< Deuteronomy 27 >

1 And he commanded Moses and [the] elders of Israel the people saying keep all the commandment which I [am] commanding you this day. 2 And it will be on the day when you will pass over the Jordan to the land which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you and you will set up for yourself stones large and you will whitewash them with lime. 3 And you will write on them all [the] words of the law this when passing over you so that this you may go into the land which Yahweh God your - [is] about to give to you a land flowing of milk and honey just as he spoke Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your to you. 4 And it will be when have passed over you the Jordan you will set up the stones these which I [am] commanding you this day on [the] mountain of Ebal and you will whitewash them with lime. 5 And you will build there an altar to Yahweh God your an altar of stones not you will wield on them iron. 6 Stones complete you will build [the] altar of Yahweh God your and you will offer up on it burnt offerings to Yahweh God your. 7 And you will sacrifice peace offerings and you will eat [them] there and you will rejoice before Yahweh God your. 8 And you will write on the stones all [the] words of the law this surely clearly doing well. 9 And he spoke Moses and the priests the Levites to all Israel saying keep silent - and listen O Israel the day this you have become a people of Yahweh God your. 10 And you will listen to [the] voice of Yahweh God your and you will do (commandments his *Q(K)*) and statutes his which I [am] commanding you this day. 11 And he commanded Moses the people on the day that saying. 12 These [tribes] they will stand to bless the people on [the] mountain of Gerizim when have passed over you the Jordan Simeon and Levi and Judah and Issachar and Joseph and Benjamin. 13 And these [tribes] they will stand on the curse on [the] mountain of Ebal Reuben Gad and Asher and Zebulun Dan and Naphtali. 14 And they will answer the Levites and they will say to every person of Israel a voice high. 15 [is] cursed The person who he will make an image and a molten image abomination of Yahweh [the] work of [the] hands of a craftsman and he will set [it] up in secrecy and they will answer all the people and they will say amen. 16 [is] cursed [one who] dishonors Father his and mother his and it will say all the people amen. 17 [is] cursed [one who] displaces [the] boundary of Neighbor his and it will say all the people amen. 18 [is] cursed [one who] leads astray A blind [person] on the way and it will say all the people amen. 19 [is] cursed [one who] turns aside [the] justice of A sojourner a fatherless one and a widow and it will say all the people amen. 20 [is] cursed [one who] lies With [the] wife of father his for he has uncovered [the] skirt of father his and it will say all the people amen. 21 [is] cursed [one who] lies With any animal and it will say all the people amen. 22 [is] cursed [one who] lies With sister his [the] daughter of father his or [the] daughter of mother his and it will say all the people amen. 23 [is] cursed [one who] lies With mother-in-law his and it will say all the people amen. 24 [is] cursed [one who] strikes neighbor His in secrecy and it will say all the people amen. 25 [is] cursed [one who] takes A bribe to strike down a person of blood innocent and it will say all the people amen. 26 [is] cursed [the one] who Not he will carry out [the] words of the law this by observing them and it will say all the people amen.

< Deuteronomy 27 >