< Acts 13 >

1 There were now (some *k*) in Antioch in what is [the] church prophets and teachers, both Barnabas and Simeon who is being called Niger and Lucius the Cyrenian, Manaen also — with Herod the tetrarch brought up — and Saul.
Antioch-ki Singlupta Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpiba maichousing amadi tambiba ojasing kayamuk leirammi. Makhoising adudi Barnabas, Niger hainasu kouba Simeon, Cyrene-dagi Lucius, Manaen (Mahak Herod tetrarch-ka houminnarakpa) amadi Saul-ni.
2 As were ministering now they to the Lord and fasting said the Spirit Holy; do set apart then to Me (both *k*) Barnabas and (*k*) Saul for the work to which I have called them.
Makhoina Ibungobu khurumjaringei amadi chara hellingeida Thawai Asengbana makhoida hairak-i, “Eina makhoibu tounanaba koukhraba thabak adugidamak Barnabas amadi Saul-bu eigidamak khaidok-u.”
3 Then having fasted and having prayed and having laid the hands on them they sent [them] off.
Maram aduna makhoina chara henduna haijaraba matungda makhoigi mathakta khut thambiraga makhoibu thare.
4 (They themselves *N(k)O*) indeed therefore having been sent forth by of the Holy (the *k*) Spirit went down to (*k*) Seleucia, From there (then *NK(o)*) they sailed to (*k*) Cyprus.
Thawai Asengbana makhoibu thabiduna makhoina Seleucia-da chatlammi aduga mapham adudagi Cyprus tanna hida chatlammi.
5 And having come into Salamis they were proclaiming the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews; They had now also John [as] a helper.
Makhoina Salamis-ta thungba matamda Jihudisinggi Synagogue-singda chattuna Tengban Mapugi wa sandoklammi. Makhoibu mateng pangnanaba John Mark-su makhoiga loinarammi.
6 Having passed through now (all *NO*) the island as far as Paphos they found (a man — *NO*) a certain magician a false prophet Jewish — whose name (of Bar-Jesus, *N(k)O*)
Makhoina ithat adu phaoduna chatlaga Paphos-ta thunglammi. Mapham aduda masana masabu Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa maichou amani haijaba Bar-Jisu kouba hikap yaikap touba Jihudi nupa ama thengnarammi.
7 who was with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, man an intelligent. He having called to [him] Barnabas and Saul desired to hear the word of God.
Mahak asi ithat adugi heisinglaba leingak mapu Sergius Paulus-ka tinnabani. Leingak mapu asina Tengban Mapugi wa taningbadagi Barnabas amadi Saul-bu kourammi.
8 Was opposing however to them Elymas the magician — thus for means the name of him — seeking to turn away the proconsul from the faith.
Hikap yaikap touba Elymas-na (Ming asi Greek londani) makhoigi mayokta leplammi amadi leingak mapu adubu thajabadagi leithok-hannaba hotnarammi.
9 Saul then also [called] Paul having been filled [the] Spirit Holy (and *k*) having looked intently upon him
Paul hainasu kouba Saul-na Thawai Asengbana thalladuna Elymas-ta munna yengduna hairak-i,
10 said; O full of all deceit and all craft, son of [the] devil, enemy of all righteousness, not will you cease perverting the ways (of the *no*) Lord upright?
“Nahak asi aphaba pumnamakki yeknaba amadi Devil-gi machani. Nahakti makhal-makha pumnamakki lounamba amadi marei mara pumnamakna thallaba mini. Ibungogi achumba lambising adubu serannahannaba hotnaba nahak keidounungda toklaroidra?
11 And now behold [the] hand (*k*) of the Lord [is] upon you, and you will be blind not seeing the sun during a season. Immediately (then descended *N(k)O*) upon him mist and darkness, and going about he was seeking one to lead by hand.
Houjik Mapu Ibungogi khut adu nahakki maiyokta lei, nahak matam khara numitki mangal uroi.” Khudak aduda amamba leichin amana mahakki mit kupsinkhre aduga mahakpu chingbinaba kanagumba amabu phangnaba mahakna koima marammi.
12 Then having seen the proconsul that having happened he believed being astonished at the teaching of the Lord.
Thoudok adu leingak mapu aduna ubada mahak thajarammi maramdi Ibungogi maramda tambiba aduda mahak ngaklammi.
13 Having sailed then from Paphos [with] those around [him] (*k*) Paul came to Perga of Pamphylia. John however having departed from them he returned to Jerusalem.
Paul amadi mahakka loinabasing adu Paphos-tagi Pamphylia-gi sahar Perga-da hi tongduna laklammi. Mapham aduda John Mark-na makhoibu thadoklamlaga Jerusalem-da hankhirammi.
14 They themselves now having passed through from Perga came to Antioch (Pisidia, *N(k)O*) and (having gone *NK(o)*) into the synagogue on the day of the Sabbaths they sat down.
Madudagi makhoina Perga-dagi chatkhiduna Pisidia-gi Antioch-ta thunglammi aduga Potthaba numitta synagogue-ta changduna phamtharammi.
15 After then the reading of the law and of the Prophets sent the rulers of the synagogue to them saying; Men brothers, if any there is among you a word of exhortation toward the people, do speak.
Wayel Yathang amadi Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpiba maichousinggi lairiktagi paraba matungda synagogue-ki luchingbasing aduna makhoida pao asi pirak-i, “Ichil inaosa, misingda pukning thougatnaba wa leirabadi madu haibiyu.”
16 Having risen up then Paul and having made a sign with the hand he said; Men Israelites and you who [are] fearing God, do listen.
Maduda Paul-na lepkhattuna mahakna haiba wa tuminna tabinaba makhut thanggatlaga hairak-i, “Israel-gi mising amadi Tengban Mapubu khurumjaba atoppa phurupki mioi pumnamak, eina haiba tabiyu!
17 The God of the people this of Israel chose the fathers of us and the people exalted in the sojourn in [the] land (of Egypt *N(k)O*) and with arm uplifted brought them out of it;
Israel phurup asigi Tengban Mapuna eikhoigi ipa ipusingbu khandokpire amadi makhoina Egypt-ta lamlanba oina leiringeida Ibungona makhoibu achouba phurup ama oihanbire aduga Ibungogi panggallaba khutna makhoibu Egypt-tagi puthokpirakle
18 and of about forty years for a period He endured the ways of them in the wilderness,
amasung chahi niphu chupna lamjao lamhanggi lamdamda Ibungona makhoigi lamchatsingbu khaangbikhi.
19 and having destroyed nations seven in [the] land of Canaan He gave as an inheritance (to them *k*) the land of them —
Aduga Ibungona Canaan-gi phurup taretpu mang-hallaga makhoigi leibak adu Ibungogi misingda makhoigi lam oina pibikhi.
20 during years four hundred and fifty; And after these things He gave [them] judges until Samuel the prophet;
Pumnamak asi chahi chamari yangkheirom changlammi.” “Masigi matungda Tengban Mapuna makhoida Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa maichou Samuel phaoba wayel mapusing pibikhi.
21 Then Then they asked for a king, and gave to them God Saul son of Kish, a man of [the] tribe of Benjamin, years forty;
Makhoina ningthou ama pibinaba nijabada Tengban Mapuna makhoida Benjamin salaidagi Kish-ki machanupa Saul-bu makhoigi ningthou oina pibikhi aduga mahakna chahi niphu pankhi.
22 And having removed him He raised up David to them as king, to whom also He said having carried witness: I have found David the [son of] Jesse a man according to the heart of Mine, who will do all the will of Mine.
Adubu Tengban Mapuna Saul-bu louthoklaba matungda David-pu makhoigi ningthou oihanbikhi. Mahakki maramda Ishworna haikhiba adu asini, ‘Eina Jesse-gi machanupa eigi thamoina khoidajaba David-pu phangle, eina mahakpu touhanningba pumnamak mahakna tougani.’
23 Of this [man] the God of the seed according to promise (has brought *N(K)O*) to Israel ([the] Savior *NK(O)*) Jesus —
Tengban Mapuna wasakpikhibagi matung-inna David-ki charol suroldagi Israel-da Kanbiba Mapu Jisubu pubirakle.
24 When was proclaiming John before [the] face of the coming of Him a baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.
Jisuna mahakki thabak houdringei mamangda John-na Israel-gi mi pumnamakta paptagi pukning hongnaba amadi baptize lounaba sandoklammi.
25 While then was fulfilling (*k*) John the course he was saying; (whom *N(k)O*) me myself do you suppose to be? Not am [he] I myself; but behold He comes after me myself of whom not I am worthy the sandal of the feet to untie.
Aduga John-na mahakki thabak loisillamdaida hairak-i, ‘Nakhoina Eihak kanani haina khanbage? Nakhoina ngairiba Ibungo mahak adu ei natte. Adubu Ibungo mahakti eigi tungda lakli, eidi Ibungo mahakki sandal mari louthokpa phaoba matik chade.’”
26 Men brothers, sons of [the] family of Abraham and you who [are] among you fearing God, (to us *N(K)O*) the message of the salvation this (was sent out. *N(k)O*)
“Abraham-gi charol surol oiriba ichil inaosa amadi Tengban Mapubu khurumjaba atoppa phurupki mioi pumnamak, aran-khubhamgi paojel asi eikhoida thabirakle.
27 Those for dwelling in Jerusalem and the rulers of them Him not having known and the voices of the prophets that on every Sabbath are being read, having condemned [Him] they fulfilled [them];
Jerusalem-gi mising amadi makhoigi luchingbasingna Jisubu Kanbiba Mapuni haiba khanglamde aduga Potthaba numit khudingda paba Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpiba maichousinggi wa adusu khanglamde. Adubu makhoina Ibungoda maral theijinduna maichousing adugi wa adu thung-halle.
28 And no cause of death having found they begged Pilate to execute him.
Makhoina Ibungobu hatnanaba maram phangdrabasu, Ibungobu hatnanaba Pilate-ta haijakhi.
29 When then they had finished (all *N(k)O*) the [things] about Him written, having taken [Him] down from the tree they put [Him] in a tomb.
Mapugi Puyada ikhiba Ibungogi maram khudingmak makhoina pangthoklabada makhoina Ibungobu cross-tagi loutharaga mongpham amagi manungda thamkhi.
30 But God raised Him out from [the] dead,
Adubu Tengban Mapuna Ibungobu sibadagi hinggat-hanbikhi
31 who appeared for days many to those having come up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who (now *NO*) are witnesses of Him to the people.
aduga Galilee-dagi Jerusalem tanna Ibungoga chatminnakhiba makhoisingna Ibungobu ujakhi. Houjik makhoina Israel-gi misingda sakhi oiri.
32 And we ourselves to you evangelise the to the fathers promise having been made,
Eikhoina Aphaba Pao asi nakhoida purakli: Tengban Mapuna eikhoigi ipa ipusingda toubigani haina wasakpikhiba adu Jisubu sibadagi hinggat-hanbiduna makhoigi macha masu oiriba eikhoigidamak toubire. Thagat Iseigi anisuba iseida ibagumbani; ‘Nahak eigi Ichanupani; ngasi eihak nahakki Napa Ibungo oirabani.’
33 that this God has fulfilled to the children of them (to us *NK(O)*) having raised up Jesus, as also in the psalm it has been written in the (second *NK(O)*) Son of Mine are You yourself, I myself today have begotten you.’
34 for then He raised Him out from [the] dead no more being about to return to decay, thus He has spoken that I will give to you the holy [blessings] of David the sure [blessings].’
Ibungobu sibadagi hinggat-hanbiba amadi Ibungogi hakchangbu mongphamda patthahalloi haibagi maramda Tengban Mapuna haibiba adudi asini: ‘Eina David-ta wasakpikhiba asengba amadi lengdraba yaipha thoujal adu eina nangonda pibigani.’
35 (therefore *N(k)O*) also in another He says: Not You will allow the Holy One of you to see decay.’
Thagat Iseigi atoppa mapham amada asumnasu hai, ‘Tengban Mapugi asengba mahak adugi hakchang adu Tengban Mapuna keidoungeida pattha pumthahalloi.’
36 David indeed for in his own generation having served the of God purpose he fell asleep and he was added to the fathers of him and saw decay;
David-na mahakki mirolgi matamda Tengban Mapugi aningba matung inna Tengban Mapubu thougal touramlaga mahak sikhi amadi mahakki mapa mapusingga loinana leirol chankhi aduga mahakki hakchang mongphamda pattha pumthakhi.
37 The [One] however God raised up not did see decay.
Adubu Tengban Mapuna asibadagi hinggat-hanbikhraba Ibungo mangondadi pattha pumthaba thokte.
38 Known therefore it should be to you, men brothers, that through this One to you forgiveness of sins is proclaimed;
Maram aduna eigi ichil inaosing, Jisugi mapanna pap kokpiba asi nakhoida sandokpani haibasi nakhoina khangba adu eina pammi. Moses-ki Wayel Yathanggi mapanna nakhoibu chumhanbiba ngamdaba adu Ibungogi mapanna thajaba mi khudingmakpu paptagi ningtamle.
39 And from all things from which not you were able in (the *k*) law of Moses to be justified, in Him everyone who is believing is justified.
40 do take heed therefore lest may come about (upon you *K*) that said in the prophets:
Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpibasingna haikhiba adu nakhoida thoktanaba nakhoi cheksillu:
41 Behold! you scoffers, and do wonder and do perish for a work am working I myself in the days of you, a work (that *N(k)O*) certainly not you may believe even if one shall declare it to you.’
‘Yeng-u, karemnabasa ngaksu ngaklo mangsu manglo! Maramdi nakhoigi haktakta eina thabak ama tou-i madu kanagumba amana nakhoida hairaba phaoba nakhoina keidoungeidasu thajaroi!’”
42 When are departing then (they *no*) (from the *k*) (synagogue *K*) (of the *k*) (Jews *K*) were begging (the gentiles *K*) on the next Sabbath to be spoken to them declarations these.
Paul amadi Barnabas-na synagogue-tagi thorakpada mising aduna mathanggi Potthaba numitta makhoida waramsing adu makha tana haibinaba haijarammi.
43 When was releasing then the synagogue followed many of the Jews and of the worshipping converts after Paul and after Barnabas, who speaking to them were persuading them (to continue *N(k)O*) in the grace of God.
Synagogue-ta tinnaba adu kainarabada Jihudising amadi Jihudi laining louraba laining chetpa Jihudi nattaba mi mayam amana Paul amadi Barnabas-ki matung illammi. Tengban Mapugi thoujalda chetna leinanaba Pakhonchatpasing aduna makhoida wari saduna pukning thougatpirammi.
44 On the (now *NK(o)*) coming Sabbath almost all the city was gathered together to hear the word (of the Lord. *N(K)O*)
Mathanggi Potthaba numitta sahar adugi mi ayambana Mapu Ibungogi wa tanaba laklammi.
45 Having seen however the Jews the crowds they were filled with jealousy and were contradicting the [things] by (*k*) Paul (spoken *N(k)O*) (denying and *K*) denigrating [him].
Jihudisingna miyam adu ubada kallakpana thallammi; maram aduna Paul-na haiba wasing aduda makhoina yettuna mahakpu thina nganglammi.
46 Having spoken boldly (also *N(k)O*) Paul and Barnabas said; To you it was necessary first to be spoken the word of God; but since (now *ko*) you thrust away it and not worthy you judge yourselves of eternal life, behold we are turning to the Gentiles. (aiōnios g166)
Adubu Paul amadi Barnabas-na thouna phana paokhum pirak-i, “Eikhoina Tengban Mapugi wa adu nakhoida hanna haiba tabani adubu nakhoina madu loudrabanina nakhoi lomba naidana hingba phangba matik chade haina nasana khanjare. Houjikti eikhoi nakhoibu thadoktuna Jihudi nattaba phurupsingda chatlagani. (aiōnios g166)
47 Thus for has commanded us the Lord: I have set you for a light of [the] Gentiles to be you for salvation until [the] uttermost part of the earth.’
Mapu Ibungona eikhoida pibiba yathang adu asini: ‘Malemgi aroiba maphamsing phaoba kanbiba phangnanaba Eina nahakpu Jihudi nattaba phurupsinggi mangal oihalle.’”
48 Hearing [it] then the Gentiles (were rejoicing *NK(o)*) and they were glorifying the word of the (Lord *NK(O)*) and they believed as many as were appointed to life eternal. (aiōnios g166)
Jihudi nattaba mising aduna madu tabada makhoi haraorammi amadi Mapu Ibungogi wa adu thagatcharammi aduga lomba naidana hingba phangnaba khandokpirabasingna thajare. (aiōnios g166)
49 Was carried then the word of the Lord through all the region.
Lam adu sinba thungna Mapu Ibungogi wa sandoklammi.
50 The but Jews incited the worshipping women (and *k*) [those] prominent and the principals of the city and they stirred up a persecution against Paul and (*k*) Barnabas and expelled them from the district of them.
Adubu sahar adugi athoiba nupasing amadi ikai khumnaba yabi laining chetpi nupisingbu Jihudisingna thoujillammi. Makhoina Paul amadi Barnabas-ki maiyokta irang thok-handuna ot-neihallaga makhoibu makhoigi lamdagi tanthoklammi.
51 But having shaken off the dust of the feet (of them *k*) against them they went to Iconium.
Maram aduna Paul amadi Barnabas-na yaningdaba oina makhonggi khongyagi uphul makhoigi maiyokta kanthoklamlaga Iconium-da chatlammi.
52 (and *N(k)O*) the disciples were filled with joy and [the] Spirit Holy.
Aduga Antioch-ta leiba thajabasingdu haraobaga amadi Thawai Asengbagana thallammi.

< Acts 13 >