< 2 Kings 19 >

1 And it was when heard the king Hezekiah and he tore clothes his and he covered himself with sackcloth and he went [the] house of Yahweh. 2 And he sent Eliakim who [was] over the house and Shebna the scribe and [the] elders of the priests covered with sackcloth to Isaiah the prophet [the] son of Amoz. 3 And they said to him thus he says Hezekiah [is] a day of distress and rebuke and insult the day this for they have come children to birth and [is] strength there not for giving birth. 4 Perhaps he will hear Yahweh God your - all [the] words of [the] chief commander whom he sent him [the] king of Assyria - master his to taunt [the] God living and he will rebuke the words which he has heard Yahweh God your and you will lift up prayer for the remnant which is found. 5 And they came [the] servants of the king Hezekiah to Isaiah. 6 And he said to them Isaiah thus you will say! to master your thus - he says Yahweh may not you be afraid of the words which you have heard which they have blasphemed [the] servants of [the] king of Assyria me. 7 Here I [am] about to put in him a spirit and he will hear a report and he will return to own land his and I will make fall him by the sword in own land his. 8 And he returned [the] chief commander and he found [the] king of Assyria fighting on Libnah if he had heard that he had departed from Lachish. 9 And he heard concerning Tirhakah [the] king of Cush saying there! he has come out to do battle with you and he returned and he sent messengers to Hezekiah saying. 10 Thus you will say! to Hezekiah [the] king of Judah saying may not he deceive you God your whom you [are] trusting in him saying not it will be given Jerusalem in [the] hand of [the] king of Assyria. 11 Here! - you you have heard [that] which they have done [the] kings of Assyria to all the lands by totally destroying them and you will you be delivered? 12 ¿ Did they deliver them [the] gods of the nations which they destroyed fathers my Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and [the] people of Eden who [were] in Telassar. 13 Where [is]? he [the] king of Hamath and [the] king of Arpad and [the] king of Lair Sepharvaim Hena and Ivvah. 14 And he took Hezekiah the letters from [the] hand of the messengers and he read them and he went up [the] house of Yahweh and he spread out it Hezekiah before Yahweh. 15 And he prayed Hezekiah before Yahweh and he said O Yahweh [the] God of Israel [who] sits the cherubim you he [are] God to alone you of all [the] kingdoms of the earth you you made the heavens and the earth. 16 Incline O Yahweh - ear your and hear open O Yahweh eyes your and see and hear [the] words of Sennacherib which he has sent it to taunt [the] God living. 17 Truly O Yahweh they have made desolate [the] kings of Assyria the nations and land their. 18 And they have put gods their in the fire for not [were] gods they that except [the] work of [the] hands of humankind wood and stone and they have destroyed them. 19 And now O Yahweh God our save us please from hand his so they may know all [the] kingdoms of the earth that you O Yahweh [are] God to alone you. 20 And he sent Isaiah [the] son of Amoz to Hezekiah saying thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel [that] which you prayed to me concerning Sennacherib [the] king of Assyria I have heard. 21 This [is] the word which he has spoken Yahweh on him she has despised you she has mocked you [the] virgin of [the] daughter of Zion behind you a head she has shaken [the] daughter of Jerusalem. 22 Whom? have you taunted and have you blasphemed? and on whom? have you lifted up a voice and have you lifted up? height eyes your on [the] holy [one] of Israel. 23 By [the] hand of messengers your you have taunted - [the] Lord and you have said (with [the] abundance of *Q(K)*) chariotry my I I have gone up [the] height[s] of mountains [the] remotest parts of Lebanon so I may cut down [the] height of cedars its [the] choice of pines its and I went [the] lodging place of (end its *Q(K)*) [the] forest of plantation its. 24 I I have dug and I have drunk water strange so I may dry up with [the] sole of feet my all [the] canals of Egypt. 25 ¿ Not have you heard from distant [time] it I appointed from days of antiquity and I planned it now I have brought it and you are [about] to make desolate heaps ruined cities fortified. 26 And inhabitants their [were] short of hand they were dismayed and they were ashamed they were [the] vegetation of [the] field and greenery of grass grass of roofs and scorching before standing grain. 27 And sitting down you and going out you and coming you I know and raging you against me. 28 Because raging you against me and arrogance your it has come up in ears my and I will put hook my in nose your and bridle my on lips your and I will bring back you by the way which you came by it. 29 And this for you [will be] the sign you will eat this year self-sown grain and in the year second self-seeded plant[s] and in the year third sow and reap and plant vineyards and eat fruit their. 30 And it will add [the] escaped remnant of [the] house of Judah which remains a root downwards and it will produce fruit upwards. 31 For from Jerusalem it will go out a remnant and an escaped remnant from [the] mountain of Zion [the] zeal of (Yahweh of hosts *Q(K)*) it will accomplish this. 32 Therefore thus he says Yahweh concerning [the] king of Assyria not he will come into the city this and not he will shoot there an arrow and not he will confront it a shield and not he will pour out on it a mound. 33 By the way which he came by it he will return and into the city this not he will come [the] utterance of Yahweh. 34 And I will defend the city this to deliver it for own sake my and for [the] sake of David servant my. 35 And it was in the night that and he went out - [the] angel of Yahweh and he struck down in [the] camp of Assyria one hundred eighty and five thousand and they rose early in the morning and there! all of them [were] corpses dead. 36 And he departed and he went and he returned Sennacherib [the] king of Assyria and he remained in Nineveh. 37 And it was he [was] bowing down [the] house of - Nisroch god his and Adrammelech (and Sharezer sons his *Q(K)*) they struck down him with the sword and they they escaped [the] land of Ararat and he became king Esar-haddon son his in place of him.

< 2 Kings 19 >