< Deuteronomy 27 >

1 And he commanded Moses and [the] elders of Israel the people saying keep all the commandment which I [am] commanding you this day.
Derpaa bød Moses og Israels Ældste Folket: »Hold alle de Bud, jeg i Dag paalægger eder!
2 And it will be on the day when you will pass over the Jordan to the land which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you and you will set up for yourself stones large and you will whitewash them with lime.
Og den Dag I gaar over Jordan ind i det Land, HERREN din Gud vil give dig, skal du oprejse dig nogle store Sten og kalke dem over,
3 And you will write on them all [the] words of the law this when passing over you so that this you may go into the land which Yahweh God your - [is] about to give to you a land flowing of milk and honey just as he spoke Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your to you.
og paa dem skal du skrive alle denne Lovs Ord, saa snart du er kommet over, for at du kan drage ind i det Land, HERREN din Gud vil give dig, et Land, der flyder med Mælk og Honning, som HERREN, dine Fædres Gud, lovede dig.
4 And it will be when have passed over you the Jordan you will set up the stones these which I [am] commanding you this day on [the] mountain of Ebal and you will whitewash them with lime.
Og naar I er kommet over Jordan, skal I oprejse disse Sten, om hvilke jeg i Dag giver eder Paalæg, paa Ebals Bjerg og kalke dem over.
5 And you will build there an altar to Yahweh God your an altar of stones not you will wield on them iron.
Og der skal du bygge HERREN din Gud et Alter, et Alter af Sten, som du ikke har svunget Jern over;
6 Stones complete you will build [the] altar of Yahweh God your and you will offer up on it burnt offerings to Yahweh God your.
af utilhugne Sten skal du bygge HERREN din Guds Alter, og paa det skal du ofre Brændofre til HERREN din Gud,
7 And you will sacrifice peace offerings and you will eat [them] there and you will rejoice before Yahweh God your.
og du skal ofre Takofre og holde Maaltid der og være glad for HERREN din Guds Aasyn.
8 And you will write on the stones all [the] words of the law this surely clearly doing well.
Og paa Stenene skal du skrive alle denne Lovs Ord tydeligt og klart!«
9 And he spoke Moses and the priests the Levites to all Israel saying keep silent - and listen O Israel the day this you have become a people of Yahweh God your.
Derpaa talte Moses og Levitpræsterne til hele Israel og sagde: »Hør efter i Stilhed, Israel! I Dag er du blevet HERREN din Guds Folk!
10 And you will listen to [the] voice of Yahweh God your and you will do (commandments his *Q(K)*) and statutes his which I [am] commanding you this day.
Saa lyt da til HERREN din Guds Røst og hold hans Bud og Anordninger, som jeg i Dag paalægger dig!«
11 And he commanded Moses the people on the day that saying.
Og Moses bød paa denne Dag Folket:
12 These [tribes] they will stand to bless the people on [the] mountain of Gerizim when have passed over you the Jordan Simeon and Levi and Judah and Issachar and Joseph and Benjamin.
»Naar I er kommet over Jordan, skal den ene Del af eder tage Plads paa Garizims Bjerg for at velsigne Folket, nemlig Simeon, Levi, Juda, Issakar, Josef og Benjamin;
13 And these [tribes] they will stand on the curse on [the] mountain of Ebal Reuben Gad and Asher and Zebulun Dan and Naphtali.
og den anden skal tage Plads paa Ebals Bjerg for at forbande, nemlig Ruben, Gad, Aser, Zebulon, Dan og Naftali.«
14 And they will answer the Levites and they will say to every person of Israel a voice high.
Og Leviterne skal tage til Orde og med høj Røst sige til alle Israels Mænd:
15 [is] cursed The person who he will make an image and a molten image abomination of Yahweh [the] work of [the] hands of a craftsman and he will set [it] up in secrecy and they will answer all the people and they will say amen.
»Forbandet være den, som laver et udskaaret eller støbt Billede, HERREN en Vederstyggelighed, Værk af en Haandværkers Hænder, og stiller det op i Løndom!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
16 [is] cursed [one who] dishonors Father his and mother his and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som ringeagter sin Fader eller Moder!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
17 [is] cursed [one who] displaces [the] boundary of Neighbor his and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som flytter sin Næstes Skel!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
18 [is] cursed [one who] leads astray A blind [person] on the way and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som fører den blinde paa Vildspor!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
19 [is] cursed [one who] turns aside [the] justice of A sojourner a fatherless one and a widow and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som bøjer Retten for den fremmede, den faderløse og Enken!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
20 [is] cursed [one who] lies With [the] wife of father his for he has uncovered [the] skirt of father his and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som har Samleje med sin Faders Hustru; thi han har løftet sin Faders Tæppe!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
21 [is] cursed [one who] lies With any animal and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som har Omgang med noget Slags Kvæg!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
22 [is] cursed [one who] lies With sister his [the] daughter of father his or [the] daughter of mother his and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som har Samleje med sin Søster, sin Faders eller Moders Datter!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
23 [is] cursed [one who] lies With mother-in-law his and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som har Samleje med sin Hustrus Moder!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
24 [is] cursed [one who] strikes neighbor His in secrecy and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som snigmyrder sin Næste!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
25 [is] cursed [one who] takes A bribe to strike down a person of blood innocent and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som lader sig købe til at myrde en uskyldig!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«
26 [is] cursed [the one] who Not he will carry out [the] words of the law this by observing them and it will say all the people amen.
»Forbandet enhver, som ikke holder denne Lovs Ord i Hævd og handler efter dem!« Og hele Folket skal svare: »Amen!«

< Deuteronomy 27 >