< 2 Kings 9 >

1 And Elisha the prophet he summoned one from [the] sons of the prophets and he said to him gird up loins your and take [the] flask of oil this in hand your and go Ramoth Gilead.
अगमवक्ताहरूका छोराहरूमध्ये एक जनालाई एलीशा अगमवक्ताले बोलाए र तिनलाई भने, “यात्राको लागि लुगा लगाऊ, अनि तिम्रो हातमा तेलको यो सानो भाँडो लेऊ र रामोत-गिलादमा जाऊ ।
2 And you will go there towards and look for there Jehu [the] son of Jehoshaphat [the] son of Nimshi and you will go and you will make rise him from among brothers his and you will bring him a room in a room.
तिमी पुगेपछि निम्शीका नाति, यहोशापातका छोरा येहूलाई खोज, अनि भित्र जाऊ र तिनका साथीहरूका बिचबाट तिनलाई उठाऊ र भित्री कोठामा लैजाऊ ।
3 And you will take [the] flask of oil and you will pour [it] on head his and you will say thus he says Yahweh I anoint you to king to Israel and you will open the door and you will flee and not you must delay.
त्यसपछि तेलको भाँडो लेऊ र यो तिनको शिरमा खन्याऊ, र भन, 'परमप्रभु यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छः “मैले तँलाई इस्राएलको राजा अभिषेक गरेको छु ।” तब ढोका खोल, र दौड । ढिलो नगर ।”
4 And he went the young man the young man the prophet Ramoth Gilead.
त्‍यसैले ती जवान मानिस, जवान अगमवक्ता रामोत-गिलादमा गए ।
5 And he came and there! [the] commanders of the army [were] sitting and he said a word [belongs] to me to you O commander and he said Jehu to whom? from all of us and he said to you O commander.
तिनी आइपुग्दा सेनापतिहरू बसिरहेका थिए । त्यसैले जवान अगमवक्ताले भने, “हे कप्‍तान, तपाईंलाई एउटा सन्‍देश लिएर आएको छु ।” येहूले भने, “हामीमध्ये कसलाई?” जवान अगमवक्ताले जवाफ दिए, “तपाईंलाई कप्‍तान ।”
6 And he arose and he went the house towards and he poured the oil to head his and he said to him thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel I anoint you to king to [the] people of Yahweh to Israel.
त्यसैले येहू उठेर घरभित्र गए र ती अगमवक्ताले येहूको शिरमाथि तेल खन्याए, र तिनलाई भने, “इस्राएलका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'मैले तँलाई इस्राएलमाथि अर्थात् परमप्रभुका मानिसहरूमाथि राजा अभिषेक गरेको छु ।
7 And you will strike down [the] house of Ahab master your and I will avenge [the] blood of - servants my the prophets and [the] blood of all [the] servants of Yahweh from [the] hand of Jezebel.
तैँले आफ्नो मालिक आहाबको घरानालाई मार्नुपर्छ, यसरी ईजेबेलको हातद्वारा मारिएका परमप्रभुका सबै सेवक अगमवक्ताहरूका रगत र मेरा सेवकहरूका रगतको बदला मैले लिन सक्छु ।
8 And it will perish all [the] house of Ahab and I will cut off to Ahab [one who] urinates on a wall and shut up and freed in Israel.
किनकि आहाबको पुरै घराना नष्‍ट हुनेछ, र म आहाबको घरानाबाट कमारा होस् वा फुक्‍का हरेक पुरुषलाई निमिट्ट्यान्‍न पार्नेछु ।
9 And I will make [the] house of Ahab like [the] house of Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat and like [the] house of Baasha [the] son of Ahijah.
म आहाबको घरानालाई नबातका छोरा यारोबामको घराना र अहज्याहका छोरा बाशाको घरानाजस्तै तुल्याउनेछु ।
10 And Jezebel they will devour the dogs in [the] territory of Jezreel and there not [will be one who] buries [her] and he opened the door and he fled.
ईजेबेललाई यिजरेलमा कुकुरहरूले खानेछन्, र त्यसलाई गाड्ने कोही हुनेछैन' ।” तब अगमवक्ताले ढोका खोले र भागे ।
11 And Jehu he went out to [the] servants of master his and someone said to him ¿ peace why? did he come the mad [man] this to you and he said to them you you know the man and talk his.
तब येहू आफ्ना मालिकका सेवकहरूकहाँ आए र एक जनाले तिनलाई सोधे, “के सबै कुरा ठिकै छ? यो पागल मान्छे किन तपाईंकहाँ आएको?” येहूले तिनीहरूलाई जवाफ दिए, “तिमीहरू यी मानिस र तिनले कस्ता किसिमका कुरा भन्छन् भनेर तिमीहरू जान्‍दछौ ।”
12 And they said falsehood tell please to us and he said like this and like this he said to me saying thus he says Yahweh I anoint you to king to Israel.
तिनीहरूले भने, “त्यो कुरा झुट हो । हामीलाई भन्‍नुहोस् ।” येहूले भने, “तिनले मलाई यी भने अनि यसो पनि भने, 'परमप्रभु यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छः मैले तँलाई इस्राएलमाथि राजा अभिषेक गरेको छु' ।”
13 And they hurried and they took each garment his and they put [them] under him to [the] bone of the steps and they gave a blast on the trumpet and they said he is king Jehu.
तब तिनीहरूले तुरुन्‍तै आ-आफ्ना बाहिरी वस्‍त्र उतारे र येहू हिंड्ने खुड्किलामा ओछ्याए । तिनीहरूले तुरही फुके र भने, “येहू राजा हुनुहुन्छ ।”
14 And he conspired Jehu [the] son of Jehoshaphat [the] son of Nimshi against Joram and Joram he had been watching at Ramoth Gilead he and all Israel from before Hazael [the] king of Aram.
यसरी निम्शीका नाति, यहोशापातका छोरा येहूले योरामको विरुद्धमा षड्यन्त्र रचे । अब योराम र सारा इस्राएलले अरामका राजा हजाएलको कारणले रामोत-गिलादलाई रक्षा गरिरहेका थिए,
15 And he had returned Jehoram the king to get himself healed in Jezreel from the wounds which they wounded him [the] Arameans when fought he with Hazael [the] king of Aram and he said Jehu if there [is] mind your may not he go out an escapee from the city to go (to tell *Q(k)*) in Jezreel.
तर अरामका राजा हजाएलको विरुद्धमा लड्दा राजा योरामलाई अरामीहरूले घाइते बनाएका हुनाले तिनी निको हुन यिजरेलमा फर्केका थिए । येहूले योरामका सेवकहरूलाई भने, “तिमीहरूको राय यस्तै छ भने यिजरेलमा गएर यो समाचार बताउनलाई कोही पनि भागेर सहरबाहिर जान नपाओस् ।”
16 And he rode in a chariot Jehu and he went Jezreel towards for Joram [was] lying there and Ahaziah [the] king of Judah he had come down to see Joram.
त्यसैले येहू रथमा चढी यिजरेल गए । किनकि योरामले त्यहीँ विश्राम गर्दै थिए । त्यस बेला यहूदाका राजा अहज्याह योरामलाई भेट्न तल झरेका थिए ।
17 And the watchman [was] standing on the tower in Jezreel and he saw [the] crowd of Jehu when came he and he said a crowd I [am] seeing and he said Jehoram take a horseman and send [him] to meet them and he may say ¿ peace.
यिजरेलको धरहरामा पहरेदार खडा थियो, र त्यसले येहूका फौज आइरहेको टाढैबाट देख्यो । त्यसले भन्यो, “मानिसहरूको एउटा समूह आइरहेको मैले देख्दछु ।” योरामले भने, “एक जना घोडचढीलाई तिनीहरूलाई भेट्न पठा । त्यसलाई यसो भन्‍न लगा, 'के तपाईंहरू मित्रभावले आउनुभएको हो'?”
18 And he went [the] rider of the horse to meet him and he said thus he says the king ¿ peace and he said Jehu what? [is] to you and to peace go around to after me and he reported the watchman saying he came the messenger to they and not he has turned back.
त्यसैले येहूलाई भेट्न एक जना मानिस घोडामा चढेर गयो । त्यसले भन्यो, “राजा यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'के तपाईंहरू मित्रभावले आउनुभएको हो'?” येहूले भने, “मित्रभावसित तँलाई केको सरोकार? फर्केर मेरो पछि लाग् ।” तब पहरेदारले राजालाई भन्यो, “सन्देशवाहकले तिनीहरूलाई भेट्यो, तर त्यो फर्केर आएन ।”
19 And he sent a rider of a horse second and he came to them and he said thus he says the king peace and he said Jehu what? [is] to you and to peace go around to after me.
तब तिनले घोडामा अर्को मानिसलाई पठाए । त्यो तिनीहरूकहाँ आएर भन्यो, “राजा यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'के तपाईंहरू मित्रभावले आउनुभएको हो'?” येहूले भने, “मित्रभावसित तँलाई केको सरोकार? फर्केर मेरो पछि लाग् ।”
20 And he reported the watchman saying he came to to them and not he has turned back and the driving [is] like [the] driving of Jehu [the] son of Nimshi for with madness he drives.
फेरि पहरेदारले भन्‍यो, “त्यसले तिनीहरूलाई भेटेको छ, तर त्यो फर्केर आएन । किनकि जुन तरिकाले रथ हाँकिएको छ त्यो त निम्शीका छोरा येहूले हाँकेजस्तै छ । तिनले बौलाहाले जस्तै हाँक्दैछन् ।”
21 And he said Jehoram harness and someone harnessed chariot his and he went out Jehoram [the] king of Israel and Ahaziah [the] king of Judah each in chariot his and they went out to meet Jehu and they found him in [the] portion of land of Naboth the Jezreelite.
त्यसैले योरामले भने, “मेरो रथ तयार पार ।” तिनीहरूले तिनको रथ तयार पारे, र इस्राएलका राजा योराम र यहूदाका राजा अहज्याह आ-आफ्नै रथमा चढेर येहूलाई भेट्न बाहिर निस्के । तिनीहरूले यिजरेली नाबोतको जग्गामा तिनलाई भेटे ।
22 And it was when saw Jehoram Jehu and he said ¿ peace O Jehu and he said what? [is] peace until [the] prostitutions of Jezebel mother your and sorceries her many.
योरामले येहूलाई देखेपछि तिनले भने, “येहू, के तिमी मित्रभावले आएको हो?” तिनले जवाफ दिए, “तिम्री आमा ईजेबेलका यति धेरै मूर्तिपूजा र वेश्यावृत्ति हुँदाहुँदै पनि कसरी मित्रभाव हुन्छ?”
23 And he turned around Jehoram hands his and he fled and he said to Ahaziah treachery O Ahaziah.
त्यसैले योरामले आफ्नो रथ घुमाए र अहज्याहलाई यसो भनेर भागे, “अहज्याह, धोका भएछ ।”
24 And Jehu he filled hand his with bow and he struck Jehoram between arms his and it came out the arrow from heart his and he sank down in chariot his.
तब येहूले आफ्नो धनु निकाले र पुरा शक्ति लगाएर योरामका काँधहरूका बिचैमा तिनलाई हाने । काँडले तिनको मुटुलाई नै छेड्यो, र तिनी आफ्नो रथमा लडे ।
25 And he said to Bidkar (officer his *Q(K)*) pick [him] up throw him in [the] portion of [the] field of Naboth the Jezreelite for remember I and you [were] riding pairs behind Ahab father his and Yahweh he lifted up on him the oracle this.
तब येहूले आफ्ना सेनापति बिदकारलाई भने, “तिनलाई उठाऊ र यिजरेली नाबोतको खेतमा फालिदेऊ । तिनका पिता आहाबको पछि रथमा तिमी र म जाँदा परमप्रभुले तिनको विरुद्धमा भन्‍नुभएको यो अगमवाणीको बारेमा वोचार गरः
26 If not [the] blood of Naboth and [the] blood of sons his I saw yesterday [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will repay to you on the portion of land this [the] utterance of Yahweh and therefore pick [him] up throw him on the portion of land according to [the] word of Yahweh.
'परमप्रभु घोषणा गर्नुहुन्छ— हिजो मैले नाबोतको रगत र त्यसका छोराहरूको रगत देखेँ, र परमप्रभु भन्‍नुहुन्छ, निश्‍चय नै म यही खेतमा त्यसको बदला लिनेछु ।' अब परमप्रभुको वचनअनुसार तिनलाई उठाऊ र यही खेतमा फालिदेऊ ।”
27 And Ahaziah [the] king of Judah he saw and he fled [the] direction Beth Haggan and he pursued after him Jehu and he said also him strike down him into the chariot at [the] ascent of Gur which [is] with Ibleam and he fled Megiddo and he died there.
जब यहूदाका राजा अहज्याहले यो देखे, तिनी बेथ-हागान जाने बाटोतिर भागे । तर येहूले तिनलाई पछ्याए, र भने, “तिनलाई पनि रथमा मार ।” तिनीहरूले तिनलाई यिबलामनेर गूरको उकालो जाने बाटोमा प्रहार गरे । अहज्याह मगिद्दोमा भागे, र त्यहीँ मरे ।
28 And they caused to ride him servants his Jerusalem towards and they buried him in grave his with ancestors his in [the] city of David.
तिनका सेवकहरूले तिनको लाशलाई रथमा राखेर यरूशलेम ल्याए, र दाऊदको सहरमा तिनका पर्खाहरूसित तिनकै चिहानमा गाडे ।
29 And in year one [plus] ten year of Joram [the] son of Ahab he had become king Ahaziah over Judah.
आहाबका छोरा योरामको एघारौँ वर्षमा अहज्याहले यहूदामाथि राज्‍य सुरु गरेका थिए ।
30 And he went Jehu Jezreel towards and Jezebel she heard and she set with eye-paint eyes her and she made good head her and she looked down through the window.
येहू यिजरेलमा आएको कुरा ईजेबेलले सुनिन्, र तिनले आफ्ना आँखामा गाजल लगाइन्, कपाल बाटिन् र झ्यालबाट हेरिन् ।
31 And Jehu he came in the gate and she said ¿ peace O Zimri [the] murderer of master his.
येहू मूल ढोकामा भित्र आउँदै गर्दा तिनले उनलाई भनिन्, “ए आफ्ना मालिकका हत्यारा जिम्री, के तिमी मित्रभावले आएका हौ?”
32 And he lifted up face his to the window and he said who? [is] with me who? and they looked down to him two three court-officials.
येहूले माथि झ्यालमा हेरे र भने, “मेरो पक्ष लिने को छ? को छ?” तब दुई वा तिन जना नपुंसकले बाहिर हेरे ।
33 And he said (let fall her *Q(K)*) and they let fall her and it spattered some of blood her to the wall and to the horses and he trampled her.
येहूले भने, “तिनलाई तल फालिदेओ ।” त्यसैले तिनीहरूले ईजेबेललाई तल फालिदिए, र तिनका केही रगत उछिट्टिएर भित्तामा र घोडाहरूमा परे, अनि येहूले तिनलाई खट्टाले कुल्चिदिए ।
34 And he went and he ate and he drank and he said attend to please the accursed [woman] this and bury her for [was] a daughter of a king she.
जब येहू दरबारभित्र पसे, तब तिनले खानपान गरे । तब तिनले भने, “अब त्‍यो श्रापित स्‍त्रीलाई हेर र त्‍यसलाई गाडिदेओ, किनकि त्‍यो राजाकी छोरी थिई ।”
35 And they went to bury her and not they found in her that except the skull and the feet and [the] palms of the hands.
तिनलाई गाड्न तिनीहरू गए तर तिनीहरूले तिनको खप्पर, खुट्टा र हत्केलाबाहेक केही भेट्टाएनन् ।
36 And they returned and they told to him and he said [is] [the] word of Yahweh it which he spoke by [the] hand of servant his Elijah the Tishbite saying in [the] territory of Jezreel they will devour the dogs [the] flesh of Jezebel.
त्‍यसैले तिनीहरू आएर येहूलाई बताए । तिनले भने, “आफ्ना सेवक तिश्बी एलियाद्वारा परमप्रभुले बोल्नुभएको वचन यही हो, 'यिजरेलको जमिनमा कुकुरहरूले ईजेबेलको मासु खानेछन्,
37 (And it will be *Q(k)*) [the] corpse of Jezebel like dung on [the] surface of the field in [the] territory of Jezreel that not people will say this [is] Jezebel.
र ईजेबेलको लाश यिजरेलका खेतहरूमा मलझैँ हुनेछ ताकि कसैले यस्तो भन्‍न नसकोस्, 'यो ईजेबेल हो' ।”

< 2 Kings 9 >