< 2 Samuel 21 >

1 And it was a famine in [the] days of David three years year after year and he sought David [the] face of Yahweh. And he said Yahweh because of Saul and because of [the] house of blood on that he put to death the Gibeonites.
दाऊदको समयमा तीन वर्षसम्म अनकाल पर्‍यो र दाऊदले परमप्रभुको मुहारको खोजी गरे । त्यसैले परमप्रभुले भन्‍नुभयो, “यो अनिकाल शाऊल र तिनका हत्यारा परिवारको कारणले भएको हो, किनभने त्‍यसले गोबोनीहरूलाई मार्‍यो ।”
2 And he summoned the king the Gibeonites and he said to them and the Gibeonites not [were] from [the] people of Israel they that except from [the] remnant of the Amorite[s] and [the] people of Israel they had sworn an oath to them and he had sought Saul to strike down them because was zealous he for [the] people of Israel and Judah.
अब गिबोनीहरूचाहिं इस्राएलका मानिसहरू थिएनन् । तिनीहरू बाँकी रहेका एमोरीमध्येका थिए । इस्राएलका मानिसहरूले तिनीहरूलाई नमार्ने शपथ खाएका थिए, तर शाऊलले इस्राएल र यहूदाको मानिसहरूको निम्तिको जोशले गर्दा तिनीहरू सबैलाई मार्ने कोसिस गरे ।
3 And he said David to the Gibeonites what? will I do for you and how? will I make amends and bless [the] inheritance of Yahweh.
त्यसैले दाऊदले गिबोनीहरूलाई एकसाथ बोलाए र तिनीहरूलाई भने, “मैले तिमीहरूको निम्ति के गर्नुपर्छ? मैले कसरी प्रायश्‍चित गर्न सक्छु, ताकि परमप्रभुको भलाइ र प्रतिज्ञा पाएका उहाँका मानिसहरूलाई तिमीहरूले आशिष् दिन सक्‍छौ?”
4 And they said to him the Gibeonites not (to us *Q(K)*) silver and gold with Saul and with house his and not to us a man to put to death in Israel and he said what? [are] you saying I will do for you.
गिबोनीहरूले तिनलाई जवाफ दिए, “हामी र शाऊल वा तिनका परिवारका बिचमा सुन वा चाँदीका कुरा होइन । यसै गरी हामीले इस्राएलका कुनै मानिसलाई मार्ने होइन ।” दाऊदले जवाफ दिए, “मैले तिमीहरूको निम्ति के गर्नुपर्छ, तिमीहरू के भन्छौ?”
5 And they said to the king the man who he made an end of us and who he planned to us we were destroyed from standing in all [the] territory of Israel.
तिनीहरूले राजालाई जवाफ दिए, “हामी सबैलाई मार्न खोज्‍ने मानिस जसले हाम्रो विरुद्ध षड्यान्त्र गरे, ताकि हामी अहिले नाश भएका छौं र इस्राएलको सिमानाभित्र हाम्रो स्थान छैन,
6 (Let it be given *Q(K)*) to us seven men from descendants his and we will impale them to Yahweh at Gibeah of Saul [the] chosen one of Yahweh. And he said the king I I will give [them].
तिनको सन्‍तानबाट सात जना मानिसलाई हामीकहाँ सुम्‍पियोस् र हामीले तिनीहरूलाई परमप्रभुद्वारा चुनिएको शाऊलको गिबामा परमप्रभुको सामु झुन्ड्याउने छौं ।” त्यसैले राजाले भने, “म तिमीहरूलाई ती दिने छु ।”
7 And he had compassion the king on Mephi-bosheth [the] son of Jonathan [the] son of Saul on [the] oath of Yahweh which [was] between them between David and between Jonathan [the] son of Saul.
तर दाऊद र शाऊलका छोरा जोनाथन, तिनीहरूका बिचमा भएको परमप्रभुको शपथको कारणले गर्दा राजाले जोनाथनका छोरा मपीबोशेतलाई छोडिदिए ।
8 And he took the king [the] two [the] sons of Rizpah [the] daughter of Aiah whom she had borne to Saul Armoni and Mephibosheth and [the] five [the] sons of Michal [the] daughter of Saul whom she had borne to Adriel [the] son of Barzillai the Meholathite.
तर राजाले अय्याकी छोरी रिश्‍पाका दुई जना छोराला जसलाई त्‍यसले शाऊलबाट जन्माएकी थिई उनीहरूको नाउँ आरमोनी र मपीबोशेत थियो । अनि दाऊदले महिलोती बर्जिल्लैका छोरा अद्रीएलबाट शाऊलकी छोरी मेराबले जन्माएकी पाँच जना छोरालाई लिए ।
9 And he gave them in [the] hand of the Gibeonites and they impaled them on the mountain before Yahweh and they fell ([the] seven of them *Q(K)*) together (and they *Q(k)*) they were put to death in [the] days of harvest in the first (at [the] beginning of *Q(K)*) [the] harvest of barley.
तिनले उनीहरूलाई गिबोनीहरूको हातमा सुम्‍पे । तिनीहरूले उनीहरूलाई परमप्रभुको सामु पहाडमा झुण्डाए र उनीहरू सातै जना एकसाथ मरे । उनीहरूलाई जौको कटनीको सुरुमा कटनी गर्ने सुरुका दिनहरूमा मारिएका थिए ।
10 And she took Rizpah [the] daughter of Aiah sackcloth and she spread out it for herself to the rock from [the] beginning of harvest until it was poured out water on them from the heavens and not she permitted [the] bird[s] of the heavens to rest on them by day and [the] animal[s] of the field night.
अय्याकी छोरी रिश्‍पाले भाङ्ग्रा लिइन् र ती लाशहरूको छेउमा आफ्‍नो निम्‍ति त्‍यो ओछ्‍याएर कटनीको सुरुदेखि आकाशबाट तिनीहरूमाथि पानी नपरेसम्म नै बसिराखिन् । तिनले ती लाशहरूलाई दिनमा आकाशमा उड्ने चराहरूलाई र रातमा जङ्‍गली पशुहरूलाई खान दिइनन् ।
11 And it was told to David [that] which she had done Rizpah [the] daughter of Aiah [the] concubine of Saul.
अय्याकी छोरी, शाऊलकी उपपत्‍नी रिश्‍पाले जे गरेकी थिइन् त्‍यसको बारेमा दाऊदलाई भनियो ।
12 And he went David and he took [the] bones of Saul and [the] bones of Jonathan son his from with [the] citizens of Jabesh Gilead who they had stolen them from [the] open square of Beth Shan where (they had hung up them there [the] Philistines *Q(K)*) on [the] day struck down [the] Philistines Saul on Gilboa.
त्यसैले दाऊद गए र शाऊल र तिनका छोरा जोनाथनका हाड्‍डीहरू याबेश-गिलादका मानिसहरूबाट लिएर आए, जसले बेथ-शानको चोकबाट ती चोरेका थिए, जहाँ पलिश्‍तीहरूले शाऊललाई गिल्बोमा मरेपछि ती पलिश्‍तीहरूले उनीहरूलाई झुण्ड्याएका थिए ।
13 And he brought up from there [the] bones of Saul and [the] bones of Jonathan son his and they gathered [the] bones of the impaled [men].
दाऊदले त्‍यहाँबाट शाऊल र तिनका छोरा जोनाथनका हड्‍डीहरू लिएर गए र तिनीहरूले झुण्ड्याइएका ती सात जना मानिसका हड्‍डीहरू पनि जम्‍मा गरे ।
14 And they buried [the] bones of Saul and Jonathan son his in [the] land of Benjamin at Zela in [the] tomb of Kish father his and they did all that he commanded the king and he was entreated God for the land after thus.
तिनीहरूले शाऊल र तिनका छोरा जोनाथनका हड्‍डीहरू बेन्यामीनको गाउँमा सलामा भएको तिनका बुबा कीशको चिहानमा गाडे । राजाले आज्ञा गरेका सबै कुरा तिनीहरूले गरे । त्यसपछि देशको निम्ति तिनीहरूका प्रार्थनाहरूका जवाफ परमेश्‍वरले दिनुभयो ।
15 And it belonged again war to the Philistines with Israel and he went down David and servants his with him and they fought with [the] Philistines and he was weary David.
त्यसपछि पलिश्‍तीहरू फेरि इस्राएलको विरुद्धमा युद्ध गर्न गए । त्यसैले दाऊद आफ्नो फौजका साथमा तल गए र पलिश्‍तीहरूको विरुद्ध लडे । दाऊद युद्धको थकानले लखतरान भएका थिए ।
16 (And Ishbi-*Q(K)*) Benob who - [was] among those born of the Raphah and [the] weight of spear his [was] three hundred [the] weight of bronze and he [was] girded a new [weapon] and he said to strike down David.
दैत्यका सन्तान इश्बी-बनिबले दाऊदलाई मार्न खोजे, जसको काँसाको भालाको तौल साँढे तीन किलो थियो र नयाँ तरवार भिरेको थियो ।
17 And he helped him Abishai [the] son of Zeruiah and he struck the Philistine and he killed him then they swore [the] men of David to him saying not you will go out again with us for battle and not you will extinguish [the] lamp of Israel.
तर सरूयाहका छोरा अबीशैले दाऊदलाई बचाए, त्यो पलिश्‍तीलाई आक्रमण गरे र त्‍यसलाई मारे । तब दाऊदका मानिसहरूले तिनीसँग यसो भनेर शपथ खाए, “तपाईं अबदेखि हामीसित लडाइँमा जानुहुने छैन, ताकि तपाईंले इस्राएलको बत्ती निबाउनुहन्‍न ।”
18 And it was after thus and it was again war at Gob with [the] Philistines then he struck down Sibbecai the Hushathite Saph who [was] among those born of the Raphah.
यसपछि फेरि पनि गोबमा पलिश्‍तीहरूसँग युद्ध भयो, त्यस बेला हूशाती सिब्‍बकैले सफलाई मारे जो रफाको सन्तानमध्ये एक थिए ।
19 And it was again war at Gob with [the] Philistines and he struck down Elhanan [the] son of Jaare-Oregim [the] Beth-lehemite Goliath the Gittite and [the] wood of spear his [was] like a beam of weavers.
गोबमा फेरि पनि पलिश्‍तीहरूसँग लडाइँ भयो, त्यस बेला बेथलेहेमवासी यारे-ओरगिमका छोरा गोल्यातलाई मारे, जसको भालाको बिंड जुलाहाको डण्डाजस्तै थियो ।
20 And it was again war at Gath and he was - a man of (stature *Q(K)*) and [the] fingers of hands his and [the] toes of feet his [were] six and six [was] twenty and four [the] number and also he he was born to the Raphah.
गातमा फेरि अर्को लडाइँ भयो, त्यहाँ हरेक हातमा छ-छ वटा औंला र हरेक खुट्टामा पनि छ-छ वटा औंला गरी चौबिस वटा औंला भएका निकै अग्लो मानिस थियो । त्यो पनि रफाको सन्तान नै थियो ।
21 And he taunted Israel and he struck down him Jonathan [the] son of (Shimeah *Q(K)*) [the] brother of David.
त्यसले इस्राएलको अपमान गर्दा दाऊदका दाजु शिमाहका छोरा जोनाथनले त्यसलाई मार्‍यो ।
22 Four these they were born to the Raphah in Gath and they fell by [the] hand of David and by [the] hand of servants his.
गातको रफाका सन्तानहरू यी नै थिए, र तिनीहरू दाऊदका हातद्वारा र तिनका सिपाहरूका हातद्वारा मारिए ।

< 2 Samuel 21 >