< Amos 6 >

1 Woe to! the [people] at ease in Zion and those [who] trust in [the] mountain of Samaria [the] distinguished [people] of [the] first of the nations and they will come to them [the] house of Israel.
Vae qui opulenti estis in Sion, et confiditis in monte Samariae: optimates capita populorum, ingredientes pompatice domum Israel.
2 Pass over Calneh and see and go from there Hamath-Rabbah and go down Gath of [the] Philistines ¿ [are they] good more than the kingdoms these or? great [is] territory their more than territory your.
Transite in Chalane, et videte, et ite inde in Emath magnam: et descendite in Geth Palaesthinorum, et ad optima quaeque regna horum: si latior terminus eorum termino vestro est.
3 Those [who] push away a day evil and you have brought near! a seat of violence.
Qui separati estis in diem malum: et appropinquatis solio iniquitatis.
4 Those [who] lie on beds of ivory and [people] sprawled out on couches their and [those who] eat lambs from [the] flock and calves from [the] midst of [the] stall.
Qui dormitis in lectis eburneis, et lascivitis in stratis vestris: qui comeditis agnum de grege, et vitulos de medio armenti.
5 Those [who] improvise on [the] mouth of the lyre like David they have devised for themselves instruments of song.
Qui canitis ad vocem psalterii: sicut David putaverunt se habere vasa cantici.
6 Those [who] drink in bowls of wine and [the] best of oils they smear and not they were sickened on [the] ruin of (Joseph *L(abh)*)
Bibentes vinum in phialis, et optimo unguento delibuti: et nihil patiebantur super contritione Ioseph.
7 therefore now they will go into exile at [the] head of [those who] go into exile and it will come to an end [the] revelry of sprawled out [people].
Quapropter nunc migrabunt in capite transmigrantium: et auferetur factio lascivientium.
8 He has sworn [the] Lord Yahweh by self his [the] utterance of Yahweh God of hosts [am] loathing I [the] pride of Jacob and fortresses his I hate and I will deliver up [the] city and what fills it.
Iuravit Dominus Deus in anima sua, dicit Dominus Deus exercituum: Detestor ego superbiam Iacob, et domos eius odi, et tradam civitatem cum habitatoribus suis.
9 And it will be if they will remain ten men in a house one and they will die.
Quod si reliqui fuerint decem viri in domo una, et ipsi morientur.
10 And he will lift up him loved one his and [the one who] burns him to bring out bones from the house and he will say to [the one] who [is] in [the] innermost parts of the house ¿ still [is anyone] with you and he will say no and he will say hush! for not to bring to remembrance [the] name of Yahweh.
Et tollet eum propinquus suus, et comburet eum, ut efferat ossa de domo: et dicet ei, qui in penetralibus domus est: Numquid adhuc est penes te? Et respondebit: Finis est. Et dicet ei: Tace, et non recorderis nominis Domini.
11 For here! Yahweh [is] commanding and someone will strike the house great fragments and the house small rubble.
Quia ecce Dominus mandabit, et percutiet domum maiorem ruinis, et domum minorem scissionibus.
12 ¿ Do they run! on the crag[s] horses or? does anyone plow with oxen for you have turned into poison justice and [the] fruit of righteousness into wormwood.
Numquid currere queunt in petris equi, aut arari potest in bubalis, quoniam convertistis in amaritudinem iudicium, et fructum iustitiae in absinthium?
13 The joyful [people] to Lo Debar who say ¿ not by own strength our have we taken for ourselves Karnaim.
Qui laetamini in nihilo: qui dicitis: Numquid non in fortitudine nostra assumpsimus nobis cornua?
14 For here I [am] about to raise up on you O house of Israel [the] utterance of Yahweh [the] God of hosts a nation and they will oppress you from Lebo Hamath to [the] wadi of Arabah.
Ecce enim suscitabo super vos domus Israel, dicit Dominus Deus exercituum, gentem: et conteret vos ab introitu Emath, usque ad torrentem deserti.

< Amos 6 >