< Acts 8 >

1 Saul now was there consenting to the killing of him. Arose then on that [very] day a persecution great against the church which [was] in Jerusalem; All (then *N(k)O*) were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria except the apostles.
U Sauli ahali nabhohitihanaga ahubude u Stefano. Wope u Sauli na ahandile abhatese bhonti akristi habhahali mu Yerusalemu na bhonti bhabhanyampine bhaali humajimbo ga Yudea na hu Samaria, bhasagiye bha mitume bhene.
2 Buried now Stephen men devout and (they made *N(k)O*) lamentation great over him.
Abhantu bha Ngulubhi bhasyela uStefano bhazondiye enzondo engosi tee.
3 Saul however was destroying the church by houses entering, dragging off then men and women he was delivering [them] to prison.
Lelo uSauli alitesile sana ikanisa. Ashilaga shila nyumba abhakhate na bhakwesanjile hwunze nabhaponyezya mulumande(mwijela) abhashe na bhalume, na kuwatupia gerezani.
4 Those indeed therefore having been scattered they went about evangelising the word.
Bhaala bhabhanyampine abheene bhalumbililaga izu lya Ngulubhi.
5 Philip now having gone down to (the *no*) city of Samaria was proclaiming to them the Christ.
U Filipo ahishiye hu Samaria alumbililaga izu elya Ngulubhi.
6 Were giving heed (now *N(k)O*) the crowds to the [things] being spoken by Philip with one accord in the [time] to hear them and to see the signs that he was performing;
Ubhungano nabhalola zyazibhombeha nu Filipo; bhazibheha humoyo gabho nahwitishile.
7 (many *N(k)O*) for of those having spirits unclean crying voice in a loud (were coming out, *N(k)O*) many now paralyzed and lame were healed;
Abhantu bhabhali bhabhinu bhaponile amipepo mabhibhi gabhafumile abhantu uhu bhakholaawa na bhaala afwemanama bhaponile.
8 (and *k*) There was (then *no*) (much *N(k)O*) joy in the city that.
Ensi ela bhasungwile sana.
9 A man now certain named Simon was formerly in the city practicing sorcery and amazing the people of Samaria declaring to be someone himself great;
Ahali umuntu umo itawa lyakwe ali yu Simoni umuntu uyo alini tunga ashangazyaga tee ensi ya bha Samaria, umuntu uyo agaga umwene gosi saana bonti bhatimihaje.
10 to whom were giving heed all from small until great saying; This [one] is the power of God which (is called *NO*) Great.
Abhasamaria bhonti bhahatejelezya ahwande umwa paka agosi abhantu bhaga umuntu unu ezi zyabhomba zifuma hwa Ngulubhi.”
11 They were giving heed now to him because the long time with the magic arts to have amazed them;
Bhatejelezya maana abhaswijizizye tee nsiku nyinji ni tuunga lyakwe.
12 When however they believed Philip evangelising (*k*) concerning the kingdom of God and the name (*k*) of Jesus Christ, they were baptized men both and women.
Nabhahatejelezya uFilipo nalumbililaga uumwene uwa humwanya ni tawa lya Ngulubhi lyalyaponyaga abhantu ashilile hwitawa lya Yesu bhahoziwe alume na bhashe.
13 And Simon also himself believed, and having been baptized he was steadfastly continuing with Philip, Beholding then [the] signs and miracles great being performed he was amazed.
Wope uSimoni aheteshe ahoziwe nalileshe itunga lyakwe, ahendelela alongozanye nu Filipo; aswijile sana nahazilola Ungulubhi ashilile hwa Filipo zyazibhombeha ngosi tee.
14 Having heard now the in Jerusalem apostles that has received Samaria the word of God, they sent to them (*k*) Peter and John;
Atume nabhahumvwa aje abhahu Samaria bhalyeteshe izi lya Ngulubhi, bhahabhatuma uPetro nu Yohana.
15 who having come down they prayed for them that they may receive [the] Spirit Holy.
Nabhafiha hula bhabhapuutila aje bhaposheele Umpepo Ufinjile.
16 (Not yet *N(k)O*) for He was upon none of them having fallen, only however baptized they were being into the name of the (Lord *NK(O)*) Jesus.
Ensiku zyonti izyo baalisile ahuposhele Umpepo Ufinjile bhonti lelo bhahoziwe hwitawa lya Yesu.
17 Then they were laying the hands upon them and they were receiving [the] Spirit Holy.
U Petro nu Yohana bhabhabhishila amakhono bhabhapuutila, bhope baposhela Umpepo Ufinjile.
18 (having seen *N(k)O*) now of Simon that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles was given the Spirit (holy *KO*) he offered to them money
U Simoni nawalola abhantu bhahuposhela Umpepo Ufinjile nabhabheshilwa amakhono na atume wanza aje abhapele ihela,
19 saying; do give also to me also to me authority this, that on whom (when *N(k)O*) I shall lay the hands he may receive [the] Spirit Holy.
Waga, “Mpeli nane ouwezo, owo aje shila muntu yehubhishila amakhono aposhelaje Umpepo Ufinjile.”
20 Peter however said to him; The silver of you with you would [that] it be to destruction, because the gift of God you thought through money to be obtained!
U Petro wabhuula waga ihela zyaho nawe wayo mtejele uhwo ubhishile aje ekarama ya Ngulubhi tipelwa ni hela.
21 No there is to you part nor lot in matter this; the for heart of you not is right (before *N(k)O*) God.
Suli ni hama hwu mbombo ene umwoyo gwaho segugoloshe hwa Ngulubhi.
22 do repent therefore of the wickedness of yours this and do pray earnestly to the (Lord, *N(K)O*) if indeed will be forgiven you the intent of the heart of you.
Eshi laamba hwa Ngulubhi ulwinje abhahusajile ensebho zyaho embibhi ezyo.
23 in for [the] gall of bitterness and [the] bond of iniquity I see you being.
Elola umwoyo gwaho segulishinza hunanchishe gupinyilwe ne mbibhi.”
24 Answering now Simon said; do pray earnestly you yourselves on behalf of me to the Lord, so that nothing may come upon me myself of which you have spoken.
U Simoni waga ilabha mumpuutile hwa Ngulubhi ezi zyamuyanjile zisahanaje.
25 They indeed therefore having earnestly testified and having spoken the word of the Lord (were travelling back *N(k)O*) to Jerusalem, to many then villages of the Samaritans (they were evangelising. *N(k)O*)
U Petro nu Yohana pabhawelaga afume uhwo bhalumbiliye muvijiji vivinja evya Samaria pamande bhawela hu Yerusalemu.
26 An angel now of [the] Lord spoke to Philip saying; do rise up and do go toward [the] south to the road which is going down from Jerusalem to Gaza; This is [the] desert [road].
Umalaika wa Ngulubhi wayanga nu Filipo waga sogola ushilile idala elya ntende(hu kusini) lwalihwishila hu Yerusalemu abhalile hu Gaza.” (Idala eli lili mwijangwa).
27 And having risen up he went; And behold a man an Ethiopian a eunuch a potentate of Candace (the *k*) queen of Ethiopians, who was over all the treasure of her, who had come to then worship to Jerusalem,
U Filipo wabhala. Walola umuntu uwa hwi Ethiopia, afumle apuute hu Yerusalemu umuntu unu ali hasule ali gosi hu nyumba ya malkia wa hwi Ethiopia.
28 he was (then *NK(o)*) returning and sitting in the chariot of him and he was reading the prophet Isaiah.
Akhiiye mwi gari lyakwa abhazyaga ibhangili lya Isaya igari palijenda abhale amwabho.
29 Said then the Spirit to Philip; do go near and do be joined to the chariot this [one].
Umpepo wabhuula uFilipo zubhilila hwi gari elyo upalamane nalyo.
30 Having run up then Philip heard when he is reading Isaiah the prophet and said; Surely not also understand you what you are reading?
“U Filipo walishimbilila igari lila wamwunvwa ula umuntu abhazya mwibhangili elya Isaya wabhuzya uzyiliwe zyubhazya umwo?”
31 And he said; How for maybe would I be able only unless someone (will guide *N(k)O*) me? He invited then Philip having come up to sit with him.
Umuntu ula uMwiethiopia waga embahwelewe wili umuntu nkasiga andongozye? Wakhope lezya uFilipo aje ainjile mwigari lyakwe bhakhale bhonti.
32 Now the passage of the Scripture which he was reading was this: As a sheep to slaughter He was led, and as a lamb before the [one who] (shearing *N(k)O*) him [is] silent, so not He opens the mouth of Him.
Ibhangili lyabhazyaga pasimbilwe eshi alongoziwe neshi engole nabhabhalanayo asinze; apumile myee neshi engole, sigahiguye ilomu lyakwe:
33 In the humiliation of Him justice from Him was taken away, The (now *k*) generation of Him who will describe? For is removed from the earth the life of Him.
Azugumile hwakwe alongwe hwakwe hwa hepile: Weenu yaiyanga eshizazi shakwe(empapo yakwe)? amaisha gakwe gepile munsi.”
34 Answering now the eunuch to Philip said; I pray you, concerning whom the prophet says this? Concerning himself, or concerning other some?
Ula uhasule mwithiopia wabhuuzya uFilipo unu umuntu yebhazya umu enongwa ezi zyakwe yuyo awe zya muntu winji”?
35 Having opened then Philip the mouth of him and having begun from Scripture this he evangelised to him [about] Jesus.
U Filipo wamwandila mwumwo munongwa zyabhazyaga mwibhangili lya Isaya hulumbilile izu lya Yesu.
36 As then they were going along the road, they came upon some water and says the eunuch; Behold water; what prevents me to be baptized?
Nabhandelela abhale bhafiha papali na menze ula uhasule wabhuzya uFilipo enya amenze ega epa henu hahansinti zya ahwoziwe?
37 (said now Philip: if believe you from all the heart it is lawful. answering now said: I believe the son of God to be Jesus Christ. *K*)
u Filipo waga nkuyitishe ebhajiye ula Umwithiopia waga eneteshe huje uYesu mwana wa Ngulubhe, ula Umwithiopia wimiliha igari lyakwe.
38 And he commanded to stop the chariot, And they went down both to the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.
Bhiha bhonti mwigari bhatumbushila mumenze, uFilipo nu mwithiopia uFilipo wamwozya(wabhatizya).
39 When now they came up out of the water, [the] Spirit of [the] Lord carried away Philip, and not saw him no longer no longer the eunuch; he was going for the way of him rejoicing.
Nabhazubha afume muminzi bhonti Umpepo wanyatula uFilipo wasagala yu Mwithiopia mwene Umwithiopia wasogola nigari lyakwe abhalile shashiye humwoyo.
40 Philip however was found at Azotus, and passing through he was evangelising to the towns all until coming of him to Caesarea.
Lelo uFilipo abhuinishe hu azoto alumbililaga muvijiji na mujini mpaka afishile hu Kaisaria.

< Acts 8 >