitherto kept secret was made known to me as I have already briefly explained it to you.
4 by which you are able reading [it] to understand the insight of mine into the mystery of Christ,
By means of that explanation, as you read it, you can judge of my insight into the truth of Christ
5 which (in *k*) in other generations not was made known to the sons of men as now it has been revealed to the holy apostles of His and to [his] prophets in [the] Spirit,
which in earlier ages was not made known to the human race, as it has now been revealed to His holy Apostles and Prophets through the Spirit--
6 being the Gentiles joint-heirs and a joint-body and joint-partakers of the promise (of him *k*) in (*k*) Christ (Jesus *NO*) through the gospel,
I mean the truth that the Gentiles are joint heirs with us Jews, and that they form one body with us, and have the same interest as we have in the promise which has been made good in Christ Jesus through the Good News,
7 of which (I would be *N(k)O*) servant according to the gift of the grace of God (which having been given *N(k)O*) to me according to the working of the power of Him.
in which I have been appointed to serve, in virtue of the work which God, in the exercise of His power within me, has graciously entrusted to me.
8 To me myself the very least of all (of the *k*) saints was given grace this, (among *k*) the Gentiles to evangelise (the *N(k)O*) unsearchable (riches *N(k)O*) of Christ
To me who am less than the least of all God's people has this work been graciously entrusted--to proclaim to the Gentiles the Good News of the exhaustless wealth of Christ,
9 and to enlighten all what [is] the (administration *N(K)O*) of the mystery which hidden from the ages in God the [One] who all things having created (through Jesus Christ *K*) (aiōn g165)
and to show all men in a clear light what my stewardship is. It is the stewardship of the truth which from all the Ages lay concealed in the mind of God, the Creator of all things-- (aiōn g165)
10 so that may be made known now to the rulers and to the authorities in the heavenly realms through the church the manifold wisdom of God
concealed in order that the Church might now be used to display to the powers and authorities in the heavenly realms the innumerable aspects of God's wisdom.
11 according to [the] purpose of the ages, which He accomplished in (*no*) Christ Jesus the Lord of us, (aiōn g165)
Such was the eternal purpose which He had formed in Christ Jesus our Lord, (aiōn g165)
12 in whom we have boldness and (*k*) access in confidence through the faith from Him.
in whom we have this bold and confident access through our faith in Him.
13 Therefore I implore [you] not to lose heart at the tribulations of mine for you, which is glory of you.
Therefore I entreat you not to lose heart in the midst of my sufferings on your behalf, for they bring you honour.
14 of this Because I bow the knees of mine to the Father (of the Lord of us Jesus Christ *K*)
For this reason, on bended knee I beseech the Father,
15 from whom every family in [the] heavens and on earth is named,
from whom the whole family in Heaven and on earth derives its name,
16 that (He may give *N(k)O*) you according to (the riches *N(k)O*) of the glory of Him with power to be strengthened through the Spirit of Him in the inner man,
to grant you--in accordance with the wealth of His glorious perfections--to be strengthened by His Spirit with power penetrating to your inmost being.
17 [for] to dwell Christ through faith in the hearts of you in love rooted and founded,
I pray that Christ may make His home in your hearts through your faith; so that having your roots deep and your foundations strong, in love, you may become mighty to grasp the idea,
18 so that you may be fully able to grasp with all the saints what [is] the breadth and length and height and depth
as it is grasped by all God's people, of the breadth and length, the height and depth--
19 to know then which is surpassing knowledge love of Christ, so that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.
yes, to attain to a knowledge of the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, so that you may be made complete in accordance with God's own standard of completeness.
20 To the [One] now being able above all things to do super overexcessively super overexcessively super overexcessively that we ask or we think according to the power which is working in us,
Now to Him who, in exercise of His power that is at work within us, is able to do infinitely beyond all our highest prayers or thoughts--
21 to Him [be] the glory in the church (and *no*) in Christ Jesus to all the generations of the age of the ages, Amen. (aiōn g165)
to Him be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, world without end! Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Ephesians 3 >