< 2 Kings 1 >

1 And it rebelled Moab against Israel after [the] death of Ahab.
Poslije smrti Ahabove pobuni se Moab protiv Izraela.
2 And he fell Ahaziah through the window-lattice in upper room his which [was] in Samaria and he became ill and he sent messengers and he said to them go consult Baal Zebub [the] god of Ekron if I will live from sickness this.
Kako Ahazja bijaše pao preko prozorske rešetke svoje gornje odaje u Samariji i ozlijedio se, posla glasnike kojima reče: “Idite, pitajte Baal Zebuba, boga ekronskog, hoću li ozdraviti od ove bolesti.”
3 And [the] angel of Yahweh he spoke to Elijah the Tishbite arise go up to meet [the] messengers of [the] king of Samaria and speak to them ¿ becasue not there not [is] a God in Israel [are] you going to consult Baal Zebub [the] god of Ekron.
Ali je Anđeo Jahvin rekao Iliji Tišbijcu: “Ustani! Idi u susret glasnicima samarijanskoga kralja i reci im: 'Zar nema Boga u Izraelu te se idete savjetovati s Baal Zebubom, bogom ekronskim?'
4 And therefore thus he says Yahweh the bed where you have gone up there not you will come down from it for certainly you will die and he went Elijah.
I zato veli Jahve ovako: 'Nećeš sići s postelje u koju si se popeo; sigurno ćeš umrijeti.'” I ode Ilija.
5 And they returned the messengers to him and he said to them why? this have you returned.
Glasnici se vratiše k Ahazji, a on im reče: “Kako to da ste se već vratili?”
6 And they said to him a man - he came up to meet us and he said to us go return to the king who he sent you and you will speak to him thus he says Yahweh ¿ because not there not [is] a God in Israel [are] you sending to consult Baal Zebub [the] god Ekron therefore the bed where you have gone up there not you will come down from it for certainly you will die.
Oni mu odgovoriše: “Sreo nas neki čovjek i rekao nam: 'Idite, vratite se pred kralja koji vas je poslao i recite mu: Ovako veli Jahve: Zar nema Boga u Izraelu te si poslao po savjet k Baal Zebubu, bogu ekronskom? Zato nećeš sići s postelje na koju si se popeo, nego ćeš umrijeti.'”
7 And he spoke to them what? [was] [the] appearance of the man who he came up to meet you and he spoke to you the words these.
On ih upita: “Kakav bijaše na oči taj čovjek koji vas je sreo i rekao vam te riječi?”
8 And they said to him a man an owner of hair and a loincloth of hide [was] girded on loins his and he said [was] Elijah the Tishbite that.
A oni mu odgovoriše: “Bio je to čovjek u kožuhu i s kožnim pojasom oko bedara.” On reče: “To je Ilija Tišbijac!”
9 And he sent to him a commander of a fifty and fifty [men] his and he went up to him and there! [he was] sitting on [the] top of the hill and he spoke to him O man of God the king he has spoken come down!
Tada mu posla pedesetnika s njegovom pedesetoricom i ode taj k njemu i, našavši ga gdje sjedi na vrhu brijega, reče mu: “Čovječe Božji! Kralj je naredio: Siđi!”
10 And he answered Elijah and he spoke to [the] commander of the fifty and if [am] a man of God I let it come down fire from the heavens and let it consume you and fifty [men] your and it came down fire from the heavens and it consumed him and fifty [men] his.
Ilija odgovori i reče pedesetniku: “Ako sam čovjek Božji, neka oganj siđe s neba i neka te proguta, tebe i tvoju pedesetoricu.” I oganj se spusti s neba i proguta ga, njega i njegovu pedesetoricu.
11 And he returned and he sent to him a commander of a fifty another and fifty [men] his and he answered and he spoke to him O man of God thus he says the king quickly come down!
Kralj mu posla drugoga pedesetnika i njegovu pedesetoricu; a taj, kad dođe, reče mu: “Čovječe Božji! Kralj je ovo zapovjedio: Brže siđi!”
12 And he answered Elijah and he spoke to them if [am] [the] man of God I let it come down fire from the heavens and let it consume you and fifty [men] your and it came down [the] fire of God from the heavens and it consumed him and fifty [men] his.
Ilija odgovori i reče mu: “Ako sam čovjek Božji, neka siđe oganj s neba i proguta tebe i tvoju pedesetoricu.” I spusti se oganj s neba i proguta ga, njega i njegovu pedesetoricu.
13 And he returned and he sent a commander of a fifty third and fifty [men] his and he went up and he went [the] commander of the fifty third and he bowed down on knees his - to before Elijah and he sought favor to him and he spoke to him O man of God let it be precious please life my and [the] life of servants your these fifty [men] in view your.
Kralj posla opet trećega pedesetnika i njegovu pedesetoricu. Treći pedesetnik dođe, prignu koljena pred Ilijom i zamoli ga ovako: “Čovječe Božji! Neka bude dragocjen u tvojim očima moj život i život ovih pedeset tvojih slugu!
14 Here! it has come down fire from the heavens and it has consumed [the] two [the] commanders of the fifties former and fifty [men] their and now let it be precious life my in view your.
Oganj se spustio s neba i progutao je oba pedesetnika s njihovom pedesetoricom; ali sada neka barem moj život bude dragocjen u tvojim očima!”
15 And he spoke [the] angel of Yahweh to Elijah go down him may not you be afraid of him and he arose and he went down him to the king.
Anđeo Jahvin reče Iliji: “Siđi s njim, ne boj se!” On ustade i siđe s njim pred kralja
16 And he spoke to him thus he says Yahweh because that you have sent messengers to consult Baal Zebub [the] god of Ekron ¿ because not [is] there not a God in Israel to consult word his therefore the bed where you have gone up there not you will come down from it for certainly you will die.
i reče mu: “Ovako veli Jahve: zato što si slao glasnike Baal Zebubu, bogu ekronskom, po savjet, nećeš sići s postelje na koju si se popeo, nego ćeš umrijeti.”
17 And he died according to [the] word of Yahweh - which he spoke Elijah and he became king Jehoram in place of him. In year two of Jehoram [the] son of Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah for not he belonged to him a son.
I umrije po riječi Jahvinoj koju je objavio Ilija. A Joram, njegov brat, zakralji se mjesto njega druge godine Jorama, sina Jošafata, judejskoga kralja, jer ovaj nije imao sinova.
18 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Ahaziah which he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Israel.
Ostala povijest Ahazje, sve što je učinio, zar to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa kraljeva izraelskih?

< 2 Kings 1 >