< Acts 15 >

1 And certain ones having come down from Judea were teaching the brothers that Only unless (you shall become circumcised *N(k)O*) according to the custom (*no*) of Moses, [then] not you are able to be saved.
Antu a ki tuunga ai asimile kupuma ku Uyahudi nu kuamanyisa i aluna, azeligitya, “angamuhite kutalwa i kidamu anga ntendo ni ang'wa Musa, shanga muhumile kugunwa.”
2 When was hapening (then *N(k)O*) commotion and (controversy *N(k)O*) no small by Paul and Barnabas with them they appointed to go up Paul and Barnabas and certain others out from them to the apostles and elders to Jerusalem about question this.
Matungo uPaulo nu Barnaba nai atulaa nu wikungumi nu witambulyi palung'wi ni enso, anyandugu ai alamue kina uPaulo, Barnaba ni auya kituunga alongole ku Yerusalemu ku itumi ni anyampala ku nsoko a ikolyo ili.
3 They indeed therefore having been sent forward by the church were passing through (both *no*) Phoenicia and Samaria relating in detail the conversion of the Gentiles and they were bringing joy great to all the brothers.
Kululo, kulagiiligwa kitalao ni itekeelo, ai akiie ku Foenike ni Samaria azetanantya kupiulwa insula ku anyaingu. Ai aletile ulowa ukulu ku anya ndugu ihi.
4 Having come then to Jerusalem (they were received by *N(k)O*) the church and the apostles and the elders, They declared then how much God did with them.
Nai akapembya ku Yerusalemu, ai asingiiigwe ni itekeelo ni itumi ni anyampala, hangi ai apikilye i mpola nia makani ihi naiza Itunda witumile palung'wi ni enso.
5 Rose up now certain of those of the sect of the Pharisees having believed saying that It is necessary to circumcise them to command [them] then to keep the law of Moses.
Kuiti i antu akituunga nai ahuiie, nai akoli mi idale nila Afarisayo, ai imikile nu kuligitya, “ingi ingulu kuatwala ikidamu nu kualagiilya aliambe ilagiilyo ni lang'wa Musa.”
6 Were gathered together (then *N(k)O*) the apostles and the elders to understand about matter this.
Iti gwa i itumi ni anyampala ai imikile palung'wi kulisiga ikolyo ili.
7 Of much now (controversy *N(k)O*) having taken place, having risen up Peter said to them; Men brothers, you yourselves know that from days early among (you *N(K)O*) chose God through the mouth of mine to hear the Gentiles the word of the gospel and to believe.
Ze yakilaa u witambulyi ulipu, uPetro ai wimikile nu kuligitya kitalao, “Anya ndugu mulingile kina itungo iziza nilakilaa Itunda ai witumile uholania mukati anyu, kina ku mulomo nuane Anyaingu igiilye u lukani nula nkani ninza, nu kuhuiila.
8 And the heart-knowing God bore witness to them having given (to them *k*) the Spirit Holy even as also to us;
Itunda, nuilingile i nkolo, ukuiie kitalao, ukuinkiilya uNg'wau Ng'welu, anga nai witumile kitalanyu;
9 and no [thing] He made distinction between us also and them by the faith having purified the hearts of them.
hangi shanga ai uzipilye utemanuli kati itu ni enso, waze yituma i nkolo niao nziza ku uhuili.
10 Now therefore why are you testing God to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples that neither the fathers of us nor we ourselves were able to bear?
Ku lulo ku niki mukumugema Itunda kina muikile kinyuli migulya a nkingo nia amanyisigwa naiza ga i atata itu ang'wi u sese shanga ai kuhumile ku gigimiilya?
11 But through the grace of the Lord Jesus (Christ *K*) we believe to be saved in [the] same manner [as] they also. they also.
Kuiti ku huiie kina ku ugunwa ku ukende nua Mukulu uYesu, anga nai atulaa.”
12 Kept silent now all the multitude and were listening to Barnabas and Paul relating how much did God signs and wonders among the Gentiles through them.
uMilundo wihi ai ukilagilye nai atulaa akumutegeelya uBarnaba nu Paulo nai atulaa akupumya i mpola nia ilingasiilyo nu ukuilwa naiza Itunda ai witumile palung'wi ni enso kati a antu a anyaingu.
13 After now being silent they answered James saying; Men brothers, do hear me.
Nai akaleka kuligitya, uYakobo ai usukiiye wazeligitya, “Anyandugu ntegeelyi.
14 Simeon has related even as first God visited to take out of [the] Gentiles a people (upon *k*) for the name of Him;
uSimioni waganula iti hanza Itunda ku ukende ai ua aiye i anyaingu iti kina wiligilye kupuma kitalao antu kunsoko a lina nilakwe.
15 And with this agree the words of the prophets even as it has been written:
iMakani a anyakidagu igombilye ni ili anga nilikilisigwe.
16 After these things I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David which having fallen and the (ruined *NK(o)*) of it I will rebuild and I will set upright it;
Ze yakilaa i makani aya nikasuka kukizenga hangi ikitala nikang'wa Daudi, naikagwizaa pihi; nikanyansula nu ku sukiilya ubipigwa nuakwe,
17 so that when may seek out the remnant of men the Lord and all the Gentiles, upon whom has been called the name of Me upon them, says [the] Lord (who *ko*) is doing these things (all *K*)
iti kina antu nai asagiie amudume uMukulu, palung'wi ni antu a ingu nai itangilwe kulina nilane.'
18 known from eternity’ (is to God all the works of him. *K*) (aiōn g165)
Iti uu nuiligityaa u Mukulu nai witumile i makani aya nakumukile puma ikali nia kali. (aiōn g165)
19 Therefore I myself judge not to trouble those who from the Gentiles are turning to God,
Iti gwa, u usiji nuane ingi, kina kuleke kuinkiilya ulwago i antu i anya ingu niakumupilukila Itunda.
20 but to write to them to abstain from (from *k*) the pollutions of the idols and sexual immorality and that which is strangled and from blood.
Kuiti kukilise kitalao kina ihuje nu ubipigwa nua adudu, nsula nia usambo, hangi ni igogilwe, ni sakami.
21 Moses for from generations of old in every city those proclaiming him he is in the synagogues on every Sabbath being read.
Kupuma u utugwaa nua anyampala akoli antu mu kila isali ni itanantya nu kumusoma u Musa mu matekeelo kila luhiku nula kusupya.”
22 Then it seemed good to the apostles and to the elders with all the church having chosen men out from them to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas, Judas who (is being called *N(k)O*) Barsabbas and Silas, men leading among the brothers,
Ku lulo yikigeeleka kutula ia loeeye i itumi ni anyampala, palung'wi ni itekeelo lihi kumuholania uYuda nai witangwaa Barnaba, nu Silas nai atulaa atongeeli i tekeelo, nu kualagiilya ku Antiokia palung'wi nu Paulo nu Barnaba.
23 having written through [the] hand of them (these things: *k*) The apostles and the elders (and the *K*) brothers To those in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia to brothers among the Gentiles Greeting.
Ai akilisilye iti, “Itumi, anyampala ni anya ndugu, ku anya ndugu a anyaingu niakoli ku Antiokia, Shamu ni Kilikia, Milamu.
24 Inasmuch as we have heard that some from us went out troubled you by words upsetting the minds of you (saying to be circumcised and to keep the law *K*) to whom not we had given instructions,
Ai kijaa kina antu a kituunga naza shanga ai kuinkiiye ilagiilyo nilanso, ai apumaa kitalanyu hangi akumajaa ku umanyisigwa nuiletaa u lwago mu umi nuanyu.
25 it seemed good to us having come with one accord (having chosen *N(k)O*) men to send to you with the beloved of us Barnabas and Paul,
Ku lulo yigeeleka ikende kitaitu kihi kuholania antu nu kualagiilya kitalanyu palung'wi ni alowa itu Barnaba nu Paulo,
26 men having handed over the lives of them for the name of the Lord of us Jesus Christ.
antu nai agilye u likalo nulao ku nsoko a lina nila Mukulu uYesu Kristo
27 We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, and they through word [of mouth] are telling [you] the same things.
Ku lulo kamulagiilya uYuda nu Sila, akumutambuila makani yao yaayo.
28 It seemed good for to the Spirit (*no*) Holy and to us no further to lay upon you burden except these necessary things
Ku nsoko ai yigeeleka ikende ku Ng'wau Ng'welu nu kitaitu, Kuleka kuika migulya anyu muligo ukulu kukila imakani aya naiza a kusinja;
29 to abstain from idol-sacrifices and from blood and (from a strangled [one] *N(k)O*) and from sexual immorality; From these keeping yourselves well you will do. Farewell!
Kina mupiluke kupuma mu intu ni ipumigwa ku adudu, sakami intu nia kugogwa, nu usambo. Anga miki ika kuli ni izi, ikutula ikende kitalanyu. Mu lamu.”
30 They indeed therefore having been sent off (went *N(k)O*) to Antioch, and having gathered the multitude they delivered the letter.
Iti gwa nai asapatiligwa, ai asimiie ku Atiokia; ze yakilaa kilingiila u milundo palung'wi, ai ainkiiye ibada.
31 Having read [it] now they rejoiced at the encouragement.
Nai akatula asomaa, ai iloile kunsoko a kukinyilwa inkolo.
32 Judas both and Silas, also themselves prophets being, through talk much exhorted the brothers and strengthened [them].
uYuda nu Sila, ni anyakidagu, ai a akinyie inkolo i aluna ku nkani idu nu kuakinyila ingulu.
33 Having continued then a time they were sent away in peace from the brothers to those (having sent *N(K)O*) (them. *no*)
Ze yakilaa kikie itungo nila kituunga kuko, ai asapatiigwe ku ulyuuku kupuma ku anya ndugu ku awo nai a alagiiye.
34 (It seemed good however to Silas to remain here. *K*)
(Kuiti ai yigeelekile ikende uSila kusaga kuko)
35 Paul however and Barnabas were staying in Antioch teaching and evangelising with also others many the word of the Lord.
Kuiti uPaulo ni auya ai ikie ku Antiokia palung'wi ni auya idu, naize akumanyisa nu kutanantya lukani nula Mukulu.
36 After now some days said to Barnabas Paul; Having turned back indeed let us look after the brothers (of us *k*) in city every in which we have announced the word of the Lord, how they are.
Ze yakilaa mahiku kituunga uPaulo ai uligitilye kung'wa Barnaba, “Ni kusuke itungili nu kuagendeela i aluna mu kila kisali naikatanantya u lukani nula Mukulu, nukuihenga ni ili.
37 Barnabas now (was planning *N(k)O*) to take along (also *no*) John who is being called Mark;
uBarnaba ai utakile ga nu kumuhola palungwi nienso uYohana nai witangwaa Marko.
38 Paul however was considering the [one] having withdrawn from them from Pamphylia and not having gone with them to the work not (to take along *N(k)(o)*) him.
Kuiti uPaulo ai usigile shanga iza kumuhola uMarko, nai ualekile uko ku Pamfilia hangi shanga ai ulongolekile ni enso mu mulimo.
39 Arose (therefore *N(k)O*) a sharp disagreement, so that separating they from one another, and Barnabas having taken Mark sailing to Cyprus.
Uugwa pang'wanso ikapumila wikungumi ukulu ku lulo ai atemanukile. nu Barnaba akamuhola uMarko nu kulongola muhinzo ku meli kupikiila ku Kipro.
40 Paul however having chosen Silas went forth having been committed to the grace of the (Lord *N(K)O*) by the brothers.
Kuiti uPaulo ai umuhole uSila nu kuhega, ze yakilaa kinkiiligwa ni anya ndugu mu ukende nua Mukulu.
41 He was passing through then Syria and (*no*) Cilicia strengthening the churches.
Hangi ai ulongoe kukiila ku Shamu nu ku Kilikia, waze makomisa i matekeelo.

< Acts 15 >