< 2 Kings 22 >

1 [was] a son of Eight year[s] Josiah when became king he and thirty and one year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Jedidah [the] daughter of Adaiah from Bozkath.
Yosia berumur delapan tahun ketika ia menjadi raja Yehuda, dan ia memerintah di Yerusalem 31 tahun lamanya. Ibunya bernama Yedida anak Adaya, dari Bozkat.
2 And he did the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh and he walked in all [the] way of David ancestor his and not he turned aside right [hand] and left [hand].
Yosia melakukan yang menyenangkan hati TUHAN. Ia mengikuti teladan Raja Daud leluhurnya, dan mentaati seluruh hukum Allah dengan sepenuhnya.
3 And it was in eight-teen year of the king Josiah he sent the king Shaphan [the] son of Azaliah [the] son of Meshullam the scribe [the] house of Yahweh saying.
Raja Yosia mempunyai seorang sekretaris negara yang bernama Safan anak Azalya, cucu Mesulam. Pada tahun kedelapan belas pemerintahan Raja Yosia, raja memberi perintah ini kepada sekretarisnya itu, "Pergilah kepada Imam Agung Hilkia di Rumah TUHAN, dan mintalah dia memberi laporan tentang jumlah uang yang telah dikumpulkan oleh para imam yang bertugas di pintu masuk Rumah TUHAN.
4 Go up to Hilkiah the priest great so he may complete the money which has been brought [the] house of Yahweh which they have gathered [the] keepers of the threshold from with the people.
5 (And let them put it *Q(k)*) on [the] hand of [the] doers of the work who were appointed ([the] house of *Q(K)*) Yahweh and let them give it to [the] doers of the work who [are] in [the] house of Yahweh to repair [the] damage of the house.
Suruh dia memberikan uang itu kepada para pengawas pekerjaan perbaikan di Rumah TUHAN. Mereka harus mempergunakan uang itu untuk membayar upah
6 To the craftsmen and to the builders and to the masons and to acquire wood and stones of hewing to repair the house.
para tukang kayu, tukang bangunan, dan tukang batu, serta membeli kayu dan batu yang diperlukan.
7 Only not it will be accounted for with them the money which is put on hand their for in faithfulness they [are] working.
Para pengawas pekerjaan itu jujur sekali, jadi tak perlu diminta laporan keuangan dari mereka."
8 And he said Hilkiah the priest great to Shaphan the scribe [the] scroll of the law I found in [the] house of Yahweh and he gave Hilkiah the scroll to Shaphan and he read it.
Safan menyampaikan perintah raja kepada Hilkia, lalu Hilkia menceritakan kepada Safan bahwa ia telah menemukan buku hukum-hukum TUHAN di Rumah TUHAN. Hilkia memberikan buku itu kepada Safan, dan Safan membacanya.
9 And he went Shaphan the scribe to the king and he brought back the king word and he said they have poured out servants your the money which was found in the house and they have put it on [the] hand of [the] doers of the work who were appointed [the] house of Yahweh.
Setelah itu Safan kembali kepada raja dan melaporkan bahwa uang yang disimpan di Rumah TUHAN telah diambil dan diserahkan oleh para hamba raja kepada para pengawas pekerjaan perbaikan di Rumah TUHAN.
10 And he told Shaphan the scribe to the king saying a scroll he gave to me Hilkiah the priest and he read aloud it Shaphan before the king.
Kemudian Safan berkata, "Hilkia memberi buku ini kepada saya." Lalu Safan membacakan buku itu kepada raja.
11 And it was when heard the king [the] words of [the] scroll of the law and he tore clothes his.
Mendengar isi buku itu, raja merobek-robek pakaiannya karena sedih.
12 And he commanded the king Hilkiah the priest and Ahikam [the] son of Shaphan and Achbor [the] son of Micaiah and - Shaphan the scribe and Asaiah [the] servant of the king saying.
Lalu raja memberi perintah ini kepada Imam Hilkia, Ahikam anak Safan, Akhbor anak Mikha, Safan sekretaris negara, dan Asaya ajudan raja:
13 Go consult Yahweh for me and for the people and for all Judah on [the] words of the scroll which had been found this for [is] great [the] anger of Yahweh which it it has been kindled in us on that not they listened ancestors our to [the] words of the scroll this to do according to every [thing] written on us.
"Pergilah bertanya kepada TUHAN untuk aku dan untuk seluruh rakyat Yehuda mengenai isi buku ini. TUHAN marah kepada kita karena leluhur kita tidak menjalankan perintah-perintah yang tertulis di dalamnya."
14 And he went Hilkiah the priest and Ahikam and Achbor and Shaphan and Asaiah to Huldah the prophetess [the] wife of - Shallum [the] son of Tikvah [the] son of Harhas [the] keeper of the garments and she [was] dwelling in Jerusalem in the second district and they spoke to her.
Maka pergilah Hilkia, Ahikam, Akhbor, Safan dan Asaya meminta petunjuk kepada seorang wanita bernama Hulda. Ia seorang nabi yang tinggal di perkampungan baru di Yerusalem. Suaminya bernama Salum anak Tikwa, cucu Harhas; ia pengurus pakaian ibadat di Rumah TUHAN. Setelah Hulda mendengar keterangan mereka,
15 And she said to them thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel say to the man who he sent you to me.
ia menyuruh mereka kembali kepada raja dan menyampaikan
16 Thus he says Yahweh here I [am] about to bring calamity to the place this and on inhabitants its all [the] words of the scroll which he has read [the] king of Judah.
perkataan TUHAN ini: "Aku akan menghukum Yerusalem dan seluruh penduduknya seperti yang tertulis dalam buku yang baru dibaca oleh raja.
17 Because - that they have forsaken me and they have made smoke to gods other so as to provoke to anger me by all [the] work of hands their and it will be kindled anger my in the place this and not it will be quenched.
Mereka telah meninggalkan Aku dan mempersembahkan kurban kepada ilah-ilah lain. Semua yang mereka lakukan membangkitkan kemarahan-Ku. Aku marah kepada Yerusalem, dan kemarahan-Ku tidak bisa diredakan.
18 And to [the] king of Judah who sent you to consult Yahweh thus you will say to him thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel the words which you have heard.
Tetapi mengenai Raja Yosia, inilah pesan-Ku, TUHAN Allah Israel, 'Setelah engkau mendengar apa yang tertulis dalam buku itu,
19 Because it was soft heart your and you humbled yourself - from before Yahweh when hearing you [that] which I had spoken on the place this and on inhabitants its to become a horror and a curse and you tore clothes your and you wept before me and also I I have heard [the] utterance of Yahweh.
engkau menyesal dan merendahkan diri di hadapan-Ku. Aku telah mengancam untuk menghukum Yerusalem dan penduduknya. Aku akan menjadikan kota itu suatu pemandangan yang mengerikan, dan nama Yerusalem akan Kujadikan nama kutukan. Tapi ketika engkau mendengar tentang ancaman-Ku itu engkau menangis dan merobek pakaianmu tanda sedih. Aku telah mendengar doamu,
20 Therefore here I [will] gather you to ancestors your and you will be gathered to grave your in peace and not they will look eyes your on all the distress which I [will] bring on the place this and they brought back the king word.
karena itu hukuman atas Yerusalem tidak akan Kujatuhkan selama engkau masih hidup. Engkau akan meninggal dengan damai.'" Maka kembalilah utusan-utusan itu kepada raja dan menyampaikan pesan itu.

< 2 Kings 22 >