< 2 Samuel 20 >

1 And there he was met a man of worthlessness and name his [was] Sheba [the] son of Bicri a man a Jaminite and he gave a blast on the trumpet and he said not [belongs] to us a portion in David and not an inheritance [belongs] to us in [the] son of Jesse everyone to tents his O Israel.
Mgbe ahụ, otu onye okwu na ụka, aha ya bụ Sheba, nwa Bikri, onye Benjamin nọ nʼebe ahụ nʼoge a. Ọ fụrụ opi ike ya tie mkpu sị, “Anyị enweghị oke nʼime Devid, anyị enwekwaghị ihe nketa nʼime nwa Jesi. Ndị Izrel, onye ọbụla laa nʼụlọ ikwu ya!”
2 And he went up every man of Israel from after David after Sheba [the] son of Bicri and [the] man of Judah they clung to king their from the Jordan and to Jerusalem.
Ya mere, ndị ikom Izrel niile tụgharịrị hapụ Devid, soro Sheba nwa Bikri. Ma ndị ikom Juda nọgidere soro eze ha site na Jọdan ruo Jerusalem.
3 And he came David to house his Jerusalem and he took the king [the] ten women - concubines whom he had left to keep the house and he put them a house of confinement and he sustained them and into them not he went and they were locked up until [the] day died they widowhood of living.
Mgbe Devid lọghachitere nʼụlọ ya na Jerusalem. O nyere iwu ka ndị iko ya nwanyị iri ndị ahụ ọ hapụrụ ilekọta ụlọ, ndị ahụ ha na Absalọm dinara, nọrọ nʼụlọ dị iche, ebe a nọ na-eche ha nche. Eze abakwurughị ha ọzọ. Ha bụ ndị emechibidoro ụzọ, ha na-ebi ndụ dịka ndị di ha nwụrụ anwụ tutu ruo ụbọchị ọnwụ ha.
4 And he said the king to Amasa summon to me [the] man of Judah three days and you here stand.
Mgbe ahụ, eze gwara Amasa okwu sị, “Kpokọta ndị agha Juda ka ha bịakwute m nʼime abalị atọ. Gị onwe gị kwa ga-eso ha bịa nʼoge ahụ.”
5 And he went Amasa to summon Judah (and he was delayed *Q(K)*) from the appointed time which he had appointed for him.
Amasa pụrụ jee ịkpọkọta ndị Juda; ma o were ya ọtụtụ oge karịa abalị atọ.
6 And he said David to Abishai now he will be bad for us Sheba [the] son of Bicri more than Absalom you take [the] servants of master your and pursue after him lest he has found for himself cities fortified and he will tear out eye our.
Devid sịrị Abishai, “Lee nwoke a bụ Sheba nwa Bikri na-aga ime ihe ọjọọ ga-adị njọ karịa nke Absalọm mere. Chịrị ndị agha nna gị ukwu chụso ya, ma ọ bụghị ya, ọ ga-achọta obodo e wusiri ike gbaba, ebe anyị na-apụghị inweta ya.”
7 And they went out after him [the] men of Joab and the Kerethite[s] and the Pelethite[s] and all the warriors and they went out from Jerusalem to pursue after Sheba [the] son of Bicri.
Ya mere ndị agha Joab, na ndị Keret na Pelet, na ndị niile bụ dike na dimkpa nʼagha pụrụ nʼikike ọchịchị Abishai. Ha si Jerusalem pụọ ịchụso Sheba nwa Bikri.
8 They [were] near the stone great which [is] in Gibeon and Amasa he came before them and Joab [was] girded - robe his clothing his (and over it *Q(k)*) a belt of a sword [was] fastened on loins his in sheath its and he he went forward and it fell.
Mgbe ha rutere nʼoke nkume ahụ dị na Gibiọn, Amasa pụtara izute ha. Joab yi uwe agha ya nʼoge a; ọ fanyekwara mma agha ya nʼọbọ nʼukwu ya. Mgbe ọ gara nʼihu, mma ahụ si nʼọbọ ya dapụta.
9 And he said Joab to Amasa ¿ peace [are] you O brother my and it took hold [the] hand of [the] right of Joab on [the] beard of Amasa to kiss him.
Joab kelere Amasa sị ya, “Kedụ ka ị dị nwanna m.” Mgbe ahụ, Joab ji aka nri ya jide Amasa nʼahụọnụ isutu ya ọnụ,
10 And Amasa not he took heed to the sword - which [was] in [the] hand of Joab and he struck him with it into the belly and he poured out bowels his [the] ground towards and not he repeated to him and he died. And Joab and Abishai brother his he pursued after Sheba [the] son of Bicri.
Amasa elezighị anya hụ na mma agha nta dị nʼaka Joab. Joab mabanyere ya nʼime afọ Amasa, mee ka mgbịrị afọ ya sọsikwaa nʼala. Ọ maghị ya mma ahụ ugboro abụọ, nʼihi na otu ugboro ahụ mere ka Amasa nwụọ. Mgbe ahụ, Joab na nwanne ya Abishai chụsoro Sheba nwa Bikri nʼazụ.
11 And a man he stood over him one of [the] young men of Joab and he said who? [is [the] one] who he delights in Joab and who? [is [the] one] who [belongs] to David after Joab.
Mgbe ahụ, otu nʼime ndị agha Joab guzo nʼakụkụ Amasa sị, “Onye ọbụla dịnyeere Joab na Devid ya bịa soro Joab nʼazụ.”
12 And Amasa [was] wallowing in blood in [the] middle of (the highway *LA(bh)*) and he saw the man that it stopped all the people and he brought round Amasa from the highway the field and he threw over him a garment when he saw all who came on him and he stopped.
Ma Amasa tọgbọ nʼala nʼetiti ụzọ. Ọbara sikwa ya nʼahụ na-asọpụta. Mgbe nwoke ahụ hụrụ na ọtụtụ ndị agha na-agbakọ ile Amasa, o bupụrụ ozu ya nʼụzọ, were uwe kpuchie ya nʼọhịa.
13 When he had removed [him] from the highway he passed by every person after Joab to pursue after Sheba [the] son of Bicri.
Mgbe e bupụsịrị ozu Amasa nʼụzọ, ndị agha niile sooro Joab gaa ijide Sheba, nwa Bikri.
14 And he passed in all [the] tribes of Israel Abel towards and Beth Maacah and all the Berites. (And they assembled *Q(K)*) and they went also after him.
Sheba gabigara ebo niile nke Izrel ruo Ebel-Bet-Maaka, gabigakwa oke ala ndị Bikri, bụ ndị zukọtara soro ya.
15 And they came and they laid siege on him in Abel Beth Maacah and they poured out a mound against the city and it stood by the rampart and all the people which [was] with Joab [were] about to destroy to make fall the wall.
Ndị agha Joab bịara gbochie ya na Ebel-Bet-Maaka. Ha wuru ihe mgbochi ruo obodo ahụ, nọbichie mgbidi dị ya gburugburu. Ebe ha nọ na-akụ mgbidi ahụ ihe, ka ha kwatuo ya.
16 And she called out a woman wise from the city listen listen say please to Joab draw near to here so let me speak to you.
Otu nwanyị maara ihe si nʼobodo ahụ kpọọ oku sị, “Geenụ m ntị, geenụ m ntị, gwanụ Joab ka ọ bịa nʼebe a. Achọrọ m ịgwa ya okwu.”
17 And he drew near to her and she said the woman ¿ [are] you Joab and he said I [am] and she said to him listen to [the] words of maidservant your and he said [am] listening I.
Joab pụtara gaa ya nso. Nwanyị ahụ jụrụ sị, “Ọ bụ gị bụ Joab?” Ọ zara sị, “E, ọ bụ m.” Mgbe ahụ, ọ gwara ya, “Gee ntị, ka i nụ ihe ohu gị nwere ikwu.” Joab sịrị ya, “Ana m ege ntị.”
18 And she said saying surely they spoke at the former [time] saying certainly they will ask at Abel and thus they ceased.
Ọ gara nʼihu sị, “Nʼoge ochie a na-ekwu sị, ‘Gaa jụta ase nʼEbel,’ nʼụzọ dị otu a ka ha si ekwubi okwu.
19 I [am] [the] peaceful [ones] of [the] faithful [ones] of Israel you [are] seeking to kill a city and a mother in Israel why? will you swallow up [the] inheritance of Yahweh.
Anyị bụ ndị udo na ndị kwesiri ntụkwasị obi nʼIzrel. I na-achọ ibibi obodo bụ nne nʼIzrel. Gịnị mere i ji chọọ iloda ihe nketa nke Onyenwe anyị?”
20 And he answered Joab and he said far be it far be it to me if I will swallow up and if I will destroy.
Joab zara sị, “Mba! Ọ bụghị uche m ịla obodo a nʼiyi.
21 [is] not So the matter for a man from [the] hill country of Ephraim [who is] Sheba [the] son of Bicri name his he has lifted up hand his against the king against David give him to only him so let me go from on the city and she said the woman to Joab here! head his [is] about to be thrown to you behind the wall.
Ọ bụghị otu a ka okwu ahụ dị. Otu nwoke a na-akpọ Sheba nwa Bikri, nke si nʼobodo ugwu Ifrem e weliela aka ya imegide eze, bụ Devid. Nyefee nwoke a ọsịịsọ nʼaka m, aga m esi nʼobodo a pụọ.” Nwanyị ahụ sịrị Joab, “A ga-atụpụtara gị isi ya site na mgbidi.”
22 And she went the woman to all the people with wisdom her and they cut off [the] head of Sheba [the] son of Bicri and they threw [it] to Joab and he gave a blast on the trumpet and they were scattered from on the city each to tents his and Joab he returned Jerusalem to the king.
Nwanyị ahụ ji ndụmọdụ nke amamihe ya gakwuru ndị obodo. Ha bipụrụ Sheba nwa Bikri isi, tụpụtara ya Joab. Ya mere na ọ fụrụ opi ike ya, ndị ikom ya sitere nʼobodo ahụ lasaa, onye ọbụla lara nʼụlọ nke ya. Joab laghachikwuru eze na Jerusalem.
23 And Joab [was] to all the army of Israel and Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada [was] over (the Kerethite[s] *Q(K)*) and over the Pelethite[s].
Ọ bụ Joab ka e mere onyeisi agha na-achị ndị agha niile nke Izrel. Benaya nwa Jehoiada bụ onye na-achịkọta ndị Keret na ndị Pelet na-eche eze nche.
24 And Adoram [was] over the forced labor and Jehoshaphat [the] son of Ahilud [was] the recorder.
Adoniram na-ahụ maka ihe banyere ndị ọrụ mmanye. Jehoshafat nwa Ahilud bụ onye na-edekọta ihe niile na-eme nʼobodo.
25 (And Sheva *Q(K)*) [was] secretary and Zadok and Abiathar [were] priests.
Sheva bụ ode akwụkwọ eze, Zadọk na Abịata bụ ndị nchụaja.
26 And also Ira the Jairite he was a priest of David.
Ira, onye si nʼobodo Jaịa, bụ onye nchụaja eze Devid.

< 2 Samuel 20 >