< 2 Samuel 15 >

1 And it was from after thus and he acquired for himself Absalom a chariot and horses and fifty man [who] ran before him.
Poslije toga nabavi Abšalom sebi kola i konje i pedeset ljudi koji su trčali pred njim.
2 And he rose early Absalom and he stood at [the] side of [the] road of the gate and it was every person whom it belonged to him a case at law to come to the king for judgment and he called out Absalom to him and he said where? from this city [are] you and he said [is] from one of [the] tribes of Israel servant your.
Abšalom je u rano jutro stajao kraj puta koji vodi do gradskih vrata; i tko god je imao kakvu parnicu te išao kralju na sud, Abšalom bi ga dozvao k sebi i pitao: “Iz kojega si grada?” A kad bi ovaj odgovorio: “Tvoj je sluga iz toga i toga Izraelova plemena”,
3 And he said to him Absalom see matter your [are] good and right and [one who] hears not [belongs] to you from with the king.
tada bi mu Abšalom rekao: “Vidiš, tvoja je stvar dobra i pravedna, ali nećeš naći nikoga koji bi te saslušao kod kralja.”
4 And he said Absalom who? will he make me a judge in the land and to me he will come every person whom it belongs to him a case at law and a judgment and I will do justice him.
Abšalom bi nastavljao: “Ah, kad bi mene postavili za suca u zemlji! Svaki bi koji ima kakvu parnicu ili sud dolazio k meni i ja bih mu pribavio pravo!”
5 And it was when drew near anyone to bow down to him and he stretched out hand his and he took hold of him and he kissed him.
A kad bi mu se tko približio da mu se pokloni, on bi pružio ruku, privukao ga k sebi i poljubio.
6 And he did Absalom according to the manner this to all Israel who they came for judgment to the king and he stole Absalom [the] heart of [the] men of Israel.
Tako je činio Abšalom svim Izraelcima koji su dolazili na sud kralju. Time je Abšalom predobivao srca Izraelaca za sebe.
7 And it was from [the] end of forty year[s] and he said Absalom to the king let me go please so I may pay vow my which I vowed to Yahweh in Hebron.
Kad su prošle četiri godine, Abšalom reče kralju: “Dopusti da odem u Hebron i da izvršim zavjet kojim sam se zavjetovao Jahvi.
8 For a vow he vowed servant your when dwelt I at Geshur in Aram saying if (certainly *Q(K)*) he will bring back me Yahweh Jerusalem and I will serve Yahweh (in Hebron. *X*)
Jer kad bijah u Gešuru u Aramu, tvoj se sluga zavjetovao ovako: 'Ako me Jahve dovede natrag u Jeruzalem, iskazat ću čast Jahvi u Hebronu.'”
9 And he said to him the king go in peace and he arose and he went Hebron towards.
A kralj mu odgovori: “Idi u miru!” I on krenu na put i ode u Hebron.
10 And he sent Absalom spies in all [the] tribes of Israel saying when hear you [the] sound of the ram's horn and you will say he has become king Absalom in Hebron.
Abšalom razasla tajne glasnike po svim Izraelovim plemenima i poruči im: “Kad čujete zvuk roga, tada recite: Abšalom je postao kralj u Hebronu.”
11 And with Absalom they went two hundred man from Jerusalem [those who] were invited and [those who] were going to innocence their and not they knew any thing.
A ode s Abšalomom dvije stotine ljudi iz Jeruzalema; bijahu to uzvanici koji su bezazleno pošli ne znajući što se sprema.
12 And he sent Absalom Ahithophel the Gilonite [the] counselor of David from city his from Giloh when sacrificed he the sacrifices and it was the conspiracy strong and the people [was] going and numerous with Absalom.
Abšalom posla i po Gilonjanina Ahitofela, Davidova savjetnika, iz njegova grada Gilona, da pribiva prinošenju žrtava. Urota je bila jaka, a mnoštvo Abšalomovih pristaša sve je više raslo.
13 And he came the messenger to David saying it is [the] heart of [the] man of Israel after Absalom.
Tada stiže Davidu glasnik te mu javi: “Srce Izraelaca priklonilo se Abšalomu.”
14 And he said David to all servants his who [were] with him in Jerusalem arise so let us flee for not it will belong to us an escape from before Absalom hurry to go lest he should hurry and he will overtake us and he will thrust on us calamity and he will strike the city to [the] mouth of [the] sword.
Tada David reče svim svojim dvoranima koji bijahu s njim u Jeruzalemu: “Ustanite! Bježimo! Inače nećemo uteći od Abšaloma. Pohitite brzo, da on ne bude brži i ne stigne nas, da ne obori na nas zlo i ne pobije grada oštricom mača!”
15 And they said [the] servants of the king to the king according to all that he will choose lord my the king here! [are] servants your.
A kraljevi dvorani odgovoriše kralju: “Što god odluči naš gospodar kralj, evo tvojih slugu!”
16 And he went out the king and all household his at feet his and he left the king ten women concubines to keep the house.
I kralj iziđe pješice sa svim svojim dvorom; ipak ostavi kralj deset inoča da čuvaju palaču.
17 And he went out the king and all the people at feet his and they stood [the] house of the distance.
I kralj ode pješice sa svim narodom i zaustavi se kod posljednje kuće.
18 And all servants his [were] passing by at side his and all the Kerethite[s] and all the Pelethite[s] and all the Gittites six hundred man who they had come at foot his from Gath [were] passing by at [the] face of the king.
Svi njegovi dvorani stajahu uza nj. Tada svi Kerećani, svi Pelećani, Itaj i svi Gićani koji bijahu došli s njim iz Gata, šest stotina ljudi, prođoše pred kraljem.
19 And he said the king to Ittai the Gittite why? will you go also you with us return and dwell with the king for [are] a foreigner you and also [are] an exile you to place your.
Kralj upita Itaja Gićanina: “Zašto i ti ideš s nama? Vrati se i ostani kod kralja! Ti si stranac, prognan iz svoje zemlje.
20 [was] yesterday - Coming you and this day (will I make wander? you *Q(K)*) with us to go and I [am] going to where I [am] going return and take back brothers your [be] with you covenant loyalty and truth.
Jučer si došao, a danas da te vodim da se potucaš s nama kad ja idem kamo me sreća nanese. Vrati se i odvedi svoju braću natrag sa sobom, a Jahve neka ti iskaže ljubav i vjernost!”
21 And he answered Ittai the king and he said [by] [the] life of Yahweh and [by] [the] life of lord my the king that except in [the] place where he will be there - lord my the king whether for death or for life for there he will be servant your.
Ali Itaj odgovori kralju ovako: “Živoga mi Jahve i tako mi živ bio moj gospodar kralj: gdje god bude moj gospodar kralj, bilo na smrt ili na život, ondje će biti i tvoj sluga!”
22 And he said David to Ittai come and pass on and he passed on Ittai the Gittite and all men his and all the little one[s] who [were] with him.
Tada David reče Itaju: “Hajde, prođi!” I Itaj iz Gata prođe sa svim svojim ljudima i sa svom svojom pratnjom.
23 And all the land [were] weeping a voice great and all the people [were] passing by and the king [was] passing in [the] wadi of Kidron and all the people [were] passing on on [the] face of [the] road the wilderness.
Svi plakahu iza glasa. Kralj je stajao na potoku Kidronu i sav je narod prolazio pred njim prema pustinji.
24 And there! also Zadok and all the Levites with him [were] carrying [the] ark of [the] covenant of God and they set down [the] ark of God and he went up Abiathar until was finished all the people to pass out from the city.
Bijaše ondje i Sadok i s njim svi leviti koji su nosili Kovčeg Božji. I oni spustiše Kovčeg Božji kraj Ebjatara dok sav narod nije izišao iz grada.
25 And he said the king to Zadok take back [the] ark of God the city if I will find favor in [the] eyes of Yahweh and he will bring back me and he will show me it and habitation his.
Tada kralj reče Sadoku: “Odnesi Kovčeg Božji natrag u grad. Ako nađem milost u Jahve, on će me dovesti natrag i dopustiti mi da opet vidim njega i njegovo prebivalište.
26 And if thus he will say not I delight in you here [am] I let him do to me just as it is good in view his.
A ako rekne ovako: 'Nisi mi po volji!' - onda evo me, neka čini sa mnom što je dobro u njegovim očima!”
27 And he said the king to Zadok the priest ¿ a seer [are] you return! the city in peace and Ahimaaz son your and Jonathan [the] son of Abiathar [the] two sons your with you.
Još kralj reče svećeniku Sadoku: “Hajde, ti i Ebjatar vratite se u miru u grad, i vaša dva sina s vama, tvoj sin Ahimaas i Ebjatarov sin Jonatan.
28 See I [will] delay (in [the] desert plains of *Q(K)*) the wilderness until comes word from with you to tell to me.
Evo, ja ću se zadržati na ravnicama pustinje dok ne dođe od vas glas da me obavijesti.”
29 And he took back Zadok and Abiathar [the] ark of God Jerusalem and they remained there.
Nato Sadok i Ebjatar odnesoše Kovčeg Božji natrag u Jeruzalem i ostadoše ondje.
30 And David [was] going up on [the] ascent of the olive trees going up - and weeping and head of him [was] covered and he [was] walking barefoot and all the people which [was] with him they covered each head his and they went up continuously and wept.
David se uspinjao na Maslinsku goru, sve plačući, pokrivene glave i bos, i sav narod koji ga je pratio iđaše pokrivene glave i plačući.
31 And David someone told saying Ahithophel [is] among the conspirators with Absalom and he said David make foolish please [the] counsel of Ahithophel O Yahweh.
Tada javiše Davidu da je i Ahitofel među urotnicima s Abšalomom. A David zavapi: “Obezumi Ahitofelove savjete, Jahve!”
32 And he was David coming to the top where he bowed down there to God and there! to meet him Hushai the Arkite [was] torn tunic his and earth [was] on head his.
Kad je David došao na vrh gore, ondje gdje se klanja Bogu, dođe mu u susret Hušaj Arčanin, prijatelj Davidov, razdrte haljine i glave posute prahom.
33 And he said to him David if you pass over with me and you will become on me a burden.
David mu reče: “Ako pođeš sa mnom, bit ćeš mi na teret.
34 And if the city you will return and you will say to Absalom servant your I O king I will be [was] [the] servant of father your I from then and now I [will be] servant your and you will frustrate for me [the] counsel of Ahithophel.
Ali ako se vratiš u grad i kažeš Abšalomu: 'Bit ću tvoj sluga, gospodaru kralju; prije sam služio tvome ocu, a sada ću služiti tebi', moći ćeš tada okretati Ahitofelove savjete u moju korist.
35 And ¿ not with you there [are] Zadok and Abiathar the priests and it will be every word which you will hear from [the] house of the king you will tell to Zadok and to Abiathar the priests.
S tobom će biti i svećenici Sadok i Ebjatar. Sve što čuješ iz palače, javi svećenicima Sadoku i Ebjataru.
36 There! there [are] with them [the] two sons their Ahimaaz of Zadok and Jonathan of Abiathar and you will send by hand their to me every word which you will hear.
S njima su ondje i dva njihova sina, Ahimaas Sadokov i Jonatan Ebjatarov: po njima mi javljajte sve što čujete.”
37 And he came Hushai [the] friend of David the city and Absalom he came Jerusalem.
Tako se Hušaj, prijatelj Davidov, vrati u grad upravo u času kad je Abšalom ulazio u Jeruzalem.

< 2 Samuel 15 >