< 2 Kings 8 >

1 And Elisha he spoke to the woman whom he had restored to life son her saying arise and go (you *Q(K)*) and household your and sojourn in where you will sojourn for he has called Yahweh for famine and also it will come to the land seven years.
Elisa sa til den kvinne hvis sønn han hadde gjort levende: Gjør dig rede og dra bort med hele ditt hus og ophold dig på et eller annet fremmed sted! For Herren har kalt på hungersnøden, og den kommer også over landet og skal vare i syv år.
2 And she arose the woman and she did according to [the] word of [the] man of God and she went she and household her and she sojourned in [the] land of [the] Philistines seven years.
Og kvinnen gjorde sig rede og gjorde efter den Guds manns ord; hun drog bort med hele sitt hus og opholdt sig som fremmed i filistrenes land i syv år.
3 And it was from [the] end of seven years and she returned the woman from [the] land of [the] Philistines and she went out to cry out to the king concerning house her and concerning field her.
Men da syv år var gått, vendte kvinnen tilbake fra filistrenes land; og hun gikk avsted for å be kongen om hans hjelp til å få igjen sitt hus og sin jord.
4 And the king [was] speaking to Gehazi [the] servant of [the] man of God saying recount! please to me all the great [things] which he has done Elisha.
Kongen holdt da på å tale med Gehasi, den Guds manns dreng, og sa: Fortell mig om alle de store gjerninger Elisa har gjort!
5 And he was he recounting to the king this: he had restored to life the dead [one] and there! the woman whom he had restored to life son her [was] crying out for help to the king on house her and on field her and he said Gehazi O lord my the king this [is] the woman and this [is] son her whom he restored to life Elisha.
Og just som han fortalte kongen at han hadde gjort den døde levende, kom den kvinne hvis sønn han hadde gjort levende, og bad kongen om hans hjelp til å få sitt hus og sin jord. Da sa Gehasi: Herre konge! Her er kvinnen, og her er hennes sønn som Elisa gjorde levende.
6 And he asked the king the woman and she recounted to him and he assigned to her the king a court-official one saying restore all that [belonged] to her and all [the] produce of the field from [the] day [when] she left the land and until now.
Så spurte kongen kvinnen, og hun fortalte ham det; og kongen lot henne få en av hoffolkene med sig og sa: Sørg for at hun får igjen alt det som hører henne til, og alt hvad hennes jord har kastet av sig fra den dag hun forlot landet, og til nu!
7 And he went Elisha Damascus and Ben Hadad [the] king of Aram [was] sick and it was told to him saying he has come [the] man of God to here.
Elisa kom til Damaskus mens kongen i Syria Benhadad lå syk. Da det blev fortalt kongen at den Guds mann var kommet dit,
8 And he said the king to Hazael take in hand your a gift and go to meet [the] man of God and you will consult Yahweh from him saying ¿ will I live from sickness this.
sa han til Hasael: Ta en gave med dig og gå den Guds mann i møte og spør Herren gjennem ham om jeg skal komme mig av denne sykdom!
9 And he went Hazael to meet him and he took a gift in hand his and every good thing of Damascus [the] load of forty camel[s] and he came and he stood before him and he said son your Ben Hadad [the] king of Aram he has sent me to you saying ¿ will I live from sickness this.
Så drog Hasael ham i møte og tok en gave med sig av det beste som fantes i Damaskus, så meget som firti kameler kunde bære; og han kom og stod frem for ham og sa: Din sønn Benhadad, kongen i Syria, har sendt mig til dig og lar spørre: Skal jeg komme mig av denne sykdom?
10 And he said to him Elisha go say (to him *Q(K)*) certainly you will live and he has shown me Yahweh that certainly he will die.
Elisa svarte: Gå du bare og si til ham: Du skal leve. Men Herren har latt mig se at han skal dø.
11 And he set face his and he set until was ashamed and he wept [the] man of God.
Og den Guds mann holdt sine øine festet på ham overmåte lenge og begynte å gråte.
12 And he said Hazael why? [is] lord my weeping and he said for I know this: you will do to [the] people of Israel harm fortifications their you will send in fire and young men their with the sword you will kill and children their you will dash in pieces and pregnant [women] their you will rip open.
Da sa Hasael: Hvorfor gråter min herre? Han svarte: Fordi jeg vet at du skal gjøre Israels barn meget ondt; deres festninger skal du sette ild på, deres unge menn skal du drepe med sverdet, deres små barn skal du knuse, og deres fruktsommelige kvinner skal du opskjære.
13 And he said Hazael that what? [is] servant your the dog that he will do the thing great this and he said Elisha he has shown me Yahweh you king over Aram.
Hasael sa: Hvad er din tjener, den hund, at han skulde gjøre så store ting? Elisa svarte: Herren har latt mig se dig som konge over Syria.
14 And he went - from with Elisha and he came to master his and he said to him what? did he say to you Elisha and he said he said to me certainly you will live.
Så forlot han Elisa og kom til sin herre; han spurte ham: Hvad sa Elisa til dig? Han svarte: Han sa til mig at du skal leve.
15 And it was from [the] next day and he took the coverlet and he dipped [it] in water and he spread [it] out over face his and he died and he became king Hazael in place of him.
Men dagen efter tok han et teppe og dyppet det i vann og bredte det over hans ansikt, og han døde; og Hasael blev konge i hans sted.
16 And in year five of Joram [the] son of Ahab [the] king of Israel and Jehoshaphat [was] [the] king of Judah he became king Jehoram [the] son of Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah.
I Israels konge Jorams, Akabs sønns femte år, mens Josafat ennu var konge i Juda, blev Joram, Josafats sønn, konge i Juda.
17 A son of thirty and two year[s] he was when became king he and eight (years *Q(K)*) he reigned in Jerusalem.
Han var to og tretti år gammel da han blev konge, og regjerte åtte år i Jerusalem.
18 And he walked in [the] way of - [the] kings of Israel just as they did [the] house of Ahab for [the] daughter of Ahab she became of him a wife and he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
Han vandret på Israels kongers vei, likesom Akabs hus hadde gjort, for han hadde en datter av Akab til hustru, og han gjorde hvad ondt var i Herrens øine.
19 And not he was willing Yahweh to destroy Judah for [the] sake of David servant his just as he had said to him to give to him a lamp to sons his all the days.
Men Herren vilde ikke ødelegge Juda for sin tjener Davids skyld, fordi han hadde lovt ham at han vilde la en lampe brenne for ham og hans sønner gjennem alle tider.
20 In days his it rebelled Edom from under [the] hand of Judah and they made king over themselves a king.
I hans dager falt Edom fra Juda og tok sig en konge.
21 And he passed over Joram Zair towards and all the chariotry [was] with him and it was he he arose night and he struck down Edom which was surrounding him and [the] commanders of the chariotry and it fled the people to tents its.
Da drog Joram over til Sa'ir med alle sine stridsvogner; han brøt op om natten og slo edomittene, som hadde omringet ham, og høvedsmennene over deres vogner; men folket flyktet til sine hjem.
22 And it has rebelled Edom from under [the] hand of Judah until the day this then it rebelled Libnah at the time that.
Således falt Edom fra Juda og har vært skilt fra dem til den dag idag; på samme tid falt også Libna fra.
23 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Joram and all that he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah.
Hvad som ellers er å fortelle om Joram og om alt det han gjorde, er opskrevet i Judas kongers krønike.
24 And he lay down Joram with ancestors his and he was buried with ancestors his in [the] city of David and he became king Ahaziah son his in place of him.
Og Joram la sig til hvile hos sine fedre og blev begravet hos sine fedre i Davids stad; og hans sønn Akasja blev konge i hans sted.
25 In year two [plus] ten year of Joram [the] son of Ahab [the] king of Israel he became king Ahaziah [the] son of Jehoram [the] king of Judah.
I Israels konge Jorams, Akabs sønns tolvte år, blev Akasja, Jorams sønn, konge i Juda.
26 [was] a son of Twenty and two year[s] Ahaziah when became king he and a year one he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Athaliah [the] daughter of Omri [the] king of Israel.
Akasja var to og tyve år gammel da han blev konge, og regjerte ett år i Jerusalem; hans mor hette Atalja og var en datter av Israels konge Omri.
27 And he walked in [the] way of [the] house of Ahab and he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh like [the] house of Ahab for [was] [the] son-in-law of [the] house of Ahab he.
Han vandret på samme vei som Akabs hus og gjorde hvad ondt var i Herrens øine, likesom Akabs hus; for han var en slektning av Akabs hus.
28 And he went with Joram [the] son of Ahab for battle with Hazael [the] king of Aram at Ramoth Gilead and they wounded [the] Arameans Joram.
Sammen med Joram, Akabs sønn, drog han ut i krig mot Hasael, kongen i Syria, og stred mot ham ved Ramot i Gilead. Men syrerne såret Joram.
29 And he returned Joram the king to get himself healed in Jezreel from the wounds which they wounded him [the] Arameans at Ramah when fought he with Hazael [the] king of Aram and Ahaziah [the] son of Jehoram [the] king of Judah he went down to see Joram [the] son of Ahab in Jezreel for [was] sick he.
Da vendte kong Joram tilbake for å la sig læge i Jisre'el for de sår syrerne hadde slått ham ved Rama da han stred mot Syrias konge Hasael; og Judas konge Akasja, Jorams sønn, drog ned til Jisre'el for å se til Joram, Akabs sønn, fordi han var syk.

< 2 Kings 8 >