< 2 Samuel 4 >

1 And he heard [the] son of Saul that he had died Abner in Hebron and they dropped hands his and all Israel they were terrified.
Keturunan Saul yang lain ialah Mefiboset, putra Yonatan. Dia pincang sejak berumur lima tahun, yaitu ketika Saul dan Yonatan meninggal. Sebab pada saat kabar tentang kematian mereka datang dari kota Yizreel, inang pengasuh Mefiboset menggendongnya lalu lari; tetapi karena wanita itu sangat terburu-buru, anak itu jatuh sehingga menjadi pincang. Ketika Isyboset putra Saul mendengar bahwa Abner telah dibunuh di Hebron, hilanglah semangatnya, dan seluruh bangsa Israel menjadi gentar. Isyboset mempunyai dua orang perwira yang menjadi kepala pasukan penyerbu; yang seorang bernama Baana, yang seorang lagi bernama Rekhab. Mereka anak Rimon, dari Beerot dari suku Benyamin. (Beerot terhitung daerah Benyamin. Penduduk aslinya sudah melarikan diri ke Gitaim dan tinggal di sana semenjak itu.)
2 And two men commanders of marauding bands they were [the] son of Saul [the] name of the one [was] Baanah and [the] name of the second [was] Rechab [the] sons of Rimmon the Beerothite from [the] descendants of Benjamin for also Beeroth it is reckoned to Benjamin.
3 And they fled the Beerothites Gittaim towards and they have been there sojourners until the day this.
4 And [belonged] to Jonathan [the] son of Saul a son stricken of feet a son of five years he was when came [the] report of Saul and Jonathan from Jezreel and she lifted him nurse his and she fled and it was when hurried she to flee and he fell and he became lame and name his [was] Mephibosheth.
5 And they went [the] sons of Rimmon the Beerothite Rechab and Baanah and they came when [the] heat of the day to [the] house of Ish-bosheth and he [was] lying [the] lying of noon.
Kedua orang perwira itu, yaitu Rekhab dan Baana berangkat ke rumah Isyboset dan tiba di situ pada waktu tengah hari, ketika Isyboset sedang istirahat siang.
6 And they [fem] they came to [the] middle of the house taking wheat and they struck him to the belly and Rechab and Baanah brother his they escaped.
Wanita penjaga rumah mengantuk ketika sedang membersihkan gandum, lalu tertidur. Karena itu Rekhab dan Baana dapat menyelinap masuk.
7 And they came the house and he [was] lying on bed his in [the] chamber of lying down his and they struck him and they killed him and they removed head his and they took head his and they went [the] way of the Arabah all the night.
Mereka terus masuk ke kamar tidur di mana Isyboset sedang tidur nyenyak, lalu menikam dia sampai mati. Mereka memenggal kepalanya dan membawanya pergi. Semalam suntuk mereka berjalan melalui Lembah Yordan.
8 And they brought [the] head of Ish-bosheth to David Hebron and they said to the king here! [the] head of Ish-bosheth [the] son of Saul enemy your who he sought life your and he has given Yahweh to lord my the king vengeance the day this from Saul and from offspring his.
Kemudian mereka menyerahkan kepala Isyboset itu kepada Daud di Hebron sambil berkata, "Inilah kepala Isyboset putra Saul, musuh Baginda yang berusaha hendak membunuh Baginda. Hari ini TUHAN telah membalas perbuatan Saul dan keturunannya bagi Baginda."
9 And he answered David Rechab - and Baanah brother his [the] sons of Rimmon the Beerothite and he said to them [by] [the] life of Yahweh who he has ransomed life my from every trouble.
Tetapi Daud menjawab, "TUHAN yang hidup, yang telah menyelamatkan aku dari segala bahaya, tahu bahwa yang akan kukatakan ini benar.
10 If the [one who] told to me saying here! he has died Saul and he he was like a bearer of news in own eyes his and I took hold! on him and I killed him in Ziklag that to give I to him good news.
Ketika di Ziklag ada orang yang memberitahukan kepadaku tentang wafatnya Saul, dikiranya bahwa dia membawa kabar baik. Tetapi dia telah kutangkap dan kubunuh. Itulah upah yang kuberikan kepadanya sebagai imbalan atas kabar yang dibawanya itu.
11 Indeed? if men wicked they have killed a man righteous in own house his on own bed his and therefore ¿ not will I require blood his from hand your and I will remove you from the earth.
Betapa lebih berat lagi hukuman yang akan kujatuhkan kepada penjahat yang telah membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah dan sedang tidur di rumahnya sendiri! Sekarang aku menuntut pembalasan kepadamu atas pembunuhan itu, serta melenyapkan kamu dari muka bumi ini!"
12 And he commanded David the young men and they killed them and they cut off hands their and feet their and they hanged [them] at the pool in Hebron and [the] head of Ish-bosheth they took and they buried [it] in [the] tomb of Abner at Hebron.
Setelah itu Daud memerintahkan kepada anak buahnya untuk membunuh Rekhab dan Baana. Sesudah dibunuh, tangan dan kaki mereka dipotong dan digantung di dekat kolam. Tetapi kepala Isyboset itu diambil dan dikuburkan di kota itu juga di dalam kuburan Abner.

< 2 Samuel 4 >