< Acts 3 >

1 (upon it *k*) Peter now and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth.
U Petro nu Yohana bhabhalaga hushibhanza apuute, yahali saa tisa.
2 And a certain man lame from womb of mother of him being was being carried, whom they were placing every day at the gate of the temple which is being named Beautiful to ask for alms from those who were going into the temple.
Umuntu umo alinanchisi manama afume shapipwe, bhahanyemulaga shila lisiku bhabhehaga mundyango ugweshibhanza, gwagwahitwaga gwinza, aje abhalabhaje abhantu bhabhahwinjila mushibhanza.
3 who having seen Peter and John being about to enter into the temple was asking alms to receive.
Nawabhalola aPetro nu Yohana bhazubhula aje bhinjile mushibhanza, wabhalaabha esadaka.
4 Having looked intently now Peter upon him with John he said; do look unto us.
U Petro nu Yohana bhamwenya hu maso bhaga,”tenye ate.”
5 And he was giving heed to them expecting something from them to receive.
Ula unanjisu manama wabhenya, wasubhila apelwe ahantu hahonti afume hwabhene.
6 Said however Peter; Silver and gold none there is to me; what however I have, this to you I give. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (do rise up *N(k)O*) and do walk.
Umwene uPetro waga ane sendi ne, “hela wala edhahabu, lelo hendi naho hehupela. Hwitawa elya Yesu Kilisiti wa Nazareti, emelela.”
7 And having taken him by the right hand he raised up him. immediately then were strengthened the feet of him and the ankles,
U Petro wakhata ukhono ulilo wabhusya, amafugamo gakwe gapata ikhone.
8 And leaping up he stood and was walking and he entered with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising God.
Umuntu ula wimilila najende na rusherushe winjila mushibhanza nu Petro nu Yohana ohu ajenda yuyo ohu ahulumba Ungulubhi.
9 And saw all the people him walking and praising God.
Abhantu bhonti nabhalola ajenda bhalumba Ungulubhi.
10 They were recognizing (then *N(k)O*) him that (he himself *N(k)O*) was the [one] for the alms sitting at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that having happened to him.
Bhamanya huje yayula yalinanjisu manama yalabhaga esadaka pandyango gweshibhanza; abhantu bhahaswiga embombo Ungulubhi zyabhombile hwa muntu ula.
11 When is clinging now (he *N(k)O*) (having been healed lame [one] *K*) to Peter and (*no*) John ran together all the people to them in the porch which is being called Solomon’s greatly amazed.
Abhantu nabhalola umuntu ula abhomiliye aPetro nu Yohana, bhashimbila muukumbi wawahetelwe wa Sulemani, bhahaswijile tee.
12 Having seen [it] however (*no*) Peter answered to the people: Men Israelites, why wonder you at this? Or on us why you look intently as if by [our] own power or godliness having made to walk him?
U Petro nawalola isho, wabhabhu ula abhantu bha Israeli, yeenu muswiga? Nantele mutenya ate aje ate tetimwemelesizye umuntu unu hwi khone lyetu?”
13 The God of Abraham and (the God *n*) of Isaac and (the God *n*) of Jacob, the God of the fathers of us, has glorified the servant of Him Jesus whom you yourselves (indeed *no*) delivered up and disowned (him *ko*) in [the] presence of Pilate having adjudged that one to release;
Ungulubhi wa Ibulahimu, Ungulubhi wa Isaka, nuwa Yakobo, Ungulubhi wa Yise bhetu, amwemeshe utumishi wakwe uYesu. Unu amwe mwahakhanile hwa Pilato, nantele uPilato, ahanzaga huleshele wene.
14 You yourselves however the Holy and Righteous One denied and requested a man a murderer to be granted to you,
Mwahakhene Umfinjile wa Ngulubhi umuntu Umwinza, mwahamwanza abhigulile unyambuda aleshelwe wene.
15 and the Author of life you killed whom God has raised up out from [the] dead, whereof we ourselves witnesses are.
Amwe mwabudile umwene uwi womi, lelo Ungulubhi azyusya afume hwabhafwe - Ate tili bhaketi bhakwe.
16 And on the faith in the name of Him this [man] whom you see and know has strengthened the name of Him and the faith which [is] through Him has given to him complete soundness this before all of you.
Eshi, ulweteho hwitawa lya Yesu, unu lwalupiye ikhone elyajendele umuntu unu yamuhulola na kujua, alifanywa kuwa na nguvu. Imani ambayo inapitia kwa Yesu imempa yeye afya hii kamilifu, mbele yenu ninyi nyote.
17 And now, brothers, I know that in ignorance you acted, as also the rulers of you;
Eshi, Bhaholo, bhane elola mwabhombile esho hunongwa yelema, atubhalongozi bhenyu shabhabhombile.
18 But God who foretold through [the] mouth of all the prophets [the] suffering [of] the Christ of Him He has fulfilled thus.
Lelo enongwa zya yanjile Ungulubhi ashilile akuwe bhakwe aje uYesu ailabha zibhombishe eshi.
19 do repent therefore and do turn again (for *NK(o)*) the blotting out of your sins, so that maybe may come times of refreshing from [the] presence of the Lord
Eshi mulabhe na galushe, nke mbibhi zyenyu zyepe nkazyenze ensiku ezya sungwe naseshelele nayenza umwene uYesu;
20 and [that] He may send the [One] (appointed *N(K)O*) to you Christ Jesus
Aitumwa uYesu yasalulwe nu Ngulubhi hulimwe.
21 whom it behooves heaven indeed to receive until [the] times of restoration of all things of which spoke God through [the] mouth (of all *K*) the holy from [the] age of Him prophets. (aiōn g165)
Umwene yayuyo emwanya lazima zimwejelele mpaka evintu vyonti navyaigaluha, vyayanjile Ungulubhi ashilile akuwe bhakwe afinjile. (aiōn g165)
22 Moses indeed (for to the fathers *K*) said that A prophet to you will raise up [the] Lord the God (of you *NK(o)*) out from the brothers of you like me myself; to Him You will listen in all things as much as maybe He may say to you.
Lyoli uMusa ayanjile, 'Huje Ugosi Ungulubhi aja aihubhiha ukuwe neshi ane afume hwa holo bhenyu. Mwaihumwonvwelezya shila hantu haibhabhuula amwe.
23 It will be [that] now every soul who (only *N(k)O*) unless shall heed the prophet that will be utterly destroyed out from the people.’
Ihaibha aje shila muntu yasagaa ihutejelezya okuwe uyo aibhengwa ayepe pabhamwabho.'
24 And all now the prophets from Samuel and those subsequently as many as spoke also (told of *N(K)O*) days these,
Lyoli, akuwe bhonti ahwandile hwa Samueli na bhaala bhabhapyanie pamwene bhatangazizye naziyanje ensiku ezi.
25 You yourselves are (the *no*) sons of the prophets and of the covenant that made God with the fathers (of you *N(K)O*) saying to Abraham; And in the seed of you (will be blessed *NK(o)*) all the families of the earth.’
Amwe mulibhana bhakuwe neilagano Ungulubhi lyalagine na gogolo bhetu abhemande neshi shayayanjile nu Ibrahimu, 'Aje abhana bhe mpapo yaho abhantu bhonti bha munsi bhaisaiwa.'
26 To you first having raised up God the servant of Him (Jesus *k*) sent Him blessing you in turning away each from the wickednesses of you.
Ungulubhi pa wamwimiha uYesu waleta hulimwe nasoti huje abhasaye amwe nkamwagaluha nahuzileshe embibhi zyenyu.”

< Acts 3 >