< 2 Samuel 2 >

1 And it was after thus and he enquired David by Yahweh - saying ¿ will I go up in one of [the] cities of Judah and he said Yahweh to him go up and he said David where? will I go up and he said Hebron towards.
यसपछि दाऊदले परमप्रभुलाई सोधे र भने, “के म यहूदाका सहरमध्ये कुनै एउटामा जाऊँ?” पमरप्रभुले तिनलाई जवाफ दिनुभयो, “उक्लेर जा ।” दाऊदले भने, “म कुन सहरमा जाऊँ?” परमप्रभुले जवाफ दिनुभयो, “हेब्रोनमा जा ।”
2 And he went up there David and also [the] two wives his Ahinoam the Jezreelite [woman] and Abigail [the] wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
त्यसैले दाऊद तिनकी दुई पत्‍नीहरू यिजरेली अहीनोम र नाबालकी विधवा कार्मेली अबीगेलसहित माथि गए ।
3 And men his who [were] with him he brought up David each man and household his and they dwelt in [the] cities of Hebron.
दाऊदले आफूसँग भएका मानिसहरूलाई हेब्रोनमा ल्याए र तिनीहरू हरेकले आ-आफ्‍नो परिवारहरू ल्याए, जहाँ तिनीहरू बसोबास गर्न थाले ।
4 And they came [the] people of Judah and they anointed there David to king over [the] house of Judah and people told to David saying [the] men of Jabesh Gilead who they buried Saul.
त्यसपछि यहूदाका मानिसहरू आए र दाऊदलाई यहूदाको राजा अभिषेक गरे । तिनीहरूले दाऊदलाई भने, “याबेश- गिलादका मानिसहरूले शाऊलको दफन गरे ।”
5 And he sent David messengers to [the] people of Jabesh Gilead and he said to them [be] blessed you by Yahweh that you have done the loyalty this with lord your with Saul and you have buried him.
त्यसैले दाऊदले याबेश-गिलादमा दूतहरू पठाए र तिनीहरूलाई भने, “तिमीहरूलाई परमप्रभुले आशिष् दिनुभएको होस्, किनभने तिमीहरूले आफ्ना मालिक शाऊलप्रति यो बफदारीता देखाएका छौ र उनको दफन गरेका छौ
6 And now may he do Yahweh with you covenant loyalty and faithfulness and also I I will do with you the good this that you have done the thing this.
अब परमप्रभुले तिमीहरूलाई करारको बफदारीता र विश्‍वासनीयता प्रकट गर्नुभएको होस् । म पनि तिमीहरूको भलो गर्ने छु किनभने तिमीहरूले यो काम गरेका छौ ।
7 And now - let them be strong hands your and become sons of strength for he has died lord your Saul and also me they have anointed [the] house of Judah to king over them.
अब उप्रान्त, तिमीहरूको हात बलियो पार । साहसी होओ किनकि तिमीहरूका मालिक शाऊल मरेका छन् र यहूदाका घरानाले मलाई आफ्‍ना राजा अभिषेक गरेका छन् ।”
8 And Abner [the] son of Ner [the] commander of [the] army which [belonged] to Saul he had taken Ish-bosheth [the] son of Saul and he had brought over him Mahanaim.
तर शाऊलका फौजका कमाण्‍डरले नेरका छोरा अबनेरले शाऊलका छोरा ईश्‍बोशेतलाई लिए र महनोममा ल्याए ।
9 And he made king him to Gilead and to the Ashurite[s] and to Jezreel and over Ephraim and over Benjamin and over Israel all of it.
उनले ईश्‍बोशेतलाई गिलाद, आशेर, यिजरेल, एफ्राइम, बेन्यामीन र सारा इस्राएलमाथि राजा बनाए ।
10 [was] a son of Forty year[s] Ish-bosheth [the] son of Saul when became king he over Israel and two years he reigned only [the] house of Judah they were after David.
शाऊलका छोरा ईश्‍बोशेतले इस्राएलमाथि शासन गर्न सुरु गर्दा तिनी चालिस वर्षका थिए, र तिनले दुई वर्ष राज्‍य गरे । तर यहूदाको घरानाले दाऊदलाई नै पछ्याए ।
11 And it was [the] number of the days which he was David king in Hebron over [the] house of Judah seven years and six months.
दाऊद हेब्रोनमा यहूदाको घरानाको राजा भएका समय सात वर्ष छ महिना थियो ।
12 And he went out Abner [the] son of Ner and [the] servants of Ish-bosheth [the] son of Saul from Mahanaim Gibeon towards.
नेरका छोरा अबनेर र शाऊलका छोरा ईश्‍बोशेतका सेवकहरू महनोमबाट गिबोनमा गए ।
13 And Joab [the] son of Zeruiah and [the] servants of David they went out and they met them at [the] pool of Gibeon together and they sat down these [men] at the pool from this and these [men] at the pool from this.
सरूयाहका छोरा योआब र दाऊदका सेवकहरू निस्‍के र तिनीहरूलाई गिबोनको तलाउनेर भेटे । त्यहाँ तिनीहरू एक समूह तलाउको एक छेउमा र अर्को समूह अर्को छेउमा बसे ।
14 And he said Abner to Joab let them arise please the young men and let them play before us and he said Joab let them arise.
अबनेरले योआबलाई भने, “जवान मानिसहरू उठुन् र हाम्रो सामुन्‍ने प्रतिस्पर्धा गरून् ।” योआबले भने, “तिनीहरू उठुन् ।”
15 And they arose and they passed by by number two [plus] ten for Benjamin and for Ish-bosheth [the] son of Saul and two [plus] ten from [the] servants of David.
त्यसपछि जवान मानिसहरू उठे र बेन्यामीन र शाऊलका छोरा ईश्‍बोशेतका निम्ति बाह्र जना र दाऊदका निम्ति बाह्र जना सँगै भेला भए ।
16 And they took hold each - on [the] head of neighbor his and sword his [was] in [the] side of neighbor his and they fell together and someone called the place that Helkath Hazzurim which [is] in Gibeon.
हरेकले आ-आफ्‍नो प्रतिद्वन्द्वीलाई टाउकोमा समात्यो र आ-आफ्‍नो प्रतिद्वन्द्वीको कोखामा आ-आफ्‍नो तरवारले रोपे र तिनीहरू एकसाथ भुईंमा ढले । यसकारण, त्यस ठाउँलाई “हल्कत-हज्‍जुरीम” वा “तरवाको मैदान” भनियो जुन गिबोन हो ।
17 And it was the battle severe up to muchness on the day that and he was defeated Abner and [the] men of Israel before [the] servants of David.
त्यस दिन घमसान लडाइँ भयो र अबनेर र इस्राएलका मानिसहरू दाऊदका सेवकहरूको सामुन्‍ने परास्‍त भए ।
18 And they were there three [the] sons of Zeruiah Joab and Abishai and Asahel and Asahel [was] swift on feet his like one of the gazelles which [are] in the open country.
सरूयाहका छोराहरू योआब, अबीशै र असाहेल थिए । असाहेल हरिण जत्तिकै छिटो दौडन सक्‍ने व्यक्‍ति थिए ।
19 And he pursued Asahel after Abner and not he turned aside to go to the right and to the left from after Abner.
असाहेल नजिकबाट अबनेरलाई खेदे र तिनी दाहिने-देब्रे कतै नलागी खेदे ।
20 And he turned Abner behind him and he said ¿ you [is] this O Asahel and he said I.
अबनेरले तिनलाई पछाडि हेरे र भने, “के तिमी असाहेल हौ?” तिनले भने, “हो, म हुँ ।”
21 And he said to him Abner turn aside for yourself to right your or to left your and seize for yourself one from the young men and take for yourself spoils his and not he was willing Asahel to turn aside from after him.
अबनेरले तिनलाई भने, “दाहिने वा देब्रेतिर लाग जवान मानिसमध्ये एक जनालाई समातेर त्यसको हतियार लेऊ ।” तर असाहेलले यताउता फर्केनन् ।
22 And he repeated again Abner to say to Asahel turn aside for yourself from after me why? will I strike you [the] ground towards and how? will I lift up face my to Joab brother your.
त्यसैले अबनेरले असाहेललाई फेरि भने, “मलाई खेद्‍न छोडिदेऊ । मैले तिमीलाई किन मारेर भुईंमा ढाल्ने? त्यसपछि मैले तिम्रो दाजु योआबकहाँ मेरो अनुहार कसरी देखाउनु?”
23 And he refused to turn aside and he struck him Abner with [the] back end of the spear into the belly and it went out the spear from behind him and he fell there and he died (in place his *Q(K)*) and it was every [one] who came to the place where he fell there Asahel and he died and they stood still.
तर असाहेलले तर्केर जान इन्कार गरे, र त्यसैले अबनेरले तिनलाई आफनो भालाको टुप्पोले शरीरमा रोपे, र भाला अर्कोपट्टि निस्क्यो । असाहेल ढले र त्यहीँ नै मरे । त्यसैले असाहेल ढलेर मरेका ठाउँमा आउने जो आउँथ्‍यो, त्‍यो रोकिन्थ्यो र खडा हुन्थ्यो ।
24 And they pursued Joab and Abishai after Abner and the sun it set and they they came to [the] hill of Ammah which [is] on [the] face of Giah [the] way of [the] wilderness of Gibeon.
तर योआब र अबीशैले अबनेरलाई खेदिरहे । जब घाम डुब्‍न गइरहेको थियो, तिनीहरू अम्मा डाँडामा आइपुगे, जुन गिबोनको उजाडस्‍थान जाने बाटोको नजिक गीहनेर पर्छ ।
25 And they gathered together [the] descendants of Benjamin behind Abner and they became a band one and they stood on [the] top of a hill one.
बेन्यामीनका मानिसहरू सबै अबनेरको पछाडि भेला भए र डाँडाको टाकुरामा खडा भए ।
26 And he called out Abner to Joab and he said ¿ to perpetuity will it devour [the] sword ¿ not do you know? that bitter it will be at the last and until when? not will you say to the people to turn back from after brothers their.
त्यसपछि अबनेरले कराएर योआबलाई भने, “के सधैं तरवारले नाश गर्नैपर्छ? के त्‍यो अन्तमा तितो हुन्छ भनी तिमी जान्दैनौ? तिम्रा मानिसहरूलाई तिमीले आफ्‍ना दाजुभाइलाई खेद्‍न छोड भन्‍नुभन्‍दा पहिले कति लामो समय हुने छ?”
27 And he said Joab [by] [the] life of God if if not you had spoken for then from the morning it had abandoned pursuit the people each from after brother his.
योआबले जवाफ दिए, “जस्तो परमेश्‍वर जीवित हुनुहुन्छ, तिमीले त्यसो नभनेको भए मेरा सिपाहीहरूले आफ्ना दाजुभाइलाई बिहानसम्म नै खेद्‍ने थिए ।”
28 And he gave a blast Joab on the trumpet and they stood all the people and not they pursued again after Israel and not they repeated again to wage war.
त्यसैले योआबले तुरही फुके र तिनका सबै मानिसहरू रोकिए र फेरि इस्राएललाई खेदेनन् नत तिनीहरूले फेरि युद्ध गरे ।
29 And Abner and men his they went in the Arabah all the night that and they passed over the Jordan and they went all Bitron and they came Mahanaim.
अबनेर र तिनका मानिसहरूले अराबाहुँदै रातभरि यात्रा गरे । तिनीहरू यर्दन तरे, भोलि बिहानभरि हिंडे र त्‍यसपछि महनोममा पुगे ।
30 And Joab he returned from after Abner and he gathered all the people and they were missed of [the] servants of David nine-teen man and Asah-el.
योआब अबनेरलाई लखेट्न छाडेर फर्के । तिनले आफ्ना सबै मानिसलाई भेला पारे जसमा असाहेल र दाऊदका उन्‍नाइस जना सिपाही मात्र भेट्टाइएनन् ।
31 And [the] servants of David they had struck down of Benjamin and among [the] men of Abner three hundred and sixty man they had died.
तर दाऊदका मानिसहरूले अबनेरसँग भएका ३६० जना मानिसलाई मारेका थिए ।
32 And people lifted up Asahel and they buried him in [the] tomb of father his which [was] Beth-lehem and they went all the night Joab and men his and it became light for them at Hebron.
त्यसपछि तिनीहरूके असाहेललाई लिए तिनका बुबाको चिहानमा गाडे, जुन बेथलेहेममा थियो । योआब र तिनका मानिसहरूले रातभरि यात्रा गरे र झिसमिसमा हेब्रोन पुगे ।

< 2 Samuel 2 >