< 2 Kings 7 >

1 And he said Elisha hear [the] word of Yahweh thus - he says Yahweh about this time - tomorrow a seah of fine flour for a shekel and two seahs barley for a shekel at [the] gate of Samaria.
Elisa menjawab, "Dengarlah apa yang dikatakan TUHAN! Besok, kira-kira pada waktu seperti ini, dengan satu uang perak saja orang dapat membeli tiga kilogram gandum yang terbaik atau enam kilogram gandum jenis lainnya."
2 And he answered the officer who [belonged] to the king [who] was leaning on hand his [the] man of God and he said here! Yahweh [is] making windows in the heavens ¿ will it happen the thing this and he said here you [are] about to see with own eyes your and from there not you will eat.
Ajudan pribadi raja membalas, "Mana bisa! Itu mustahil, sekalipun pada saat ini juga TUHAN menurunkan hujan lebat dari langit!" "Nanti kau akan melihat hal itu terjadi, tapi kau tidak akan mengecap makanan itu sedikit pun," jawab Elisa.
3 And four men they were [people] having a skin disease [the] entrance of the gate and they said each to neighbor his why? [are] we sitting here until we have died.
Pada hari itu empat orang berpenyakit kulit yang mengerikan berada di luar pintu gerbang Samaria. Mereka berkata satu sama lain, "Apa gunanya kita duduk-duduk di sini menunggu mati?
4 If we said we will enter the city and the famine [is] in the city and we will die there and if we sat here and we will die and therefore come so let us fall to [the] camp of Aram if they will let live us we will live and if they will put to death us and we will die.
Jika kita masuk ke kota, kita akan mati kelaparan; dan jika kita tinggal saja di sini, kita akan mati juga. Baiklah kita ke perkemahan orang Siria. Paling-paling kita dibunuh oleh mereka. Tetapi ada kemungkinan juga kita tidak diapa-apakan."
5 And they arose at twilight to go to [the] camp of Aram and they came to [the] edge of [the] camp of Aram and there! there not there [was] anyone.
Setelah hari mulai gelap mereka pergi ke perkemahan orang Siria, tetapi mereka tidak melihat seorang pun di situ.
6 And [the] Lord he had caused to hear - [the] camp of Aram a sound of chariotry a sound of horse[s] a sound of an army large and they said each to brother his here! he has hired on us [the] king of Israel [the] kings of the Hittites and [the] kings of Egypt to come on us.
Sebab, TUHAN telah membuat orang Siria mendengar bunyi seperti serangan sebuah pasukan besar berkuda dan berkereta. Orang-orang Siria itu mengira raja Israel sudah menyewa raja Het dan Mesir beserta tentaranya untuk menyerang mereka.
7 And they arose and they fled at twilight and they abandoned tents their and horses their and donkeys their the camp [was] just as it [was] and they fled to life their.
Oleh karena itu malam itu juga mereka lari menyelamatkan diri, dan meninggalkan kemah, kuda, serta keledai mereka begitu saja di perkemahan.
8 And they came the [people] having a skin disease these to [the] edge of the camp and they went into a tent one and they ate and they drank and they carried off from there silver and gold and clothes and they went and they hid [them] and they returned and they went into a tent another and they carried off [things] from there and they went and they hid [them].
Keempat orang yang berpenyakit kulit itu tiba di pinggir perkemahan itu, dan memasuki sebuah kemah. Mereka makan minum di situ dan mengambil emas, perak serta pakaian-pakaian lalu pergi menyembunyikannya. Setelah itu mereka kembali lagi dan memasuki kemah yang lain, lalu melakukan hal yang sama.
9 And they said each to neighbor his not right - we [are] doing the day this [is] a day of good news it and we [are] silent and we will delay until [the] light of the morning and it will find us punishment and therefore come so let us go and let us tell [the] household of the king.
Mereka berkata satu sama lain, "Perbuatan kita ini tidak baik. Kabar ini kabar yang baik dan semestinya kita memberitahukannya! Jika kita tunggu sampai besok, pasti kita dihukum. Baiklah kita laporkan hal ini ke istana."
10 And they went and they called out to [the] gatekeeper of the city and they told to them saying we went into [the] camp of Aram and there! there not there [was] anyone and [the] sound of anyone that except the horse[s] tied up and the donkey[s] tied up and tents [are] just as they [were].
Karena itu kembalilah mereka ke Samaria dan berseru kepada pengawal gerbang kota, "Kami telah pergi ke perkemahan orang Siria, dan ternyata tidak ada orang di sana. Kuda dan keledai mereka kami dapati masih terikat pada tempatnya, dan kemah-kemah ditinggalkan begitu saja."
11 And he called out the gatekeepers and they told [the] household of the king within.
Para pengawal meneriakkan berita itu, sehingga orang menyampaikannya ke istana.
12 And he arose the king night and he said to servants his let me tell please to you [that] which they have done to us Aram they know that [are] hungry we and they have gone out from the camp to hide themselves (in open country *Q(K)*) saying that they will come out from the city and we will seize them alive and into the city we will go.
Pada waktu itu hari masih malam, tetapi raja keluar juga dari kamar tidurnya dan berkata kepada para pegawainya, "Dengarkan! Aku tahu rencana orang-orang Siria itu! Mereka tahu kita sedang kelaparan, karena itu mereka meninggalkan perkemahan dan pergi bersembunyi di padang untuk memancing kita keluar mencari makanan. Sesudah itu mereka akan menyergap kita dan menduduki kota."
13 And he answered one from servants his and he said and they may take please five of the horses remaining which they are left in it here they [will be] like all ([the] multitude of *Q(K)*) Israel which they are left in it here they [will be] like all [the] multitude of Israel which they have come to an end and let us send and we may see.
Seorang pegawai raja berkata, "Baginda, kita yang masih ada dalam kota ini nasibnya sama saja dengan mereka yang sudah mati. Karena itu baiklah kita menyuruh beberapa orang menaiki lima ekor kuda dari antara kuda-kuda yang masih ada, dan pergi ke sana untuk melihat apa yang telah terjadi."
14 And people took two chariot[s] horses and he sent [them] the king after [the] camp of Aram saying go and see.
Maka mereka memilih beberapa orang, lalu raja menyuruh orang-orang itu mengendarai dua kereta perang dan pergi menyelidiki apa yang telah terjadi pada tentara Siria.
15 And they went after them to the Jordan and there! all the road [was] full clothes and equipment which they had thrown away Aram (in hurrying of them *Q(K)*) and they returned the messengers and they told to the king.
Mereka pergi sampai ke Sungai Yordan. Di sepanjang jalan mereka melihat pakaian dan perkakas-perkakas berserakan. Semua itu dilemparkan begitu saja oleh orang Siria ketika mereka melarikan diri. Utusan-utusan itu pulang dan melaporkannya kepada raja.
16 And it went out the people and they plundered [the] camp of Aram and it was a seah of fine flour for a shekel and two seahs barley for a shekel according to [the] word of Yahweh.
Maka penduduk Samaria berlari ke luar kota dan menjarahi perkemahan orang Siria. Sesuai dengan apa yang dikatakan TUHAN, terjadilah bahwa tiga kilogram gandum yang terbaik atau enam kilogram gandum jenis lainnya, harganya hanya satu uang perak.
17 And the king he appointed the officer who [was] leaning on hand his over the gate and they trampled him the people in the gate and he died just as he had spoken [the] man of God who he spoke when came down the king to him.
Kebetulan pada waktu itu ajudan pribadi raja bertugas mengawasi pintu gerbang kota. Ia mati di situ terinjak-injak oleh rakyat. Hal itu terjadi sesuai dengan yang dikatakan oleh Elisa kepada raja ketika raja datang kepadanya.
18 And it was as had spoken [the] man of God to the king saying two seahs barley for a shekel and a seah of fine flour for a shekel it will be about this time tomorrow in [the] gate of Samaria.
Elisa sudah mengatakan bahwa kira-kira pada waktu seperti itu besok harinya, tiga kilogram gandum yang terbaik atau enam kilogram gandum jenis lain akan dijual di Samaria dengan harga satu uang perak.
19 And he had answered the officer [the] man of God and he said and here! Yahweh [is] making windows in the heavens ¿ will it happen according to the manner this and he said here you [are] about to see with own eyes your and from there not you will eat.
Dan pada waktu itu ajudan pribadi raja itu telah berkata, "Mana bisa! Itu mustahil, sekalipun pada saat ini juga TUHAN menurunkan hujan lebat dari langit!" Lalu dijawab oleh Elisa, "Nanti kau akan melihat hal itu terjadi, tapi kau tidak akan mengecap makanan itu sedikit pun."
20 And it happened to him thus and they trampled him the people in the gate and he died.
Demikianlah terjadi pada orang itu--ia mati terinjak rakyat di pintu gerbang.

< 2 Kings 7 >