< 2 Samuel 1 >

1 And it was after [the] death of Saul and David he returned from defeating Amalek and he remained David in Ziklag days two.
Mushure mokufa kwaSauro, Dhavhidhi akadzoka kubva kuhondo yaakakunda vaAmareki uye akagara paZikiragi kwamazuva maviri.
2 And it was - on the day third and there! a man [was] coming from the camp from with Saul and garments his [were] torn and earth [was] on head his and it was when came he to David and he fell [the] ground towards and he bowed down.
Pazuva rechitatu mumwe murume akasvika achibva kumusasa waSauro, zvipfeko zvake zvakabvaruka uye musoro wake uzere guruva. Paakasvika paiva naDhavhidhi, akazviwisira pasi achiratidza rukudzo.
3 And he said to him David where? from this are you coming and he said to him from [the] camp of Israel I have escaped.
Dhavhidhi akabvunza akati, “Wabvepiko?” Iye akapindura akati, “Ndapunyuka kumisasa yavaIsraeri.”
4 And he said to him David what? was it the word tell please to me and he said that it has fled the people from the battle and also [surely] a multitude has fallen of the people and they have died and also Saul and Jonathan son his they have died.
Dhavhidhi akabvunza akati, “Chii chaitika ikoko? Ndiudze.” Iye akati, “Vanhu vatiza kubva pavanga vachirwira. Vazhinji vavo vafa. Sauro nomwanakomana wake Jonatani vafa.”
5 And he said David to the young man who had told to him how? do you know that he has died Saul and Jonathan son his.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi akabvunza jaya rakanga rauya neshoko iri akati, “Unoziva sei kuti Sauro nemwanakomana wake Jonatani vafa?”
6 And he said the young man - who had told to him [surely] by chance I found myself on [the] mountain of Gilboa and there! Saul [was] leaning on spear his and there! the chariotry and [the] owners of the horses they overtook him.
Jaya riya rakati, “Ini ndakanga ndiri pamusoro peGomo reGiribhoa, uye ndikaona Sauro akasendamira papfumo rake, ipapo ngoro dzavarwi navatasvi zvichivirima zvotosvika paari.
7 And he turned behind him and he saw me and he called to me and I said here [am] I.
Zvino iye akati acheuka akandiona, akandidana, ini ndikati, ‘Ndiri pano?’
8 And he said to me who? [are] you (and I said *Q(K)*) to him [am] an Amalekite I.
“Akandibvunza akati, ‘Ndiwe aniko?’ “Ndakamupindura ndikati, ‘Ndiri muAmareki.’
9 And he said to me stand please over me and kill me for it has seized me dizziness for all still life my [is] in me.
“Ipapo iye akati kwandiri, ‘Uya umire pandiri undiuraye! Ndiri mukurwadziwa kukuru asi ndichiri mupenyu.’
10 And I stood over him and I killed him for I knew that not he will live after had fallen he and I took the crown - which [was] on head his and an armlet which [was] on arm his and I brought them to lord my here.
“Naizvozvo ndakamira paari ndikamuuraya, nokuti ndaiziva kuti mushure mokunge awira pasi haaizorarama. Uye ndakatora korona yakanga iri mumusoro make norundarira rwaiva muruoko rwake, uye ndauya nazvo kuno kuna ishe wangu.”
11 And he took hold David (on garments his *Q(K)*) and he tore them and also all the men who [were] with him.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi navarume vose vaakanga anavo vakabata nguo dzavo vakadzibvarura.
12 And they mourned and they wept and they fasted until the evening on Saul and on Jonathan son his and on [the] people of Yahweh and on [the] house of Israel for they had fallen by the sword.
Vakachema nokuungudza vakazvinyima zvokudya kusvikira manheru nokuda kwaSauro nomwanakomana wake Jonatani, uye nokuda kwehondo yaJehovha neimba yaIsraeri, nokuti vakanga vaurayiwa nomunondo.
13 And he said David to the young man who had told to him where? from this [are] you and he said [am the] son of a man a sojourner an Amalekite I.
Dhavhidhi akati kujaya rakanga rauya neshoko kwaari, “Iwe unobvepiko?” Akapindura akati, “Ndiri mwanakomana womutorwa, muAmareki.”
14 And he said to him David how? not were you afraid to stretch out hand your to destroy [the] [one] anointed of Yahweh.
Dhavhidhi akamubvunza akati, “Sei iwe usina kutya kusimudza ruoko rwako uchiparadza muzodziwa waJehovha?”
15 And he called David to one from the young men and he said draw near fall on him and he struck down him and he died.
Ipapo Dhavhidhi akadana mumwe wavarume vaaiva navo akati, “Enda, umuuraye!” Naizvozvo akamubaya, akafa.
16 And he said to him David (blood your *Q(K)*) [be] on head your for own mouth your it has testified against you saying I I killed [the] [one] anointed of Yahweh.
Nokuti Dhavhidhi akanga ati kwaari, “Ropa rako ngarive pamusoro pako. Muromo wako ndiwo wazvipupurira pawati, ‘Ndauraya muzodziwa waJehovha.’”
17 And he lamented David the lamentation this on Saul and on Jonathan son his.
Dhavhidhi akaimba rwiyo urwu rwokuchema Sauro nomwanakomana wake Jonatani,
18 And he said to teach [the] descendants of Judah Bow here! [it is] written on [the] scroll of the Jashar.
uye akarayira kuti vanhu veJudha vadzidziswe rwiyo urwu rwokuchema rwouta (rwakanyorwa mubhuku raJashari):
19 The beauty O Israel on high places your [is] slain how! they have fallen [the] mighty [ones].
“Haiwa Israeri, kubwinya kwako kwaparadzwa pamitunhu yako yakakwirira. Haiwa, vane simba wawira pasi sei!
20 May not you tell in Gath may not you bear news in [the] streets of Ashkelon lest they should rejoice [the] daughters of [the] Philistines lest they should exult [the] daughters of the uncircumcised.
“Musazvireva muGati, musazviparidza mumigwagwa yeAshikeroni, kuti vanasikana vavaFiristia vasazofara, kuti vanasikana vevasina kudzingiswa varege kupembera.
21 O mountains in Gilboa may not dew and may not rain [be] on you and fields of contributions for there it was defiled [the] shield of [the] mighty [ones] [the] shield of Saul not [was] anointed with oil.
“Haiwa imi makomo eGiribhoa, ngakurege kuva nedova kana mvura pamusoro penyu, kana minda inobereka zviyo zvakawanda. Nokuti ipapo ndipo pakasvibiswa nhoo yemhare, iyo nhoo yaSauro, isisina kuzorwa mafuta.
22 From [the] blood of [those] slain from [the] fat of [the] mighty [ones] [the] bow of Jonathan not it turned back backwards and [the] sword of Saul not it returned empty.
Kubva muropa ravakaurayiwa, kubva munyama yemhare, uta hwaJonatani hahuna kudzoka, munondo waSauro hauna kudzoka usina kugutswa.
23 Saul and Jonathan lovable and pleasant in lives their and in death their not they were separated more than eagles they were swift more than lions they were strong.
“Sauro naJonatani, muupenyu vaidikanwa uye vakanaka, nomurufu havana kuparadzaniswa. Vaimhanya kupfuura makondo, vaiva vakasimba kupfuura shumba.
24 O daughters of Israel because of Saul weep who clothed you scarlet with luxuries who brought up ornament[s] of gold on clothing your.
“Haiwa vanasikana veIsraeri, chemai nokuda kwaSauro, iye aikupfekedzai zvishongo zvitsvuku uye zvakaisvonaka, aishongedza nguo dzenyu nezvishongo zvegoridhe.
25 How! they have fallen [the] mighty [ones] in [the] middle of the battle Jonathan on high places your [is] slain.
“Haiwa vane simba vawira pasi sei muhondo! Jonatani avete, aurayiwa pamitunhu yenyu yakakwirira.
26 It is distress to me on you O brother my Jonathan you were pleasant to me very it was wonderful love your to me more than [the] love of women.
Ndiri kutambudzika kwazvo pamusoro pako, Jonatani mununʼuna wangu; wakanga uchikosha kwazvo kwandiri. Rudo rwako kwandiri rwaishamisa, rwaishamisa kudarika rwavakadzi.
27 How! they have fallen [the] mighty [ones] and they have perished [the] weapons of war.
“Haiwa vane simba vakawira pasi sei! Zvombo zvehondo zvaparadzwa!”

< 2 Samuel 1 >