< Acts 14 >

1 It came to pass now in Iconium according to the same entering they into the synagogue of the Jews and speaking so that to believe of Jews both and Greeks a great number.
Hula hwi Ikonio u Paulo nu Barnaba bhahinsiye mwisinagogi lya Bhayahudi bhahayanga Ayahudi na Ayunani shabhalyeteshe izu lya Ngulubhi.
2 The however (disobeying *N(k)O*) Jews stirred up and they poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against the brothers.
Lelo Ayahudi bhasiga bhalyeteha izu bhabhasulishe abhamataifa huje musahazyeteshele ezyabhayanga aPaulo nu Barnaba nabhavitwe.
3 A long indeed therefore time they stayed speaking boldly about the Lord who is bearing witness (to *n*) the word of the grace of Him, (and *k*) granting signs and wonders to be done through the hands of them.
Bhahakhiye uhwo ensiku zyenyinji, bhayangaga izu lya Ngulubhi, hwikone lya Gosi uYesu abhapiye huje bhabhombaje amambo minji agaswijizye hwitawa lya Yesu aPaulo nu Barnaba.
4 Was divided now the multitude of the city, and some indeed were with the Jews, some however with the apostles.
Esehemu engosi ye muji gula abhantu bhahagabhanyiha bhamo bhahabha na Yahudi, bhamo bhahabha na bhatume.
5 When then there was a rush of the Gentiles both and Jews with the rulers of them to mistreat and to stone them,
Ayahudi na bhamataifa bhabhasulishe alongozi bhabho huje bhabhabhombe embibhi na bhakhome na mawe aPaulo nu Barnaba,
6 having become aware they fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding region,
a Paulo wuwamwabho bhazimanya, bhashimbilila hu Likaonia, Listra na hu Derbe nu humwaohunshenje yakwe,
7 and there and there evangelising they were continuing.
uhwo bhalumbilila izu la Ngulubhi.
8 And a certain man crippled in Lystra in the feet was sitting, lame from [the] womb of [the] mother of him (being *k*) who never (walked. *N(k)O*)
Uhwo hu Listra ahali umuntu yaali nanjisu manama sigaje ndaga afume papwe hwakwe.
9 This [man] (heard *N(k)O*) Paul speaking, who having looked intently at him and having seen that he has faith to be healed,
Umuntu unu ahamwumvwizye uPaulo palumbilila. U Paulo wa mwenya, walola ali wu lweteho humwoyo.
10 said in a loud (*ko*) voice; do stand on the feet of you (upright! *NK(o)*) And (he sprang up *N(k)O*) and was walking.
Wayanga hwizu igosi, emelela na manama gaho ula umuntu watomoha wimilila wanda ajende.
11 (And *N(k)O*) the crowds having seen what did (*k*) Paul lifted up the voice of them in Lycaonian saying; The gods having become like as men have come down to us;
Ipuga lya bhantu, na lyalola zyabhombile uPaulo, bhabwaga hwizu igosi hunjango yeshi Kilikaonio, “amangulubhi gatishiye humabili gabhantu.”
12 They were calling then (one *k*) Barnabas Zeus, other Paul Hermes, because he himself was the leading speaker.
Bhamwita uBarnaba “Zeu,” nu Paulo “Herme” umwene yaali yuyanzi ugosi.
13 (And *N(k)O*) the priest of Zeus who is being just outside the city (of them *k*) oxen and wreaths to the gates having brought with the crowds was desiring to sacrifice.
Ukuhani wa Zeu, eshibhanza shakwe shali hwonze aletile ehampako, na usanga ulwimaua waleta mpaka mundyango gwekhaya, umwene na bhantu gwekhaya, umwene na bhantu bhakwe bhonti bhaga bhafumye esadaka.
14 Having heard however the apostles Barnabas and Paul having torn the garments (of them *NK(o)*) (rushed out *N(k)O*) into the crowd crying out
Atumwe uPaulo nu Barnaba nabhunvwa bhasatula amenda gabho nanali bhabha hwitagalila ohu, bhalila
15 and saying; Men, why these things do you? Also we ourselves of like nature are with you men, evangelising to you from these vanities to turn to (*k*) God (who *k*) is living, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the [things] in them,
bhaga, “Mwebhantuu yeenu, mubhomba ezii, natee tilibhantu neshi amwe, tisebha neshi amwe. Tisebha neshi amwe, tibhaleteye enongwa enyinza huje mugalushile Ungulubhi, mupendushe muzileshe ezi zyamubhomba mugalushile unu mwanya ne vintu vyonti vyavihweli.
16 who in the having past generations allowed all the nations to go in the ways of them;
Emande Ungulubhi abhaleshile amataifa bhajendaje mmadala gabho bhibho.
17 (and yet and yet *N(k)O*) not without witness (Himself *N(k)O*) He has left (doing good, *N(k)O*) from heaven (to you *N(K)O*) rains giving and seasons fruitful, filling with food and gladness the hearts (of you. *N(K)O*)
Lelo sigaabhaleshile, ahwibhonesizye abhatonyezyaga emvula abhapelaga evyalye mumagunda na hobhoshe”
18 And these things saying hardly they stopped the crowds not sacrificing to them.
Nabhayanga enongwa ezi, aPaulo nu Barnaba bhabhakhanizya abhantu zyabhahanzaga abhombe, abhafumizye esadaka.
19 Came however from Antioch and Iconium Jews, and having persuaded the crowds and having stoned Paul they were dragging [him] outside the city (supposing *N(k)O*) him (to have died. *N(k)O*)
Lelo Ayahudi bhabhafumile hu Antiokia na hu Ikono bhahinzile na bhasulishe abhantu. Bhahakhoma uPaulo wamae bhadendemula bhafumya hwonze ye khaya yabho bhasibha huje afwiye.
20 When were sorrounding however the disciples him having risen up he entered into the city And on the next day he went away with Barnabas to Derbe.
Amanyili(abhanafunzi) bhahimiliya papipi, wabhuha winjila humujini. Isiku elyabhili bhahabha hu Derbe nu Barnaba.
21 Having evangelised then the city that and having discipled many they returned to Lystra and (to *no*) Iconium and (to *no*) Antioch;
Nabhamanyizya uhwo abhantu bhinji bhapendushe, abhene bhahawela hu Listra, na bhahafiha hu Ikonia mu na hu Antiokia.
22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting [them] to continue in the faith and that through many tribulations it behooves us to enter into the kingdom of God.
Bhahendelela abhazinzye abhanafunzi amoyo huje tihwinjila hwa Ngulubhi na mayemba gaminji.”
23 Having chosen now for them in every church elders, having prayed with fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.
Bhabhasalula azee bheshibhanza bhabhapuutila nafunje bhabhaleha mumakhono ga Yesu yabhamwitishe.
24 And having passed through Pisidia they came to (*no*) Pamphylia,
Bhashila hu Pisidia, bhafiha hu Pamfilia.
25 and having spoken in Perga the word they went down to Attalia;
Nabhayanga enongwa hu Perga, bhiha hu Atalia.
26 And from there And from there they sailed to Antioch, from where they had committed to the grace of God for the work that they had fulfilled.
Afume uhwo binjila mumeli bhabala hu Antiokia hwabhwifumizye huje bhabhombe embombo eshi embombo ela emalishe.
27 Having arrived now and having gathered together the church (they were declaring *N(k)O*) how much did God with them and that He had opened to the Gentiles a door of faith.
Pabhafiha hu Antiokia, bhabhabhunganya akristo pandwimo bhabhabhuula zyonti Ungulubhi zyabhombile hwa bhene, neshabhiguliye undyango gwe lweteho hwa bhantu bhe Mataifa.
28 They were remaining then (there *k*) time no little with the disciples.
Bhakhiye ensiku zyenyinsi na bhanafunzi.

< Acts 14 >