< Ecclesiastes 6 >

1 There [is] an evil which I have seen under the sun and [is] great it on humankind.
2 Anyone whom he gives to him God wealth and riches and honor and not he [is] lacking to appetite his - any of all that he desires and not he gives power him God to eat from it for a man foreign he eats it this [is] futility and [is] an affliction an evil it.
3 If he will father anyone one hundred [children] and years many he will live and [will be] many - [that] which will be [the] days of years his and self his not it will be satisfied from the good and also burial not it belonged to him I say [is] good more than him the miscarriage.
4 For in futility it came and in darkness it will go and in darkness name its it is covered.
5 Also [the] sun not it saw and not it knew rest [belongs] to this one more than this one.
6 And if he lived a thousand years two times and good not he saw ¿ not to a place one [are] all going.
7 All [the] toil of humankind [is] for mouth his and also the appetite not it will be filled.
8 For what? advantage [belongs] to the wise person more than the fool what? [belongs] to the poor [person] [who] knows to walk before the living.
9 [is] good [the] sight of Eyes more than going desire also this [is] futility and striving of wind.
10 Whatever [that] which has been already it has been named name its and [is] known [that] which he humankind [is] and not he is able to contend with ([one] who [is] mighty *Q(K)*) more than him.
11 For there [are] words certainly they increase futility what? advantage [belongs] to person.
12 For who? [is] knowing what? [is] good for person in life [the] number of [the] days of [the] life of futility his and he spends them like shadow that who? will he tell to person what? will it be after him under the sun.

< Ecclesiastes 6 >