< Deuteronomy 30 >

1 And it will be that they will come on you all the things these the blessing and the curse which I have set before you and you will bring [them] back to heart your in all the nations where he has banished you Yahweh God your there towards.
"Sekarang kamu boleh memilih antara berkat dan kutuk seperti yang saya terangkan kepadamu. Kalau kamu sudah mengalami semua penderitaan itu dan hidup di antara bangsa-bangsa asing tempat kamu diceraiberaikan TUHAN Allahmu, kamu akan teringat kepada pilihan yang saya berikan kepadamu.
2 And you will turn back to Yahweh God your and you will listen to voice his according to all that I [am] commanding you this day you and children your with all heart your and with all being your.
Kalau kamu dan keturunanmu mau kembali kepada TUHAN Allahmu, dan dengan sepenuh hati mentaati perintah-perintah-Nya yang saya berikan kepadamu hari ini,
3 And he will turn back Yahweh God your captivity your and he will have compassion on you and he will return and he will gather you from all the peoples where he has scattered you Yahweh God your there towards.
maka TUHAN Allahmu akan mengasihani kamu. Kamu akan dibawa-Nya kembali dari bangsa-bangsa di mana kamu diceraiberaikan, dan dijadikan makmur kembali.
4 If he will be banished [one] your at [the] end of the heavens from there he will gather you Yahweh God your and from there he will bring you.
Sekalipun kamu terpencar ke mana-mana di seluruh bumi, TUHAN Allahmu akan mengumpulkan kamu dan membawa kamu kembali.
5 And he will bring you Yahweh God your to the land which they took possession of ancestors your and you will take possession of it and he will do good to you and he will make great you more than ancestors your.
Maka kamu dapat memiliki lagi tanah yang dahulu didiami nenek moyangmu. Dan kamu akan dijadikan lebih makmur, dan jumlahmu jauh lebih besar daripada leluhurmu.
6 And he will circumcise Yahweh God your heart your and [the] heart of offspring your to love Yahweh God your with all heart your and with all being your for [the] sake of life your.
Kamu dan keturunanmu akan diberi hati yang penurut, sehingga kamu mencintai TUHAN Allahmu dengan sepenuh hatimu dan dapat terus tinggal di negeri itu.
7 And he will put Yahweh God your all the oaths these on enemies your and on [those who] hate you who they have persecuted you.
Semua kutuk itu akan dijatuhkan-Nya ke atas musuh-musuhmu yang membenci dan menindas kamu.
8 And you you will turn and you will listen to [the] voice of Yahweh and you will do all commandments his which I [am] commanding you this day.
Kamu akan kembali mentaati TUHAN dan menjalankan segala perintah-Nya yang saya berikan kepadamu hari ini.
9 And he will make abound you Yahweh God your in all - [the] work of hand your in [the] fruit of womb your and in [the] fruit of livestock your and in [the] fruit of ground your to good for - he will turn Yahweh to rejoice on you for good just as he rejoiced on ancestors your.
TUHAN Allahmu akan membuat semua usahamu berhasil; kamu akan mempunyai banyak anak dan banyak ternak; ladang-ladangmu akan memberi hasil yang berlimpah-limpah. TUHAN dengan senang hati menjadikan kamu makmur, seperti Ia juga senang memberi kemakmuran kepada nenek moyangmu.
10 If you will listen to [the] voice of Yahweh God your to keep commandments his and statutes his that is written in [the] book of the law this if you will return to Yahweh God your with all heart your and with all being your.
Tetapi kamu harus taat kepada TUHAN Allahmu dan mentaati segala hukum-Nya yang tertulis di dalam buku ini, buku Hukum TUHAN. Kamu harus kembali kepada-Nya dengan sepenuh hatimu.
11 For the commandment this which I [am] commanding you this day not [is too] difficult it for you and not [is] far away it.
Perintah yang saya berikan kepadamu tidak terlalu sulit bagimu dan tidak juga terlalu jauh.
12 Not [is] in the heavens it to say who? will he go up for us the heavens towards so he may fetch it for us so he may make hear us it so we may do it.
Tempatnya bukan di langit, sehingga kamu bertanya, 'Siapa akan naik ke sana untuk mengambilnya bagi kita, supaya kita dapat mendengar dan mentaatinya?'
13 And not [is] from [the] other side of the sea it to say who? will he pass over for us to [the] other side of the sea so he may fetch it for us so he may make hear us it so we may do it.
Tempatnya bukan juga di seberang laut, sehingga kamu bertanya, 'Siapa akan ke seberang laut untuk mengambilnya bagi kita, supaya kita dapat mendengar dan mentaatinya?'
14 For [is] near to you the word very in mouth your and in heart your to do it.
Jangan bertanya begitu, karena perintah itu sangat dekat padamu. Kamu sudah tahu dan dapat mengucapkannya di luar kepala, jadi tinggal melakukannya saja.
15 See I set before you this day life and good and death and evil.
Hari ini kamu boleh pilih antara yang baik dan yang jahat, antara hidup dan mati.
16 (If you will listen to [the] commandments of Yahweh God your *X*) which I [am] commanding you this day to love Yahweh God your to walk in ways his and to keep commandments his and statutes his and judgments his and you will live and you will increase and he will bless you Yahweh God your in the land where you [are] about to go there towards to take possession of it.
Hari ini aku memerintahkan kamu untuk mencintai TUHAN Allahmu dan taat kepada-Nya serta melakukan segala hukum dan perintah-Nya supaya kamu makmur dan menjadi bangsa yang besar. TUHAN Allahmu akan memberkati kamu di negeri yang tak lama lagi kamu duduki.
17 And if it will turn away heart your and not you will listen and you will be drawn aside and you will bow down to gods other and you will serve them.
Tetapi kalau kamu tidak taat dan tidak mau mendengarkan, dan membiarkan dirimu disesatkan untuk menyembah ilah-ilah lain,
18 I tell to you this day that certainly you will perish! not you will prolong! days on the land where you [are] about to pass over the Jordan to go there towards to take possession of it.
pasti kamu dibinasakan, dan umurmu tak akan panjang di negeri yang tak lama lagi kamu duduki. Ingatlah! Hal itu sudah saya beritahukan kepadamu hari ini.
19 I call as witnesses against you this day the heavens and the earth life and death I have set before you blessing and curse and you will choose life so that you may live you and offspring your.
Sekarang kamu boleh pilih antara hidup dan mati, antara berkat TUHAN dan kutuk-Nya. Langit dan bumi saya panggil menjadi saksi atas keputusanmu. Pilihlah hidup.
20 By loving Yahweh God your by listening to voice his and by cleaving to him for he [is] life your and [the] length of days your to dwell on the land which he swore Yahweh to ancestors your to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob to give to them.
Cintailah TUHAN Allahmu, taatilah Dia, dan setialah kepada-Nya. Maka kamu dan keturunanmu akan hidup dan panjang umur di negeri yang dijanjikan TUHAN kepada nenek moyangmu, Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub."

< Deuteronomy 30 >