< Deuteronomy 18 >

1 Not it will belong to the priests the Levites all [the] tribe of Levi a portion and an inheritance with Israel [the] fire offerings of Yahweh and inheritance his they will eat!
Makuhani ambao ni Walawi, yaani kabila lote la Lawi, hawatakuwa na mgawo wala urithi pamoja na Israeli. Wataishi kwa sadaka zitolewazo kwa ajili ya Bwana za kuteketezwa kwa moto, kwa maana huo ndio urithi wao.
2 And an inheritance not it will belong to him in [the] midst countrymen his Yahweh he [is] inheritance his just as he spoke to him.
Hawatakuwa na urithi miongoni mwa ndugu zao; Bwana ndiye urithi wao, kama alivyowaahidi.
3 And this it will be [the] right of the priests from with the people from with [those who] sacrifice the sacrifice whether ox or sheep and he will give to the priest the arm and the two cheeks and the stomach.
Hili ndilo fungu la makuhani kutoka kwa watu watakaotoa dhabihu ya fahali au kondoo: mguu wa mbele, mataya na matumbo.
4 [the] first of Grain your new wine your and fresh oil your and [the] first of [the] fleece of sheep your you will give to him.
Mtawapa malimbuko ya nafaka zenu, divai mpya, mafuta na sufu ya kwanza kutoka manyoya ya kondoo zenu,
5 For him he has chosen Yahweh God your from all tribes your to stand to serve in [the] name of Yahweh he and descendants his all the days.
kwa kuwa Bwana Mungu wenu amewachagua pamoja na wazao wao kutoka makabila yenu kusimama na kuhudumu katika jina la Bwana siku zote.
6 And if he will come Levite from one of gates your from all Israel where he [was] sojourning there and he will come in all [the] desire of self his to the place which he will choose Yahweh.
Ikiwa Mlawi atahama kutoka mmojawapo ya miji yenu popote katika Israeli ambapo anaishi, akaja kwa moyo wote mahali ambapo Bwana atapachagua,
7 And he will serve in [the] name of Yahweh God his like all relatives his the Levites who stand there before Yahweh.
anaweza akahudumu katika jina la Bwana Mungu wake kama Walawi wenzake wote wanaohudumu hapo mbele za Bwana.
8 A portion like a portion they will eat besides sales his on the fathers.
Atashiriki sawa katika mafao yao, hata kama amepokea fedha kutoka mauzo ya mali ya jamaa yake.
9 If you [have] gone into the land which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you not you will learn to do according to [the] abominations of the nations those.
Wakati mtakapoingia katika nchi ambayo Bwana Mungu wenu anawapa, msijifunze kuiga njia za machukizo za mataifa ya huko.
10 Not he will be found among you [one who] makes pass son his and daughter his in the fire [one who] divines divinations a soothsayer and an augurer and a sorcerer.
Asionekane mtu yeyote miongoni mwenu ampitishaye mwanawe au binti yake katika moto, atakayefanya uaguzi, ulozi, anayetabiri nyakati, anayejishughulisha na uchawi,
11 And [one who] casts a spell and [one who] consults a necromancer and a familiar spirit and [one who] enquires to the dead.
wala arogaye kwa kupiga mafundo, wala mwaguzi au anayeabudu mizimu, wala awaombaye wafu.
12 That [is] [the] abomination of Yahweh every [one who] does these [things] and on account of the abominations these Yahweh God your [is] about to dispossess them from before you.
Mtu yeyote afanyaye mambo haya ni chukizo kwa Bwana, tena ni kwa sababu ya matendo haya ya kuchukiza wayafanyayo ndiyo maana Bwana Mungu wenu atayafukuza mataifa hayo mbele yenu.
13 Blameless you will be with Yahweh God your.
Kamwe msilaumiwe mbele za Bwana Mungu wenu.
14 For - the nations these which you [are] about to dispossess them to soothsayers and to diviners they listen and you not thus he has permitted to you Yahweh God your.
Mataifa mtakayowafukuza husikiliza wale wafanyao ulozi na uaguzi. Lakini kwenu ninyi, Bwana Mungu wenu hajawaruhusu kufanya hivyo.
15 A prophet from midst your one of countrymen your like me he will raise up for you Yahweh God your to him you will listen!
Bwana Mungu wenu atawainulia nabii kama mimi kutoka miongoni mwa ndugu zenu wenyewe. Msikilizeni yeye.
16 According to all that you asked from with Yahweh God your at Horeb on [the] day of the assembly saying not me repeat to hear [the] voice of Yahweh God my and the fire great this not let me see again and not I will die.
Kwa kuwa hivi ndivyo mlivyomwomba Bwana Mungu wenu kule Horebu siku ile ya kusanyiko, wakati mliposema, “Na tusiisikie sauti ya Bwana Mungu wetu, wala kuuona moto huu mkubwa tena, ama sivyo tutakufa.”
17 And he said Yahweh to me they have done well [that] which they have spoken.
Bwana akaniambia: “Wanachosema ni vyema.
18 A prophet I will raise up for them from [the] midst of countrymen their like you and I will put words my in mouth his and he will speak to them all that I will command him.
Nitawainulia nabii kama wewe kutoka miongoni mwa ndugu zao; nitaweka maneno yangu kinywani mwake, naye atawaambia kila kitu nitakachomwamuru.
19 And it will be the person who not he will listen to words my which he will speak in name my I I will require from with him.
Kama mtu yeyote hatasikiliza maneno yangu ambayo huyo nabii atayasema kwa Jina langu, mimi mwenyewe nitamwajibisha.
20 Nevertheless the prophet who he will act presumptuously by speaking a word in name my [that] which not I commanded him to speak and who he will speak in [the] name of gods other and he will die the prophet him.
Lakini nabii ambaye atathubutu kusema kwa Jina langu kitu chochote ambacho sikumwamuru akiseme, au nabii ambaye husema kwa jina la miungu mingine ni lazima auawe.”
21 And if you will say in heart your how? will we know the word which not he has spoken it Yahweh.
Mnaweza kuulizana wenyewe, “Tutawezaje kujua wakati ujumbe haukusemwa na Bwana?”
22 That he will speak the prophet in [the] name of Yahweh and not it will happen the thing and not it will come that [is] the word which not he has spoken it Yahweh with presumption he has spoken it the prophet not you will be afraid from him.
Ikiwa kile nabii anachotangaza kwa jina la Bwana hakikutokea au kutimia, huo ni ujumbe ambao Bwana hakusema. Nabii huyo amesema kwa ujuaji. Msimwogope huyo.

< Deuteronomy 18 >