< Daniel 12 >

1 And at the time that he will arise Michael the prince great who stands over [the] sons of people your and it will be a time of distress which not it has happened from when was a nation until the time that and at the time that it will escape people your every [one who] is found written in the scroll. 2 And many [people] of [the] sleepers of [the] ground of dust they will awake these to life of perpetuity and these to reproaches to abhorrence of perpetuity. 3 And those [who] have insight they will shine like [the] shining of the firmament and [those who] turn to righteousness the many [people] like the stars for ever and ever. 4 And you O Daniel keep secret the words and seal up the scroll until [the] time of [the] end they will rove about many [people] so it may increase knowledge. 5 And I saw I Daniel and there! two others [were] standing one here to [the] bank of the River and one here to [the] bank of the River. 6 And someone said to the man clothed of linen who [was] from above [the] water of the River until when? [will be] [the] end of the wonders. 7 And I heard the man - clothed of linen who [was] from above [the] water of the River and he raised right [hand] his and left [hand] his to the heavens and he swore by [the] living one of perpetuity that to a time times and a half and just as finish to smash [the] hand of [the] people of holiness they will be finished all these [things]. 8 And I I heard and not I understood and I said! O lord my what? [will be] [the] latter part of these [things]. 9 And he said go O Daniel for [are] kept secret and sealed up the things until [the] time of [the] end. 10 They will purge themselves and they may purify themselves so they may be refined many [people] and they will act wickedly wicked [people] and not they will understand any wicked [people] and those [who] have insight they will understand. 11 And from [the] time [when] it was abolished the perpetual [offering] and to [the] setting up of [the] abomination desolating [will be] days one thousand two hundred and ninety. 12 How blessed! [is] the [one who] waits and he may arrive to days one thousand three hundreds thirty and five. 13 And you go to the end so you may rest and you may arise to allotted portion your to [the] end of the days.

< Daniel 12 >