< Deuteronomy 2 >

1 And we turned and we set out the wilderness towards [the] way of [the] sea of reed[s] just as he had spoken Yahweh to me and we went around [the] hill country of Seir days many. 2 And he said Yahweh to me saying. 3 [is] enough For you going round the hill country this turn yourselves north-ward. 4 And the people command saying you [are] about to pass in [the] territory of relatives your [the] descendants of Esau who dwell in Seir so they may be afraid from you and you will take heed exceedingly. 5 May not you engage in strife with them for not I will give to you any of land their up to a treading place of [the] sole of a foot for a possession to Esau I have given [the] hill country of Seir. 6 Food you will buy from with them for silver and you will eat and also water you will buy from with them for silver and you will drink. 7 For Yahweh God your he has blessed you in all [the] work of hand your he has known walking you the wilderness great this this - forty year[s] Yahweh God your [has been] with you not you have lacked anything. 8 And we passed away from with relatives our [the] descendants of Esau who were dwelling in Seir from [the] way of the desert plain from Elath and from Ezion Geber. And we turned and we passed along [the] way of [the] wilderness of Moab. 9 And he said Yahweh to me to you may provoke Moab and may not you engage in strife with them battle for not I will give to you any of land his a possession for to [the] descendants of Lot I have given Ar a possession. 10 The Emites before they dwelt in it a people great and numerous and lofty like the Anakites. 11 Rephaites they were regarded also they like the Anakites and the Moabites they called them Emites. 12 And in Seir they dwelt the Horites before and [the] descendants of Esau they dispossessed them and they destroyed them from before them and they dwelt in place of them just as it did Israel to [the] land of possession its which he gave Yahweh to them. 13 Now arise and pass over yourselves [the] wadi of Zered and we passed over [the] wadi of Zered. 14 And the days which we walked - from Kadesh Barnea until that we passed over [the] wadi of Zered [were] thirty and eight year[s] until was finished all the generation [the] men of war from [the] midst of the camp just as he had sworn Yahweh to them. 15 And also [the] hand of Yahweh it was on them to disturb them from [the] midst of the camp until were finished they. 16 And it was just when they had finished all [the] men of war to die from [the] midst of the people. 17 And he spoke Yahweh to me saying. 18 You [are] about to pass over this day [the] border of Moab Ar. 19 And you will draw near in front of [the] people of Ammon may not you provoke them and may not you engage in strife with them for not I will give any of [the] land of [the] people of Ammon to you a possession for to [the] descendants of Lot I have given it a possession. 20 [the] land of [the] Rephaites It was regarded also it [the] Rephaites they dwelt in it before and the Ammonites they called them Zamzummites. 21 A people great and numerous and lofty like the Anakites and he destroyed them Yahweh from before them and they dispossessed them and they dwelt in place of them. 22 Just as he had done for [the] descendants of Esau who were dwelling in Seir whom he destroyed the Horite[s] from before them and they dispossessed them and they have dwelt in place of them until the day this. 23 And the Avvites who were dwelling in villages to Gaza [the] Caphtorites who came forth from Caphtor they destroyed them and they dwelt in place of them. 24 Arise set out and pass over [the] wadi of Arnon see I give in hand your Sihon [the] king of Heshbon the Amorite and land his begin take possession of [it] and engage in strife with him battle. 25 The day this I will begin to put dread your and fear your on [the] face of the peoples under all the heavens who they will hear! report your and they will tremble and they will be in anguish because of you. 26 And I sent messengers from [the] wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon [the] king of Heshbon words of peace saying. 27 Let me pass in land your on the road on the road I will go not I will turn aside right [hand] and left [hand]. 28 Food for silver you will sell me and I will eat and water for silver you will give to me and I will drink only let me pass through on feet my. 29 Just as they did for me [the] descendants of Esau who dwell in Seir and the Moabites who dwell in Ar until that I will pass over the Jordan into the land which Yahweh God our [is] about to give to us. 30 And not he was willing Sihon [the] king of Heshbon to let pass us in him for he had made stubborn Yahweh God your spirit his and he had made obstinate heart his so as to give him in hand your as the day this. 31 And he said Yahweh to me see I have begun to deliver up before you Sihon and land his begin take possession to take possession of land his. 32 And he came forth Sihon to meet us he and all people his for battle Jahaz towards. 33 And he delivered up him Yahweh God our before us and we struck down him and (sons his *Q(K)*) and all people his. 34 And we captured all cities his at the time that and we totally destroyed every city of men and the women and the little one[s] not we spared a survivor. 35 Only the livestock we plundered for ourselves and [the] booty of the cities which we had captured. 36 From Aroer which [is] on [the] edge of [the] wadi of Arnon and the city which [is] in the wadi and to Gilead not it was a town which it was [too] high for us every one he delivered up Yahweh God our before us. 37 Only to [the] land of [the] people of Ammon not you drew near all [the] side of [the] wadi of Jabbok and [the] cities of the hill country and all that he had commanded Yahweh God our.

< Deuteronomy 2 >