< 2 Samuel 16 >

1 And David he passed on a little from the top and there! Ziba [the] servant of Mephi-bosheth to meet him and a pair of donkeys [were] saddled and [were] on them two hundred bread[s] and one hundred bunches of raisins and one hundred summer fruit and a skin of wine.
Kad je David prešao malo preko vrha, dođe mu u susret Siba, sluga Meribaalov, sa dva osamarena magarca koja su nosila dvije stotine kruhova, sto grozdova suhog grožđa, sto voćnjača i mijeh vina.
2 And he said the king to Ziba what? [are] these [things] to you and he said Ziba the donkeys [are] for [the] household of the king to ride (and the bread *Q(K)*) and the summer fruit [are] to eat the young men and the wine [is] to drink the weary [person] in the wilderness.
Kralj upita Sibu: “Što ćeš s tim?” A Siba odgovori: “Magarci će poslužiti kraljevoj obitelji za jahanje, kruh i voće momcima za jelo, a vino za piće onima koji se umore u pustinji.”
3 And he said the king and where? [is] [the] son of master your and he said Ziba to the king there! [he is] dwelling in Jerusalem for he said this day they will restore to me [the] house of Israel [the] kingdom of father my.
Kralj dalje upita: “A gdje je sin tvoga gospodara?” A Siba odgovori kralju: “Eno, ostao je u Jeruzalemu jer je mislio: 'Danas će mi dom Izraelov vratiti kraljevstvo moga oca.'”
4 And he said the king to Ziba here! [belongs] to you all that [belonged] to Mephi-bosheth and he said Ziba I bow down may I find favor in view your O lord my the king.
Tada kralj reče Sibi: “Sve što posjeduje Meribaal neka je tvoje.” A Siba odgovori: “Bacam se ničice pred tobom. O, da bih i dalje bio dostojan milosti u tvojim očima, kralju gospodaru!”
5 And he came the king David to Bahurim and there! from there a man [was] coming out from [the] clan of [the] house of Saul and name his [was] Shimei [the] son of Gera [he was] coming out continuously and cursing.
Kad je kralj David došao do Bahurima, izađe odande čovjek od roda Šaulova. Zvao se Šimej, a bio je sin Gerin. Dok je izlazio, neprestano je proklinjao.
6 And he stoned with stones David and all [the] servants of the king David and all the people and all the warriors [were] from right his and from left his.
Bacao je kamenje na Davida i na sve dvorane kralja Davida, premda je sva vojska sa svim junacima okruživala kralja s desne i lijeve strane.
7 And thus he said Shimei when cursed he get out get out O man of blood and O man of worthlessness.
A Šimej je ovako govorio proklinjući: “Odlazi, odlazi, krvniče, ništarijo!
8 He has brought back on you Yahweh all - [the] blood of [the] house of Saul whom you have reigned (in place of him *Q(K)*) and he has given Yahweh the kingship in [the] hand of Absalom son your and here you [are] in calamity your for [are] a man of blood you.
Jahve je okrenuo na tebe svu krv Šaulova doma, kojemu si ti oduzeo kraljevstvo. Ujedno je Jahve predao kraljevstvo u ruke tvome sinu Abšalomu. Evo, sad si zapao u nevolju jer si krvnik.”
9 And he said Abishai [the] son of Zeruiah to the king why? will he curse the dog dead this lord my the king let me pass over please and let me remove head his.
Tada Sarvijin sin Abišaj zapita kralja: “Zar da ovaj uginuli pas proklinje moga gospodara kralja? Dopusti da odem prijeko i da mu skinem glavu!”
10 And he said the king what? [is] to me and to you O sons of Zeruiah (thus *Q(K)*) he is cursing (for *Q(K)*) Yahweh he has said to him curse David and who? will he say why? have you done thus.
Ali kralj odgovori: “Što hoćete od mene, Sarvijini sinovi? Ako on proklinje te ako mu je Jahve zapovjedio: 'Proklinji Davida!' - tko ga smije pitati: 'Zašto činiš tako?'”
11 And he said David to Abishai and to all servants his here! son my who he went out from inward parts my [is] seeking life my and indeed? for now [the] Ben-jaminite leave alone him so he may curse for he has spoken to him Yahweh.
Nato David reče Abišaju i svim svojim dvoranima: “Eto, moj sin koji je izašao od moga tijela radi mi o glavi, a kamoli neće sada ovaj Benjaminovac! Pustite ga neka proklinje ako mu je Jahve to zapovjedio.
12 Perhaps he will look Yahweh (on sin my *Q(K)*) and he will repay Yahweh to me good in place of curse his the day this.
Možda će Jahve pogledati na moju nevolju te mi vratiti dobro za njegovu današnju psovku.”
13 And he went David and men his on the road. And Shimei [was] going on [the] side of the mountain parallel with him he went and he cursed and he stoned [them] with stones parallel with him and he dusted [them] with dust.
Zatim David sa svojim ljudima nastavi put, a Šimej iđaše gorskom stranom usporedo s njim, neprestano psujući, bacajući kamenje i dižući prašinu.
14 And he came the king and all the people which [was] with him exhausted and he refreshed himself there.
Kralj i sav narod koji ga je pratio stigoše umorni i ondje odahnuše.
15 And Absalom and all the people [the] man of Israel they came Jerusalem and Ahithophel [was] with him.
Abšalom je međutim sa svim narodom izraelskim ušao u Jeruzalem; i Ahitofel bijaše s njim.
16 And it was just when came Hushai the Arkite [the] friend of David to Absalom and he said Hushai to Absalom may he live the king may he live the king.
A kad je Hušaj Arčanin, Davidov prijatelj, došao k Abšalomu, reče Hušaj Abšalomu: “Živio kralj! Živio kralj!”
17 And he said Absalom to Hushai [is] this loyalty your with friend your why? not did you go with friend your.
A Abšalom upita Hušaja: “Je li to tvoja vjernost prema tvome prijatelju? Zašto nisi otišao sa svojim prijateljem?”
18 And he said Hushai to Absalom In-deed [the one] whom he has chosen Yahweh and the people this and every man of Israel (to him *Q(K)*) I will belong and with him I will remain.
A Hušaj odgovori Abšalomu: “Ne, nego koga je izabrao Jahve i ovaj narod i svi Izraelci, njegov ću biti i s njim ću ostati.
19 And the second [thing] whom? I will I serve ¿ not before son his just as I served before father your so I will be (before you. *LAB(h)*)
A drugo: kome ću služiti? Zar ne njegovu sinu? Kako sam služio tvojemu ocu, tako ću služiti tebi.”
20 And he said Absalom to Ahithophel give for yourselves counsel what? will we do.
Potom se Abšalom obrati Ahitofelu: “Savjetuj sada: što da činimo?”
21 And he said Ahithophel to Absalom go into [the] concubines of father your whom he left to keep the house and it will hear all Israel that you have made yourself odious with father your and they will be strong [the] hands of all who [are] with you.
Ahitofel odgovori Abšalomu: “Uđi k inočama svoga oca, koje je ostavio da čuvaju palaču: tada će sav Izrael čuti da si u zavadi sa svojim ocem, pa će se ohrabriti svi oni koji su pristali uz tebe.”
22 And they pitched for Absalom the tent on the roof and he went Absalom into [the] concubines of father his to [the] eyes of all Israel.
Tada razapeše za Abšaloma šator na krovu i Abšalom uđe k inočama svoga oca na oči svemu Izraelu.
23 And [the] counsel of Ahithophel which he counseled in the days those [was] just as (he enquires anyone *Q(K)*) by [the] word of God [was] so all [the] counsel of Ahithophel both to David as well as to Absalom.
A savjet što bi ga dao Ahitofel u ono vrijeme vrijedio je kao odgovor Božji; toliko je vrijedio svaki Ahitofelov savjet i kod Davida i kod Abšaloma.

< 2 Samuel 16 >