< Acts 19 >

1 It came to pass now while Apollos being in Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper parts (to come down *N(k)O*) to Ephesus and (finding *N(k)O*) certain disciples 2 he said (also *no*) to them; If [the] Spirit Holy did you receive having believed? And (they said *k*) to him; But not even that [a] Spirit Holy there is did we hear. 3 He said then (to them: *k*) Into what then were you baptized? And they said; Into John's baptism. 4 Said then Paul; John (indeed *k*) baptized a baptism of repentance to the people telling about the [One] coming after him that they may believe, That is in (Christ *K*) Jesus. 5 Having heard then they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus; 6 And when was laying on them Paul the hands came the Spirit Holy upon them, they were speaking then in tongues and were prophesying. 7 There were then the in all men about (twelve. *N(k)O*) 8 Having entered then into the synagogue he was speaking boldly for months three reasoning and persuading concerning the kingdom of God. 9 When however some were hardened and they were disbelieving speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, having departed from them he took separately the disciples every day reasoning in the lecture hall of Tyrannus (a certain. *k*) 10 This then continued for years two, so that all those inhabiting Asia hearing the word of the Lord (Jesus *K*) Jews both and Greeks. 11 Miracles then not being ordinary God was doing through the hands of Paul, 12 so that even to the ailing (carrying *NK(O)*) from the skin of him handkerchiefs or aprons and departing from them the diseases the also spirits evil (coming out *N(k)O*) (from *k*) (of them. *K*) 13 Attempted now some of (also *N(k)O*) of the itinerant Jewish exorcists to invoke over those having spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying; (I adjure *N(K)O*) you [by] Jesus whom (*k*) Paul proclaims. 14 They were now (of a certain *N(k)O*) of Sceva a Jewish a high priest seven (*k*) sons this were doing. 15 Answering however the spirit evil said (to them: *no*) (indeed *no*) Jesus I know and Paul I am acquainted with; you yourselves however who are you? 16 And (having leapt *N(k)O*) the man upon them in whom was the spirit evil, (and *k*) (having overpowered *NK(o)*) (them all *N(K)O*) he prevailed against them so that naked and wounded fleeing out of the house that. 17 This now became known to all Jews both also to Greeks who inhabiting Ephesus and (fell *NK(o)*) fear upon all them and was being magnified the name of the Lord Jesus, 18 Many then of those having believed were coming confessing and declaring the deeds of them. 19 Many now of those the magic arts having practiced having brought together the books were burning [them] before all; And they counted up the prices of them and found [it] of silverlings myriads five. 20 thus with might of the Lord the word was continuing to increase and was prevailing. 21 After now were fulfilled these things, purposed Paul in the Spirit having passed through Macedonia and Achaia to go to Jerusalem having said that After being me there, it behooves me also Rome to see. 22 Having sent then into Macedonia two of those ministering to him, Timothy and Erastus, he himself remained for a time in Asia. 23 Arose now at the time same a disturbance not small concerning the Way. 24 Demetrius for a certain [man] named, a silversmith making shrines silver of Artemis, was bringing to the craftsmen no little business 25 whom having brought together also the in such things Workmen he said; Men, you know that from this business the wealth (of us *N(k)O*) is, 26 And you see and hear that not only in Ephesus but almost in all of Asia Paul this having persuaded [them] he has turned away a great many people saying that not they are gods through hands being made. 27 Not only but this is endangered to us the business into disrepute to come but also the of the great goddess Artemis temple as no [thing] to be reckoned, to be (and *N(k)O*) also deposing (the majesty *N(k)O*) of her whom all Asia and the world worship. 28 Having heard then and having become full of rage they were crying out saying; Great [is] Artemis of [the] Ephesians. 29 And was filled the city (all *K*) with confusion; they rushed and with one accord to the theatre having dragged off Gaius and Aristarchus Macedonians, fellow travelers (*k*) of Paul. 30 (*k*) Paul however intending to go in to the people not were allowing him the disciples; 31 Some then also of the Asiarchs being to him friends, having sent to him they were urging [him] not to venture himself into the theatre. 32 Others indeed therefore some thing were crying out; was for the assembly confused, and most not did know for what cause they had assembled. 33 Out of now the crowd (brought forward *N(k)O*) Alexander when were thrusting forward him the Jews; And Alexander having motioned with the hand was wanting to present a defense to the people. 34 (Having recognized *N(k)O*) however that a Jew he is, a cry there was one from all (about *NK(o)*) ongoing hours two crying out; Great [is] Artemis of [the] Ephesians. 35 having calmed then the town clerk the crowd he says; Men Ephesians, who for is there (of men *N(k)O*) who not knows the of [the] Ephesians city temple-keeper as being of the great (goddess *k*) Artemis and of that fallen from the sky? 36 Undeniable therefore are being these things necessary it is for you quietened to be and nothing rash to do. 37 You brought for men these neither temple plunderers nor blaspheming the (goddess *N(k)O*) (of us. *N(K)O*) 38 If indeed therefore Demetrius and the with him craftsmen have against anyone a matter courts are conducted and proconsuls there are; they should accuse to one another. 39 If however anything (beyond this *N(K)O*) you inquire, in the lawful assembly it will be solved. 40 And for we are in danger of being accused of insurrection in regard to this day not one cause there is existing concerning which not we will be able (to render *NK(o)*) a reason (for *no*) commotion this. 41 And these things having said he dismissed the assembly.

< Acts 19 >