< Deuteronomy 3 >
1 And we turned and we went up [the] way of Bashan and he came forth Og [the] king of Bashan to meet us he and all people his for battle Edrei.
Tada se okrenusmo i pođosmo prema Bašanu. Presrete nas bašanski kralj Og sa svim svojim narodom i nametnu nam boj kod Edreja.
2 And he said Yahweh to me may not you fear him for in hand your I give him and all people his and land his and you will do to him just as you did to Sihon [the] king of the Amorite[s] who [was] dwelling in Heshbon.
Tada mi Jahve reče: 'Ne boj ga se! TÓa u tvoje sam ruke predao njega, sav njegov narod i njegovu zemlju. Učini s njim kako si učinio sa Sihonom, kraljem amorejskim, koji je živio u Hešbonu.'
3 And he gave Yahweh God our in hand our also Og [the] king of Bashan and all people his and we struck down him until not he had left to him a survivor.
Tako je Jahve, Bog naš, u ruke naše predao i bašanskoga kralja Oga sa svim njegovim narodom. Tukli smo ga tako da mu nitko na životu nije ostao.
4 And we captured all cities his at the time that not it was a town which not we took from with them sixty citi[es] all [the] region of Argob [the] kingdom of Og in Bashan.
Osvojili smo tada sve njegove gradove. Nije bilo grada koji im nismo oteli - šezdeset gradova, zapravo svu argopsku krajinu, Ogovo kraljevstvo u Bašanu.
5 All these [were] cities fortified wall high gates and bar[s] apart from [the] cities of the hamlet-dweller[s] many very.
Svi su oni gradovi bili utvrđeni visokim zidinama, vratima i prijevornicama. Uz njih je bilo veoma mnogo otvorenih zaselaka.
6 And we totally destroyed them just as we had done to Sihon [the] king of Heshbon we totally destroyed every city of men the women and the little one[s].
Udarismo ih prokletstvom - kako smo učinili i sa Sihonom, kraljem hešbonskim - zatrvši svaki grad, ljude, žene i djecu.
7 And all the livestock and [the] booty of the cities we plundered for ourselves.
A svu stoku i plijen po tim gradovima zadržasmo za se.
8 And we took at the time that the land from [the] hand of [the] two [the] kings of the Amorite[s] who [were] on [the] other side of the Jordan from [the] wadi of Arnon to [the] mountain of Hermon.
Tako smo u ono vrijeme iz ruku dvaju amorejskih kraljeva uzeli zemlju što se nalazi s onu stranu Jordana, od potoka Arnona do brda Hermona (
9 [the] Sidonians They call Hermon Sirion and the Amorite[s] they call it Senir.
Sidonci zovu Hermon Sirjon, a Amorejci ga zovu Senir):
10 All - [the] cities of the plain and all Gilead and all Bashan to Salecah and Edrei [the] cities of [the] kingdom of Og in Bashan.
sve gradove po Visoravni, sav Gilead i sav Bašan, sve do Salke i Edreja - gradove Ogova kraljevstva u Bašanu. (
11 For only Og [the] king of Bashan he survived from [the] remnant of the Rephaites there! sarcophagus his [was] a sarcophagus of iron ¿ not [is] it in Rabbah of [the] people of Ammon [was] nine cubits length its and [was] four cubits breadth its by a cubit of a human.
Bašanski kralj Og jedini je od preostalih Refaimovaca. Krevet njegov, odar od željeza, još se nalazi u Rabi, gradu sinova Amonovih: deset je lakata - običnih lakata - dug, a četiri lakta širok.)
12 And the land this we took possession of at the time that from Aroer which [was] at [the] wadi of Arnon and [the] half of [the] hill country of Gilead and cities its I gave to the Reubenite[s] and to the Gadite[s].
To je, dakle, bila zemlja koju smo zauzeli u ono vrijeme, počev od Aroera, koji je na potoku Arnonu. Polovicu gileadskog pogorja s njegovim gradovima dao sam Rubenovcima i Gadovcima.
13 And [the] remainder of Gilead and all Bashan [the] kingdom of Og I gave to [the] half of [the] tribe of Manasseh all [the] region of Argob to all Bashan it it was called [the] land of [the] Rephaites.
Ostatak Gileada i sav Bašan, Ogovo kraljevstvo, dodijelio sam polovini Manašeova plemena. (Sva argopska krajina i sav Bašan zove se zemlja refaimska.
14 Jair [the] son of Manasseh he took all [the] region of Argob to [the] border of the Geshurite[s] and the Maacathite[s] and he called them on own name his Bashan [the] villages of Jair until the day this.
Manašeov sin Jair zauzeo je svu argopsku krajinu do međe Gešurovaca i Maakinovaca. On ta mjesta bašanska nazva svojim imenom, pa se još i danas zovu Jairova Sela.)
15 And to Makir I gave Gilead.
Makiru sam dodijelio Gilead.
16 And to the Reubenite[s] and to the Gadite[s] I gave from Gilead and to [the] wadi of Arnon [the] middle of the wadi and a border and to Jabbok the wadi [is] [the] border of [the] people of Ammon.
Rubenovcima i Gadovcima dao sam od Gileada do potoka Arnona - sredina potoka jest međa - i do potoka Jaboka, amonske granice.
17 And the Arabah and the Jordan and a border from Kinnereth and to [the] sea of the Arabah [the] Sea of Salt under [the] slopes of Pisgah east-ward.
A granicom su služile Araba i Jordan od Kinereta do mora uz Arabu - Slanog mora - na podnožju obronaka Pisge prema istoku.
18 And I commanded you at the time that saying Yahweh God your he has given to you the land this to take possession of it equipped you will pass over before countrymen your [the] people of Israel O all [the] sons of strength.
U ono vam vrijeme naredih: 'Jahve, Bog vaš, daje vam ovu zemlju u posjed. Svi vi koji ste od boja pođite naoružani pred svojom braćom Izraelcima.
19 Only wives your and little one[s] your and livestock your I know that livestock much [belongs] to you they will remain in cities your which I have given to you.
Jedino žene vaše, djeca vaša i stoka vaša - znam da imate mnogo stoke - neka ostanu u vašim gradovima što vam ih dodijelih
20 Until that he will give rest Yahweh - to countrymen your like you and they will take possession of also they the land which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to them on [the] other side of the Jordan and you will return everyone to possession his which I have given to you.
dokle Jahve ne dadne miran boravak i vašoj braći kao i vama; tako da i oni zauzmu zemlju što im je Jahve, Bog vaš, daje s onu stranu Jordana. Istom onda neka se svaki od vas vrati na posjed što sam vam ga dodijelio.'
21 And Joshua I commanded at the time that saying eyes your [are] the [ones which] have seen all that he did Yahweh God your to [the] two the kings these thus he will do Yahweh to all the kingdoms where you [are] about to pass over there.
U ono sam vrijeme naredio Jošui: 'Svojim si očima vidio što je sve Jahve, Bog vaš, učinio onoj dvojici kraljeva. Tako će Jahve učiniti sa svim kraljevstvima preko kojih budeš prelazio.
22 Not you must fear them for Yahweh God your he [is] the [one who] will fight for you.
Ne bojte se njih! TÓa Jahve, Bog vaš, bori se za vas.'
23 And I sought favor to Yahweh at the time that saying.
Tada zamolih milost u Jahve:
24 O Lord Yahweh you you have begun to show servant your greatness your and hand your strong that who? [is] God in the heavens and on the earth who he will do like works your and like mighty deeds your.
'Gospodine moj, Jahve! Ti si počeo pokazivati svome sluzi svoju veličajnost i svoju moć. TÓa koji bog, na nebu ili na zemlji, može izvesti takva djela i čudesa kao što su tvoja!
25 Let me pass over please so I may see the land good which [is] on [the] other side of the Jordan the hill country good this and Lebanon.
Dopusti mi da odem onamo i pogledam onu blaženu zemlju preko Jordana, onaj krasni gorski kraj i Libanon!'
26 And he was furious Yahweh with me on account of you and not he listened to me and he said Yahweh to me enough for you may not you repeat to speak to me again in the matter this.
Ali je Jahve, zbog vas, bio na me ljut, pa me nije uslišao. 'Dosta', reče mi Jahve, 'ne govori mi više o tom!
27 Go up - [the] top of Pisgah and lift up eyes your west-ward and north-ward and south-ward and east-ward and see with own eyes your that not you will pass over the Jordan this.
Popni se na vrhunac Pisge i upri oči svoje na zapad, sjever, jug i istok. Razmotri dobro očima svojim, jer preko Jordana nećeš prijeći.
28 And commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him for he he will pass over before the people this and he he will give as an inheritance them the land which you will see.
Uputi Jošuu, osokoli ga i ohrabri! On neka ide na čelu ovoga naroda; neka ih on uvede u posjed zemlje koju vidiš.'
29 And we remained in the valley opposite to Beth Peor.
Tako smo ostali u toj dolini kraj Bet Peora.”