< Daniel 3 >

1 Nebuchadnezzar king the he made an image of gold height its [was] cubits sixty width its [was] cubits six he set up it on [the] plain of Dura in [the] province of Babylon.
Pada suatu waktu Raja Nebukadnezar membuat sebuah patung emas yang tingginya 27 meter dan lebarnya hampir 3 meter. Ia mendirikannya di dataran Dura di provinsi Babel.
2 And Nebuchadnezzar king the he sent to gather - satraps the prefects the and governors the counselors the ministers the judges the magistrates the and all [the] authorities of provinces the to come to [the] dedication of image the which he had set up Nebuchadnezzar king the.
Kemudian raja mengundang semua raja wilayah, para gubernur, bupati, penasihat negara, bendahara, hakim, ahli hukum, dan semua kepala daerah untuk menghadiri upacara peresmian patung yang telah didirikannya itu.
3 Then [were] gathered satraps the prefects the and governors the counselors the ministers the judges the magistrates the and all [the] authorities of provinces the for [the] dedication of image the which he had set up Nebuchadnezzar king the (and [they were] standing *Q(k)*) before image the which he had set up Nebuchadnezzar.
Setelah mereka semua datang dan berdiri di depan patung itu,
4 And herald the [was] proclaiming with power to you [they are] saying peoples O nations and languages.
berserulah ajudan raja dengan nyaring, "Saudara-saudara dari segala bangsa, suku bangsa dan bahasa! Dengarlah perintah raja ini:
5 At time the which you will hear [the] sound of horn the flute the (zither *Q(k)*) trigon harp pipe and all kinds of music you will fall down so you may pay homage to [the] image of gold which he has set up Nebuchadnezzar king the.
Jika trompet berbunyi, diikuti bunyi seruling, kecapi, rebab, gambus, serdam, dan alat-alat musik lainnya, saudara-saudara harus sujud menyembah patung emas yang telah didirikan oleh Raja Nebukadnezar.
6 And whoever that not he will fall down so he may pay homage at it moment the he will be thrown to [the] midst of [the] furnace of fire the burning.
Barangsiapa tidak mentaati perintah ini, akan langsung dilemparkan ke dalam perapian yang menyala-nyala."
7 As to because this at it time the as that [were] hearing all peoples the [the] sound of horn the flute the (zither *Q(k)*) trigon harp (and pipe *X*) and all kinds of music [were] falling down all peoples the nations the and languages the [they were] paying homage to [the] image of gold which he had set up Nebuchadnezzar king the.
Maka mendengar alat-alat musik itu dibunyikan, orang-orang dari segala bangsa, suku bangsa dan bahasa, sujud dan menyembah patung emas itu.
8 As to because this at it time the they approached men Chaldean and they ate pieces their of Jews the.
Beberapa orang Babel memakai kesempatan itu untuk mencelakakan orang Yahudi.
9 They replied and [were] saying to Nebuchadnezzar king the king O for ever live!
Mereka berkata kepada Raja Nebukadnezar, "Hiduplah Tuanku selama-lamanya!
10 (You *Q(k)*) king O you made a decree that every person who he will hear [the] sound of horn the flute the (zither *Q(k)*) trigon harp (and pipe *Q(k)*) and all kinds of music he will fall down so he may pay homage to [the] image of gold.
Tuanku sendiri telah mengeluarkan perintah bahwa segera setelah alat-alat musik dibunyikan, semua orang harus sujud dan menyembah patung emas itu,
11 And whoever that not he will fall down so he may pay homage he will be thrown to [the] midst of [the] furnace of fire the burning.
dan barangsiapa yang tidak mematuhi perintah itu akan dilemparkan ke dalam perapian yang menyala-nyala.
12 There [are] men Jewish whom you have appointed them over [the] administration of [the] province of Babylon Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego men the these not they have set (to you *Q(k)*) king O discretion (to god your *Q(K)*) not [they are] paying reverence and to [the] image of gold which you have set up not [they are] paying homage.
Tetapi beberapa orang Yahudi yang telah Tuanku serahi pemerintahan provinsi Babel menganggap sepi perintah Tuanku itu. Mereka ialah Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego. Orang-orang itu tidak mau memuja ilah-ilah Tuanku dan tidak pula menyembah patung emas yang Tuanku dirikan."
13 Then Nebuchadnezzar in rage and anger he said to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego then men the these they were brought before king the.
Mendengar itu raja menjadi marah sekali, lalu memberi perintah supaya ketiga orang itu dibawa menghadap kepadanya.
14 [was] replying Nebuchadnezzar and [was] saying to them ¿ purpose O Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego to gods my not are you [are] paying reverence and to [the] image of gold which I have set up not [you are] paying homage.
Raja bertanya kepada mereka, "Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego! Betulkah kamu tidak mau menyembah ilah-ilahku dan tidak mau pula sujud kepada patung emas yang telah kudirikan itu?
15 Now if are you ready that at time the which you will hear [the] sound of horn the flute the (zither *Q(k)*) trigon harp and pipe and all - kinds of music you will fall down so you may pay homage to image the which I have made and if not you will pay homage at it moment the you will be thrown to [the] midst of [the] furnace of fire the burning and who? he [is the] god who he will deliver you from hands my.
Nah, sekarang, bersediakah kamu untuk sujud dan menyembah patung itu pada waktu musik berbunyi? Jika kamu tidak mau, kamu akan langsung dilemparkan ke dalam perapian yang menyala-nyala. Dan dewa manakah yang akan sanggup menyelamatkan kamu dari kuasaku?"
16 They replied Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego and [they were] saying to king the Nebuchadnezzar not [are] needing we concerning this affair to send back to you.
Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego menjawab, "Baginda yang mulia, kami tidak akan mencoba membela diri.
17 If there [is] God our whom we [are] paying reverence [is] being able to deliver us from [the] furnace of fire the burning and from hand your king O he will deliver.
Jika Allah yang kami sembah sanggup menyelamatkan kami dari perapian yang menyala-nyala itu dan dari kuasa Tuanku, pasti Ia melakukannya.
18 And if not known let it be to you king O that (to god your *Q(K)*) not (are we *Q(k)*) paying reverence and to [the] image of gold which you have set up not we will pay homage.
Tetapi seandainya Ia tidak melakukannya juga, hendaknya Tuanku maklum bahwa kami tidak akan memuja dewa Tuanku dan tidak pula menyembah patung emas yang Tuanku dirikan itu."
19 Then Nebuchadnezzar he was filled anger and [the] image of face his (it was changed *Q(K)*) against Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego [he was] replying and [he was] saying to heat furnace the one seven over that [was] proper to heat it.
Maka meluaplah amarah Raja Nebukadnezar terhadap Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego, sehingga wajahnya menjadi merah padam. Ia memerintahkan supaya perapian dibuat tujuh kali lebih panas daripada biasanya.
20 And to men mighty men of power who [were] in army his he said to bind Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego to throw to [the] furnace of fire the burning.
Lalu ia menyuruh beberapa orang yang sangat kuat dari tentaranya untuk mengikat Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego, serta melemparkan mereka ke dalam perapian yang menyala itu.
21 Then men the these they were bound in mantles their (trousers their *Q(k)*) and caps their and clothes their and they were thrown to [the] midst of [the] furnace of fire the burning.
Segera ketiga orang itu pun diikat erat dalam keadaan berpakaian lengkap, yaitu dengan kemeja, jubah, topi dan pakaian lainnya, lalu dilemparkan ke dalam perapian yang menyala-nyala itu.
22 As to because this from that [the] word of king the being harsh and furnace the [was] heated exceedingly men the these who they took up Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego it killed them flame the of fire the.
Karena perintah raja itu begitu keras, maka perapian itu telah dipanaskan dengan luar biasa sehingga nyala api membakar mati orang-orang yang mengangkat Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego ke dekat perapian.
23 And men the these three of them Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego they fell to [the] midst of [the] furnace of fire the burning bound.
Demikianlah, ketiga orang yang terikat erat itu jatuh ke dalam perapian yang menyala-nyala itu.
24 Then Nebuchadnezzar king the he was alarmed and he arose in haste [he was] replying and [he was] saying to counselors his ¿ not men three did we throw to [the] midst of fire the bound [they were] replying and [they were] saying to king the certain king O.
Tiba-tiba Raja Nebukadnezar sangat terkejut. Ia bangkit dengan cepat dan berseru kepada para pegawainya, "Bukankah kita tadi mengikat tiga orang dan melemparkan mereka ke dalam api itu?" Mereka menjawab, "Memang benar, Tuanku."
25 [he was] replying And [he was] saying look! I [am] seeing men four loosed [they are] walking in [the] midst of fire the and hurt not there [is] on them and appearance his of (fourth the *Q(k)*) [is] like a son of [the] gods.
Sahut raja, "Tetapi mengapa kulihat empat orang berjalan-jalan di tengah-tengah api itu? Mereka tidak terikat dan sama sekali tidak apa-apa. Dan yang keempat itu rupanya seperti dewa."
26 Then he approached Nebuchadnezzar to [the] door of [the] furnace of fire the burning [he was] replying and [he was] saying O Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego servants his of God (Most High the *Q(k)*) come out! and come! then [were] coming out Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego from [the] midst of fire the.
Lalu Nebukadnezar mendekati pintu perapian itu dan berseru, "Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego, hamba-hamba Allah Yang Mahatinggi! Keluarlah dari perapian itu!" Maka keluarlah mereka.
27 And [were] gathered satraps the prefects the and governors the and [the] counselors of king the [they were] seeing men the these that not it had had power fire the over body their and [the] hair of head their not it was singed and mantles their not they were changed and [the] smell of fire not it had touched on them.
Semua wakil raja, para gubernur, bupati, dan pegawai-pegawai lainnya mengelilingi ketiga orang itu dan melihat bahwa mereka sama sekali tak disentuh oleh api. Rambut mereka tidak hangus, dan pakaian mereka tidak gosong, bahkan bau asap pun tidak ada pada mereka.
28 [was] replying Nebuchadnezzar and [he was] saying [be] blessed God their of Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego who he has sent angel his and he has delivered servants his who they trusted on him and [the] word of king the they violated and they gave (body their *Q(K)*) that not they will pay reverence and not they will pay homage to any god except to own God their.
Lalu berkatalah raja, "Pujilah Allah yang disembah Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego. Dia telah mengutus malaikat-Nya untuk menyelamatkan ketiga hamba-Nya yang percaya kepada-Nya. Mereka telah melanggar perintahku dan lebih suka mati daripada menyembah atau memuja dewa mana pun kecuali Allah mereka sendiri.
29 And from me it is made a decree that any people nation and language which it will say (negligence *Q(K)*) against God their of Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego members he will be made and house his a refuse-heap it will be made as to because that not there [is] a god another who he is able to rescue like this.
Sebab itu aku memerintahkan bahwa setiap orang dari bangsa, suku bangsa atau bahasa mana pun, yang mengucapkan penghinaan terhadap Allah yang disembah Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego, akan dipotong-potong dan rumahnya akan dirobohkan dan dijadikan timbunan puing. Sebab tidak ada dewa yang dapat melakukan apa yang telah dilakukan Allah itu."
30 Then king the he caused to prosper Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego in [the] province of Babylon.
Setelah itu raja menaikkan pangkat Sadrakh, Mesakh dan Abednego, sehingga mereka menjadi pejabat-pejabat tinggi di provinsi Babel.

< Daniel 3 >